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NEXT. By Genji Bailey. You are a NEXTgencode Scientist-to-be!. And you have developed a new genetically manipulated product that you KNOW NEXTGencode will want.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NEXT By Genji Bailey

  2. You are aNEXTgencode Scientist-to-be! And you have developed a new genetically manipulated product that you KNOW NEXTGencode will want. You must keep your product on the Q.T. though until you meet with them, so shhhhh, don’t tell anyone else what your product is!!!

  3. The Setup You have an appointment in ONE WEEK to meet with the top scientists and advertising executives at NEXTgencode, and if you are successful in selling them your product, not only will you have a BIG payday, but also a secure future at NEXTGencode! You have some work to do before your meeting, so you rush back to your lab to get started.

  4. Your Schedule In one week, the “suits” at NEXTgencode want to see: • a brochure describing your product to the “suits” at NEXTgencode • a story board for a proposed advertising campaign • and a detailed scientific description of how you came up with your product – just so they know it is truly your work, and not something that you stole from another company.

  5. Your Proof You know that you created your product, but how do you prove it to the “suits”? They want proof before they buy it. How in the heck do you show them that? OH! That’s right! You maintained a diary, detailing everything that you did to create your product, but nobody can read your handwriting, so you will have to type a copy for the “suits”. No stress, it’s all right there. Or is it??? What’s happened to your diary!?! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN IT!!! You must rush to recreate your diary before the thief that stole it figures out your handwriting and steals your ideas!!!

  6. Your Sales Pitch Whew! Now that you have rewritten your diary, and have saved it on an encrypted disk, its on to the next task – a brochure. NEXTgencode wants to see: - photos of your product - a bulleted version of your diary - the benefits of your product to the general public - and the benefits to them if they buy your idea You also need to tell them how easy it will be to produce. Hummm, off to work!

  7. Your Ad Campaign Ahhh, finally, to the creative stuff! NEXTgencode wants you to show them, on a presentation board, your ideasabout how to begin advertising your product to the general public. Afterall, it’s not going to do them any good if they can’t sell it. You need to create a cool, innovative, and cutting-edge ad campaign for your product! This is not going to be easy, but it sure will be fun! All those fonts, telling the story of your product, choosing songs and methods by which to sell. How cool is this?

  8. Time to present! Finally, the day has arrived! You sit, in the cold and impersonal waiting room. Your hands are sweaty, your heart is pounding, but you are excited because YOUR product is way too cool for them to ignore. They never would have called the meeting if they didn’t like something they saw, right? The secretary calls your name, you stand, information in-hand, and walk confidently into your future.

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