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Learn about targeted case management services for Medicaid students in West Virginia schools. Understand eligibility criteria, billing requirements, and how to enroll students. Effective from 2014.
Targeted Case Management School Based Health Services Home and Community Based Health Services 2014
Introductions Cynthia Parsons, Program Manager Behavioral Health Services and School Based Health Services WV Medicaid (BMS) Teresa McDonough, Program Manager, Traumatic Brain Injury, School Based Health Services Committee WV Medicaid (BMS)
TCM-School Based Health T2022 Code Case Management per month will be no longer in use and will be replaced by T1017, Targeted Case Management per 15 minutes Effective Date October 1, 2014
Medical Necessity Medical Necessity is services and supplies that are: appropriate and necessary for the symptoms, diagnosis or treatment of an illness; provided for the diagnosis or direct care of an illness; within the standards of good practice; not primarily for the convenience of the Medicaid Member (Student) or Provider (School); and the most appropriate level of care that can be safely provided in the school setting.
TCM Definition Targeted Case Management Services are federally defined as "those services which assist Medicaid eligible recipients in the target group to gain access to needed medical, behavioral health, social, education and other services”. *Targeted Case Management is not a direct service
TCM Definition (cont.) The relationship of the TCM Case Manager (Teacher or individual that meets the staff credentialing to render TCM Services) with a Medicaid student should be one of a partnership with the student, teacher, and the student’s family or guardians.
Credentals To Bill for TCM A psychologist with a Master's’ or Doctoral degree from an accredited program A licensed social worker A licensed registered nurse A Master's’ or Bachelor's’ degree granted by an accredited college or university in one of the following human services fields: Psychology Criminal Justice Board of Regents with health specialization – SP, PT, OT Recreational Therapy Political Science Nursing Sociology Social Work Counseling Teacher Education Behavioral Health Liberal Arts or; Other Degrees approved by the West Virginia Board of Social Work. A licensed registered nurse
Eligibility Criteria for Children Children in the schools must meet 2 of the criteria listed below to establish medical necessity. Category 1: • The child is between the ages of 3 through 17, and • The child demonstrates a serious and persistent emotional, behavioral, developmental and/or substance abuse or dependence disturbance as exemplified by a valid and documented DSM-5 diagnosis and/or diagnosis of developmental disability as described in the language of the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5); and • By virtue of age and effects of the emotional and/or developmental impairments, the child is unable to perform age-appropriate activities of daily living (ADL) without assistance and/or prompting
TCM Exclusions for Children A student is excluded from TCM Services if they are currently eligible for case management services through: West Virginia Birth to Three Program, or is in a residential treatment facility, or is in a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF), or Long-Term Care, or is receiving acute psychiatric care.
Eligibility Criteria For Adult Students Adult students must meet 3 of the criteria listed below: The adult is age 18 or older; and The adult demonstrates a serious and persistent emotional, behavioral, developmental and/or substance abuse or dependence disturbance as exemplified by a valid and documented disability as described in the language of the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5); and By virtue of age and effects of the emotional and/or developmental impairments, the adult is unable to perform age-appropriate activities of daily living (ADL) without assistance and/or prompting; and OR
TCM Exclusions For Adult Students The adult student is currently receiving services through: an acute psychiatric care facility; or a state-operated psychiatric facility; or a long-term care facility; or is enrolled through the I/DD, TBI or AD waiver program.
TCM Student Enrollment Form A signed copy of the “Acknowledgement of Management Student Enrollment Form” must be retained in the student’s billing record and must serve as an enrollment, disenrollment, or re-enrollment of the student with the school system. Must be completed prior to providing TCM activities
TCM Billing Issues A TCM unit of service consists of a 15-minute period of time. Claims must not be processed for less than a full unit of service. Consequently, in filing claims for Medicaid reimbursement, the amount of time documented in minutes must be totaled and divided by 15. Partial units must be rounded down to arrive at the number of units billed. After arriving at the number of billable units, the last date of service provision must be billed as the date of service. Rounding up to the next 15 minute unit it prohibited. The billing period cannot overlap calendar months. All payments will be recovered by BMS for services that do not meet the criteria and that are billed inappropriately.
Components OF TCM Assessment: The case manager ensures an on-going formal and informal process to collect and interpret information about a member's strengths, needs, resources, and life goals. This process is to be used in the development of an individualized education program/service plan. Assessment is a collaborative process between the student, his/her family, and the case manager. Continued “assessments” without assisting the student in gaining access to needed services does not meet service definition. Generally not “scheduled” or “routine”. Completion of screeners is part of intake process and should not be separated into another code.
Components OF TCM (cont.) IEP/Service Planning: The case manager ensures and facilitates the development of a comprehensive, IEP/service plan. Not utilized for documentation time (i.e. actual writing of the IEP—part of treatment planning meetings) but for formulation of the plan with the consumer The individualized education program/service plan records the full range of services, treatment, and/or other support needs necessary to meet the student’s goals. The case manager is responsible for regular service planning reviews based on the student’s needs and at regularly scheduled intervals. To coordinate time and date for treatment team meeting. (Note: When the case manager participates in a treatment team meeting, the services provided are not billable as Targeted Case Management.)
Components OF TCM (cont.) Linkage/Referral: Case managers ensure linkage to all internal and external services and supports identified in the student’s IEP/service plan. Linkage/Referral is to appointments/services, not to the student themselves. Advocacy: Targeted Case Management advocacy refers to the actions undertaken on behalf of the student in order to ensure continuity of services, system flexibility, integrated services, proper utilization of facilities, and resources, and accessibility to services.
Components OF TCM (cont.) Crisis Response Planning: The case manager must ensure that adequate and appropriate crisis response procedures are available to the student and identified in the individual education program/service plan. The case manager assists the student as necessary in accessing crisis support services and interventions. There is a final product that can be found within the student’s clinical record indicating what the crisis response plan is. Final product is individualized to the student and not a “standard” protocol (i.e. contact on-call worker, go to local hospital). IEP/Service Plan Evaluation: The case manager continually evaluates the appropriateness of the student's Individualized Education Program/Service Plan and makes appropriate modifications, establish new linkages, or engage in other dispositions as necessary. Purpose for IEP/Service Plan Evaluation would not be “routine review”, based upon student need and medical necessity. “Why” is a review of the plan needed prior to the next 365 day IEP review meeting. Routine reviews occur under treatment planning codes.
Components OF TCM (cont.) Monitoring and Follow up: The Case Manager ensures appropriate quality, quantity and effectiveness of service in accordance with the IEP/Service Plan. The Case Manager may only utilize and bill for this component when one of the above stated components have been utilized and determined to be a valid TCM activity. Monitoring and Follow-up cannot be the only TCM activity provided within the student’s record. The amount of time spent to “monitor/follow-up” a TCM service shall not exceed the amount of time spent rendering the valid activity.
TCM Documentation Requirements Each progress note must contain the following: Be dated and signed by the case manager along with a listing of the case manager’s credentials, (e.g. BA,MA). Link back to the student’s current IEP/Service Plan and/or other services that may be needed by the student. Include the purpose (why the activity is being performed) and content (what activity was performed) of the activity as well as the outcome (the end result of the activity performed) achieved. Include a description of the type of contact provided (e.g., face-to-face, correspondence, telephone contacts). Include the TCM component of the valid activity provided; (i.e., assessment, service planning, linkage/referral, advocacy, crisis response planning, service plan evaluation and monitoring/follow-up)—this can be a check box. List the place where the activity occurred. • “Other” is not a specific location( i.e. school or home) List the actual time spent providing each activity by listing the start – and - stop time. (rounding to the nearest 15 minutes not allowed).
Additional Information A new Bureau for Medical Services School Based Health Services Manual will be developed in 2014-2015. Department of Education will be involved in the rewrite process. Retrospective reviews will be completed in the future no set date at this time.
Questions For more information contact: Cynthia Parsons, Program Manager Bureau for Medical Services 350 Capitol Street, Room 251 Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: 304-356-4936 E-mail: Cynthia.A.Parsons@wv.gov