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Women Education

Education has empowered women and due to education women all over the world are starting to become more active in all areas like the political, administrative, judiciary, etc.

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Women Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Education: A Tool for Empowerment of Women

  2. Education is an effective instrument for social and economic development and national integration.  • Factors that are Responsible for low female literacy rate • The disparity between the male child and female child • Social separation and financial abuse. • Low enrolment of a female child in schools. • Low degree of consistency and high dropout rate.

  3. “ If you educate a Boy you just educate an individual However if you educate a girl you educate a family, society and ultimately the whole nation. “ • If women receive the education they will become more confident about themselves and it will also enhance their self-esteem.

  4. Empowerment of Women • Empowerment includes the action of raising the status of women through education, raising awareness, literacy, and training and also give training related to self defense. Women's empowerment is all about equipping and allowing women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society.

  5. Education has empowered the women and due to education women all over the world are starting to become more active in all areas like political , administrative, judiciary etc. Women have taken up big responsibilities and delivered great results.

  6. Education simply means a process of learning and obtaining skills, knowledge, morals, beliefs etc. Education is important for the development of mankind as it helps mankind to evolve with time. Nowadays everyone knows the value of education as to how it can help people to create opportunities, become Independent and live a happy prosperous life that’s why most parents’ first priority is to give their kids a good education so they can become successful in life.

  7. -Use your voice to help keep girls in school.When girls stay in school and finish secondary education, a lot of good things happen for them and their families. They enjoy better health and can take care of themselves and their children. They live longer, marry later, earn higher wages, and are more active participants in community life. 

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