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Trends in Columbia River harvest management of salmon and steelhead. Bill Tweit WDFW June 23, 2003. Recent harvest trends. Recent shift in the PDO: improved ocean survival and outmigration conditions. Basin-wide increases in productivity, exceptions are sockeye and lamprey.
Trends in Columbia River harvest management of salmon and steelhead Bill Tweit WDFW June 23, 2003
Recent harvest trends • Recent shift in the PDO: improved ocean survival and outmigration conditions. • Basin-wide increases in productivity, exceptions are sockeye and lamprey. • Harvest managers: First opportunity to capitalize on hydro improvements, hatchery programs and habitat work.
Recent harvest trends • Re-establish fisheries that have been closed or severely curtailed for decades. • Requires management principles guiding these fisheries.
WDFW Management Principles • Based on agency mission statement, Commission guidance, and adopted policies. • Conservation framework - abundance driven approaches preferred. Harvest rates support rebuilding and maintain healthy populations.
Allocation Principles • Implement US v Oregon requirements. • Provide a diversity of viable non-treaty fisheries. • Mainstem and Tributary fisheries; commercial and recreational.
Management Plans Ocean to gravel Abundance driven Harvest Tools Implementation
Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook annex through 2008 Two indicator stocks Abundance driven framework Pacific Fishery Management Council Framework Management Plan Escapement goal based Annual, public season-setting process Ocean harvest forums
U.S. vs. Oregon CRFMP expired in 1999, negotiations ongoing Spring fisheries, abundance-driven through 2005 Fall fisheries developed on an annual basis Columbia River Compact Annual process, public hearings Parameters set by US v Oregon, ESA and state spawning goals. Mainstem Harvest Forums
Tributary Harvest Plans • Some long-term agreements and some annual agreements • Parties include relevant managers. For Okanogan, parties include WDFW, Colville, and Federal parties for ESA compliance
Management Plans Ocean to gravel Abundance driven Harvest Tools Focus harvest on productive stocks Minimize weak stock impacts Implementation
Commercial selective tools • Time and area • Gillnet mesh size • Tangle net and live box; mark selective
Recreational Selective Tools • Time and area • Size restrictions • Mark selective