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CUSTOMER RELATIONS IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY. 6.03 Explain the critical aspects of business and destination image. The perception or belief that people have about a business. BUSINESS IMAGE. FACTORS THAT AFFECT BUSINESS IMAGE. Products & Services Customer mix Customer services Location

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  1. CUSTOMER RELATIONS IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY 6.03 Explain the critical aspects of business and destination image. www.brainybetty.com

  2. The perception or belief that people have about a business BUSINESS IMAGE www.brainybetty.com

  3. FACTORS THAT AFFECT BUSINESS IMAGE • Products & Services • Customer mix • Customer services • Location • Employees www.brainybetty.com

  4. Product/Service Characteristics • Tangible • Intangible • Price and quality • Selection www.brainybetty.com

  5. Customer Mix Combination of customers that use or are attracted to a particular hospitality and/or travel organization or destination • Types of customers influence image. • Certain types of customers attract or repel other customers. • Actions and behavior of some customers are offensive to others. • Nice, friendly customers enhance experiences of other customers. • Hospitality/travel organizations may target specific groups of customers. www.brainybetty.com

  6. Customer Services *Service is the most important product of the industry. • Provide amenities • Examples: thick terry-cloth robes; phones for in-flight use www.brainybetty.com

  7. Customer Services • Personal attention/interaction • Recognize guest/visitor • Positive first impression • Fulfill visitor’s expectations • Reduce effort required of customer • Facilitate customer decision-making • Create memories • Expect customers to remember bad experiences • Follow-up www.brainybetty.com

  8. Customer Services Service encounter: The period of time in which a customer directly interacts with hospitality industry services, personnel, or physical facilities • Employees must respond favorably to customer complaints or disappointments. • Employees must respond favorably to customer needs and requests. • Employees’ actions must reflect favorably on the business. www.brainybetty.com

  9. Location • Convenience • Comfort • Attractiveness • Safety www.brainybetty.com

  10. Employees • Well-trained • Courteous • Respectful • Professional Behavior and Appearance www.brainybetty.com

  11. Destination Image The attitudes customers have towards destinations • Major factor in determining travel location • most people don’t have firsthand knowledge of destinations • Every destination has an image. • Destination images differ from person to person. www.brainybetty.com

  12. Sources of destination images • Books • Movies • Television • Postcards • Songs • Photographs • News stories Induced images: Generated by promotions and advertisements www.brainybetty.com

  13. Destination image modification The process of examining a tourist’s overall travel experience • Compares traveler expectations to actual experiences • The tourist is satisfied when experiences live up to expectations. • The tourist decides whether or not to return to a destination based on satisfaction or dissatisfaction. • Travelers talk about experiences, which helps others form destination images. www.brainybetty.com

  14. Functional image: Image of a destination associated with specific activities and attractions at the destination. (Cape Hatteras = Beach) Symbolic image: Image of a destination which is related to the personality of the area as perceived by the visitor. Different destinations have different personalities. (Disney = Family) *Both functional and symbolic images help determine a traveler’s choice of destination. www.brainybetty.com

  15. Overcoming a negative image • Positive publicity • Advertising campaigns designed to build positive images • Incentives • Tour packages • Frequent flyer programs • Frequent guest programs www.brainybetty.com

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