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5 Tips for Picking the Best Hotel Online-PDF

The amenities and the service is the most important thing in the hotel that we pay for and any bad experience related to that really sucks and can spoil your mood. Many times hotels display services and amenities without showing their price but that does not mean, certainly they wonu2019t charge for that, they may charge so do not forget to cross check that.

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5 Tips for Picking the Best Hotel Online-PDF

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  1. Eefa Hotels Luxury Hotels| Belgaum Hotels | Best Hotels | Hotel Amenities https://www.eefahotels.com/

  2. 5 Tips for Picking the Best Hotel Online

  3. https://www.eefahotels.com/ Know the amenities Check the hotel’s website. Be alert with the location Observe all the good and bad reviews on portals Make sure the details and the photos are latest.

  4. Know the amenities The amenities and the service is the most important thing in the hotel that we pay for and any bad experience related to that really sucks and can spoil your mood. Many times hotels display services and amenities without showing their price but that does not mean, certainly they won’t charge for that, they may charge so do not forget to cross check that. If you are booking a hotel which claim itself as a luxury hotel, make sure they have these 9 basics things.

  5. Business centre  Wi-Fi  Concierge  Restaurant Laundry Room service  Pool  Gym  AC Luxury is a very enticing word, that drags anyone’s attention, but not all hotels stand to be said as a luxury hotel.

  6. Check the hotel’s website. If you are boking a hotel from any portal like Trivago etc. make sure before you book the hotel, you check the hotel website. The reason for these Is, hotels register themselves on numerous portals and it is possible that they do not update these portals on time. Like the adding of new amenities like spa or pool, undergoing renovation, policy change etc. so it is always a good idea to cross check it. Also you can check the gallery sections of the hotel, hotels generally keep a gallery sections which display the images inside the hotels, that can will give you the clear assumption of the hotel

  7. Be alert with the location one of the most factor to keep in mind while booking the hotel is its location. Hotel is all about the location, we book hotels only because they are near to the destination we want to go. Now, hotels use any tactics like the hotel is just near the Taj Mahal but what ‘near’ means for them may be 50 km and you may assume it is on a walkable distance, so be sure about it! Check out the restaurants and the market places how near they are, if they are not, how easy It is to reach them? in case you are a vegetarian make sure there is veg restaurants around, try to find out the traffic conditions there

  8. Observe all the good and bad reviews on portals Now, getting a clear picture of the hotel from miles away indeed is a difficult task. Never rely on what the hotel ay about itself on its website, many a time it is just a fiction apart from reality. The content writers write in the manner that you will feel like it is the best hotel to choose, but that can be utter stupidity. Read the google reviews of the hotel. Check the respected hotel reviews on the famous portals, there you will get the real truth. That is the only medium which will give you the underneath truths like Network issues, WI-FI, parking issues etc.

  9. Make sure the details and the photos are latest. Hotels many times upload edited photos which may not be the same as in real. The second tactic that they use is that they put the old photos when the hotels was newly so, while booking any hotel cross check the hotels on the portals and make sure that the images uploaded is at least not older than a year, obviously we do not like to stay in the hotel with peeling wallpapers, and dripping bathroom taps.

  10. This information by the Eefa hotel in Belgaum, the hotel is known for its honest services. It is a Luxury Business Hotel in Belgaum. you can get more information on www.eefahotels.com

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