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Anatomy of the female perineum and perineal pouches. Collectively called the Vulva which includes: • Mons Pubis • Labia Majora and Minora • Clitoris • Urethra • Vaginal Orifice • Vestibular Glands
Collectively called the Vulva which includes: • Mons Pubis • Labia Majora and Minora • Clitoris • Urethra • Vaginal Orifice • Vestibular Glands • Mons Pubis fatty, rounded area over the pubic symphysis • Labia Majora 2 fatty skin folds that are homologous with the male scrotum • Labia Minora smaller folds covered with mucosa and richly supplied with sebaceous glands enclose the region called the vestibule, which contains the clitoris, urethra and vaginal orifices
Greater Vestibular Glands (Batholin's Glands) • equivalent to bulbourethral glands in males • secrete mucus containing liquid for lubrication • during sexual intercourse Lesser Vestibular Glands • also secrete mucus for lubrication Clitoris erectile tissue equivalent to glans penis housed in a hood of tissue (prepuce) formed by the junction of labia minora richly supplied by nerves and engorges with blood upon sexual arousal
Part of the adult female external genitalia Mons pubis clitoris Urethral orifice Labia majora Labia minora introitus anus
The perineum • Overlies the inferior pelvic aperture • The urogenital triangle s anterior to a line in front of the ischial tuberosities • The muscles are grouped as • Superficial –bulbospogiosus,ischiocarvenosus and superficial transverse perinei occupying the superficial perineal pouch
Superficial perineal pouch • Boundaries • Below-membranous layer of superficial fascia (Colle’s fascia) • Above-urogenital diaphragm • Laterally attached to margins of pubic arch • Anteriorly communicates with space btw sup. Fascia of ant abd. Wall & its muscles
The superficial perineal pouch • Contains structures forming the root of clitoris • Bulbospongiosus- sorrounds orifice of vagina & covers vestibular bulbs • Ischiocarvenosus-covers the crus of clitoris • Superficial transverse perinei
Perineal body-wedge shaped mass of ffibrous tissue situated btw lower end of vagina & anal canal • Giives attachment to perinei muscles, levatores ani & support posterior wall of vagina • Perineal branch of pudendal nerve supplies skin & muscles
Deep perineal pouch • Lies between the superior & inferior (perineal membrane) fascia of the urogenital diaphragm
Contents of the dep perineal pouch • Deep perinei muscles-deep transverse pernei • Part of the urethra • Part of the vagina • The sphincter urethrae (pierced by urethra and vagina) • Internal pudendal vessels & their branches • Dorsal nerves of clitoris
Female urethra • 4cm long • Opens into vestibule 2.5cm below clitoris
Episiotomy • At childbirth the introitus may be enlarged by making an incision in the perineum • Starts at the fourchette and extends mediolateraaly to the right side for 3cm. • Structures encountered in an episiotomy include- skin, vaginal epithelium, subcutaneous fat, perineal body and superficial transverse perineal muscle