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DTS Briefing 01 Nov 13

DTS Briefing 01 Nov 13. Agenda. Commandant Finance/Government Travel Card Defense Travel System (DTS) DTS Help/Technical Assistance Company Commanders/First Sergeants. Commandant. Congratulations! What the heck is DTS? The Travel Team-Introductions Professionalism

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DTS Briefing 01 Nov 13

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DTS Briefing01 Nov 13

  2. Agenda • Commandant • Finance/Government Travel Card • Defense Travel System (DTS) • DTS Help/Technical Assistance • Company Commanders/First Sergeants

  3. Commandant • Congratulations! • What the heck is DTS? • The Travel Team-Introductions • Professionalism • Pit Fall #1 : The Travel Card • Pit Fall #2 : Failure to Plan; Last Minute Nutrolls • Pit Fall #3 : Failure to Communicate • Professionalism • Go forth and do great things!

  4. Finance/Government Travel Card • USUHS Travel Card Program • Program Manager Mr. James Bruce (301) 295-3496Jbruce@usuhs.mil • Financial Management OfficeBldg A, Rm A1040B

  5. Finance/Government Travel Card • Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998 (TTRA), Public Law 105-264 • The Department of Defense (DoD) policy is that the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) will be used by all DoD personnel to pay for all costs related to official Government travel. Official government travel is defined as travel under competent orders while performing duties pertaining to official government assignments such as temporary duty (TDY)

  6. Finance/Government Travel Card • Benefits of Using a Travel Card • Travelers can use their travel charge card wherever a credit card is accepted for authorized reimbursable travel expenses • Saves administrative costs incurred on paper-based transactions • Enhances unit readiness

  7. Finance/Government Travel Card • Traveler/Card Holder Responsibilities • Travelers must use the card for airfare, lodging and rental cars (Never purchase the extra insurance) • Pay the balance due in full, upon receipt of the billing statement • https://home.cards.citidirect.com/CommercialCard/Cards.html • Complete and file travel vouchers within five business days of completion of travel

  8. Finance/Government Travel Card • Traveler/Card Holder Responsibilities • Use the card only for authorized official travel expenses ( Do not use within local area) • Ensure that all personal information is current • Notify Citi Bank if the travel card is lost or stolen

  9. Finance/Government Travel Card • Types of Travel Cards • Standard Travel Card • Use of this type of card is limited to travelers with favorable credit report • Credit limit $7500 • Restricted Travel Card • An individual does not meet the credit requirements for a Standard card • If the individual declines a credit check • Requested by the Commanding Officer, supervisor, or APC • Credit limit $4000

  10. Finance/Government Travel Card • Travel Card Credit Limits

  11. Finance/Government Travel Card • Payment Policy • Monthly Billing statements list all charges and activities that occurred during the billing cycle • Payment should be made in full by the due date whether reimbursement has been received or not received from your TDY • Accounts are past due if not paid by the statement due date

  12. Finance/Government Travel Card • Payment Policy • Accounts become delinquent and are suspended at 60 days after the statement date • If there are incorrect transactions on the statement, the cardholder may dispute them

  13. Finance/Government Travel Card • Delinquency • Occurs when a cardholder fails to pay the outstanding balance in full within 60 days of the billing statement date • The Chart below shows a timeline of what happens with your account past due 30 through 120 days

  14. Finance/Government Travel Card • Contributing Factors to Delinquency • Voucher was not filed for reimbursement in a timely manner • Reimbursement was not used to pay the charge card vendor • Traveler did not claim all authorized expenses • The charge card vendor was not paid in full by the billing statement due date • Excessive/unauthorized cash withdrawals or card usage for unofficial travel expenses

  15. Finance/Government Travel Card • The Consequences of Delinquency • Counseling • Oral and/or written reprimand • Negative reporting to credit bureaus (after 210 days of delinquency) • Cancellation of the travel charge card account • Suspension of charging privileges • Salary Offset

  16. Finance/Government Travel Card • Split Disbursement • Become familiar with the Split Disbursement option in DTS • A method to avoid delinquency • Selected when submitting a voucher • A portion of the traveler’s reimbursement goes directly to the charge card vendor, thus expediting the payment

  17. Finance/Government Travel Card • Split Disbursement • The remainder of the reimbursement is sent directly to the cardholder’s account listed in their profile • Military individuals are required to split disburse all appropriate reimbursements to the charge card vendor • The traveler and the approving official should ensure that split disbursement is done properly

  18. Finance/Government Travel Card • Split Disbursement in DTS • How to split your disbursement after clicking the Additional Options link in DTS • The Payment Totals screen shows portion of the total reimbursable expense that will be disbursed to the charge card vendor and the portion that will be disbursed to the traveler’s personal account

  19. Finance/Government Travel Card • Partial Payments in DTS • A partial payment allows the mbr to send automatic payments to the GTC prior to submitting voucher for reimbursement at the completion of travel • If you opt for partial payments, you are still required to submit a travel voucher • Partial payments can only be set up if you will be on orders for 45 days or longer • How to set up partial payments after clicking the Additional Options link in DTS (top right of the screen) • Select Partial Payments (middle of dark blue tool bar) • Select the box that says Partial Payments

  20. Finance/Government Travel Card Here at the University, we run weekly reports to check for unauthorized transactions and past due accounts and report the results to the Brigade and the Company Commanders. Use your card responsibly and keep your name off these lists.

  21. Defense Travel System (DTS) What is DTS and Why Do We Use It?

  22. Defense Travel System (DTS) • What is DTS? • “Featuring the best practices in industry and plug-and-play components, Defense Travel System streamlines the entire process involved in global Department of Defense (DoD) travel.” • Why do We use it? Because You Have To!

  23. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Policy • JFTR • USUHS (Business Rules) • http://www.usuhs.mil/students/studenttravel.html • Brigade • Nine Rounds for Third Year Travel • You might have to use DTS several times • Be pro-active in learning and asking questions • Look over the training on the website

  24. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Chain of Communication • DTSAlert@usuhs.edu • Mr Austin Mitchell (DTS Reviewer) • 295-3965 • austin.mitchell.ctr@usuhs.edu • Mrs. Wendy McGrew (DTS Reviewer) • 295-3120 • Gwendolyn.McGrew@usuhs.edu • Mrs. Deborah Smith (Approving Official) • 295-1602 • deborah.smith@usuhs.edu • Company Commander/First Sergeants • 295-3722

  25. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Training • 13, 27, 29 Nov 12 & 3, 5, 10, in the LRC (times available on sign up rosters) • Must attend one of these trainings prior to going on any rotations • Must have GTC, Rotation Locations, Rental Car (the appointed mbr), and approved Business Rule 16 (if taking leave en-route with TDY) • GTC and Address must be entered in DTS ASAP

  26. Defense Travel System (DTS) Review the Training

  27. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Your Responsibility • Entering orders in DTS at least 30 days prior to travel (add multiple rounds if consecutively away) • Making reservations for airfare and car rentals in DTS • Must use Carlson Wagonlit 1-866-480-0659 if calling direct • Confirming lodging and dates (Some Lodging Contracted or Prepaid) NLT 14 days prior to travel • Coordinating changes in rotation with OSA, Company Commanders, and Approving Official

  28. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Your Responsibility • Contacting DTS Alert “First” before making changes to approved orders • Confirming and Printing your orders ahead of time • Communicating with both the Academic and Military Chains of Command • Save Receipts for Everything for voucher reimbursement • Have CAC access while on rotation • Buy a CAC card reader-HIGHLY RECOMMENDED • http://militarycac.com/

  29. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Mode of Travel • If traveling by POV member must fill out a Travel Constructive Worksheet in DTS prior to approval • http://www.usuhs.mil/students/studenttravel.html • Will only be reimbursed the GOV airfare cost from home station to TDY/TAD location or reverse • Only one day of travel is authorized to and from the TDY/TAD location • Member must submit leave

  30. Defense Travel System (DTS)

  31. Defense Travel System (DTS)

  32. Defense Travel System (DTS) http://apps.fas.gsa.gov/citypairs/search/

  33. Defense Travel System (DTS)

  34. Defense Travel System (DTS) You only get paid the City Pair Cost

  35. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Business Rule 16 • Leave in conjunction with TDY/TAD • Traveler personally purchases airfare to a leave point prior or after a TDY/TAD • Will only be reimbursed the GOV airfare cost from home station to TDY/TAD location or reverse • Can not use CTO to purchase airline ticket • Example Business Rule 16 located at http://www.usuhs.mil/students/studenttravel.html • Must have signed authorization by Approving Official prior to purchasing ticket

  36. Defense Travel System (DTS)

  37. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Lodging • You will receive lodging confirmation # from Mr. Austin Mitchell • Call two weeks in advance to confirm your reservations and dates (Some Lodging is Prepaid by the University) • Members are not authorized “Non-availability” use the DTS chain of command ASAP for any issues • You must cancel lodging if you change your rotations • If you plan on being out of lodging for more than a few days, you must check out (Contact your Chain of Command) • If you upgrade a room, you pay the difference (Family) • If you plan on living at the TDY location, you must have a signed lease to receive up to the amount of lodging, unless location is prepaid (Lackland is Prepaid)

  38. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Car Rental • Must be authorized by the Approval Official and in the DTS orders • Vehicle must be compact or economy size • Vehicle will be used for “Official Business ONLY” (i.e. TDY location, food, necessities, etc) Excess gas will not be refunded • Do NOT accept upgrades in rental cars-mbr will not be reimbursed for additional cost of gas • If you refuse the rental, contact Mr. Mitchell ASAP so another member can be assigned • Save gas receipts • Rental vehicle can only be picked up the day prior to the start of TDY

  39. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • Example: Traveling to Travis AFB CA for Round Three, left car in San Antonio TX during Round 2 because you flew back to Bethesda MD for an exam. Now you need to pick up your car on the way to Travis AFB CA. • What will the government pay? • Business Rule 16 or Travel Constructive Worksheet • All travel must be documented in your orders • Government will only pay for Official Travel

  40. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You show up for a funded round and lodging has informed you that no rooms are available even with your confirmation number and want to give you a non-availability letter. • What do you do? • Call your Company Commander/First Sergeant

  41. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You are completing a funded round and want to change your return flight to one day early. • What do you do? • DO NOT CHANGE FLIGHTS IN DTS! • Call the Airline carrier directly and change the flight • You could be responsible for any additional costs

  42. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You’re waiting for funded orders to be approved and you still haven’t received an e-mail notifying you of the approval. • What do you do? • Look in DTS • Use the DTS Alert System/chain of communication • DO NOT WAIT TIL THE LAST MINUTE!

  43. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • Should you make changes in DTS once orders are approved? • Once you edit approved orders, they have to be signed, reviewed, and approved again • Use the DTS Alert System/chain of communication • DO NOT WAIT TIL THE LAST MINUTE!

  44. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You are authorized a car rental and they offer you an upgrade at no cost. • What do you do? • DO NOT take the up-grade • Take the upgrade and not be refunded for additional gas cost

  45. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You are away on multiple rounds and have decided to return to Bethesda MD over the weekend to visit family. • What should you do? • Once you return to Home Station on official orders you must start new orders • Additional flights or costs associated with your return will be paid by the member

  46. Defense Travel System (DTS) • Scenarios • You have an emergency that requires you to leave your TDY/TAD location. • What should you do? • Contact your academic and military chain of commands • Check out of lodging to stop billing for time away from TDY location (?)

  47. DTS Help/Technical Assistance • DTSHelp@usuhs.edu or .mil • NOTE: Any/all request should be sent to the above email address after checking with your DTS travel team. • Primary: • Curtis (Doc) Mask • 301-295-3230 • Alternate • Lee Beauchamp • 301-295-3230

  48. Company Commanders/First Sergeants • CPT MavlynBazil – 301-295-9433 • Email: mavlyn.bazil@usuhs.edu • SFC Joseph Mickles- 301-295-0593 • Email: Joseph.mickles@usuhs.edu • LT Melissa Strahan- 301-295-9434 • Email: melissa.strahan@usuhs.edu • HMC E. Michael Davenport- 301-295-9667 • Email: Eric.davenport@usuhs.edu • Maj Angelique Collamer- 301-295-3280 • Email: angelique.collamer@usuhs.edu • MSgt Leanne Donathan- 301-295-0555 • Email: leanne.donathan@usuhs.edu

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