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Atlanta Georgia PEO Provider - Einstein HR, Inc.

Einstein HR provides PEO, ASO, Payroll, Benefits, Workers' Compensation & HR for companies nationwide with 5-500 Employees. We have worked with clients to alleviate legal compliance issues, establish diversity initiatives, and develop employee handbooks, policies, and procedures. The chances are, if you have an HR challenge, we’ve encountered it before and have a proven solution to help you.

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Atlanta Georgia PEO Provider - Einstein HR, Inc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhatisEinsteinHR? EinsteinHRwasbornoutofaneedinthemarketplaceforafullserviceHRO company.ThroughmarketresearchandyearsofexperienceinthePEO industry,theprincipalsatEinsteinHRweredisappointedtodiscoverthata numberofPEOswerenotprovidingthekindofservicethatclientsdeserve. Thus,EinsteinHumanResourceswascreatedwithonegoalinmind:tohelp clientcompaniescost-effectivelyoutsourcethemanagementofpayroll, workers’ compensation,humanresourcesandemployeebenefitswhile providingthebestcustomerservicepossible. Today,ourteamofexpertsprovidesHRoutsourcingservicesforbothmid- sizedandsmallemerginggrowthcompanies.Weworkwithmediumsized companiesasanextensionoftheirHRfunctiontoprovidebenefitstoand helpmanagetheirworkforcetalent.Wealsoworkwithsmallcompaniesto provideacomprehensiveHROsolutiontohelpthemattracttheright individualstobalanceouttheirteamforcontinuedsuccess.

  2. WhatisaPEO? APEOisapartnercompanythatcangiveyouremployeesbetterbenefits, saveyoumoney,andtakeHRandcomplianceoffyourplate.It’showyou offerFortune500benefitsnomatterwhatsizecompanyyouare. PEOstandsforprofessionalemployerorganization.YourPEOactsasyour workers’ employerforcertainlegalpurposes,lettingyoutotapintothePEO’s benefitsnetwork,insurance,workerscomp,andHRresources.Yourcompany getsalltheadvantagesofhavingaprofessionalHRteamandworldclass benefits. KeyadvantagesofhavingaPEOinclude: Offeryouremployeescomprehensive,topqualitybenefits Reducethecostofprovidingbenefits GetcompleteHRserviceswithouthiringstaff ReduceriskandensureAffordableCareActcompliance

  3. ServicesWeOffer: • Save Business Owners Time & Money • Provide Customized & Personalized Service • Cater Services to the Best Interest of the Client • Eliminate the Stress associated with Employee Relations • Provide Equal Options to Companies, Regardless of Size • Secure Benefits for SME Businesses Not Available Without a PEO • Give Businesses the Ability to Thrive • Help Business Owners Obtain & Retain Talent • Create Lifelong Business Partnerships as Your PEO Advocate 

  4. WhyYouShouldChooseEinsteinHR We have worked with clients to alleviate legal compliance issues, establish diversity initiatives, and develop employee handbooks, policies, and procedures. The chances are, if you have an HR challenge, we’ve encountered it before and have a proven solution to help you. We pride ourselves on world class customer service and bring over 30 years of experience in the human resource field to work for you. With our focus on customer service, accuracy and reliability, it’s no wonder EinsteinHR has a 95% client­retention rate. In 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, Einstein HR was voted as having the Best Customer Service!

  5. ContactEinsteinHR TodaytoLearnHow YouCanStart SavingMoneyOn PayrollandHRWith AFREEQuote! 770-766-4180sales@einsteinhr.com

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