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MDMA ( ecstacy )

MDMA ( ecstacy ). By Cody Wilkins. History.

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MDMA ( ecstacy )

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  1. MDMA (ecstacy) By Cody Wilkins

  2. History MDMA was first synthesized in 1912 intended to stop abnormal bleeding. After that MDMA was largely forgotten, researched years later in universities, and used casually by the doctors who researched it and their friends. In the 80’s MDMA became popular in night clubs and gay clubs, it later spread to the Europe and the rave culture. MDMA was classified as a schedule 1 drug in 1985.

  3. Medical uses Arguably can be used to assist in psychotherapy Buddhist Monks use it in small doses to enhance meditation Currently being researched for its use in treating PTSD

  4. Recreational use Raves Night Clubs Gay Clubs Often used in conjunction with other psychedelic drugs

  5. Effects on the Brain Causes the release of large amounts of serotonin Blocks the reuptake of serotonin by the synaptic terminal Depletes the amount of serotonin in the brain Reduced memory Brain damage Possibly toxic

  6. How people feel when they are on ecstacy Altered conscience Sense of inner peace Diminished aggression Diminished fear and anxiety Euphoria Exceptionally loving towards others Improved self confidence Heightened senses Auditory and visual distortions Stimulated arousal/hyperactivity Increased alertness More energy Decreased pain/analgesia

  7. Acute Effects Psychological Anxiety Paranoia Depression Irritability fatigue Impaired focus

  8. Acute Effects Physiological Jaw clenching Teeth grinding Dry mouth Loss of appetite Dizziness Diarrhea/constipation Insomnia Aching Exhaustion

  9. Long Term Effects Depression Memory impairment Brain damage Damage to blood vessels Muscle twitching Involuntary eye movements Damage to heart Organ failure

  10. Overdose Risks Overactive reflexes Rapid breathing or shortness of breath Severe chest pain Abnormal electrical activity in the heart Circulatory shock Heart Failure Hemorrhage Stroke Hyperthermia (body too hot) Fainting/loss of consciousness Coma Death Dead Hours Later

  11. Medical Treatment There are currently no pharmacological treatments for Ecstasy addiction but the best treatment as with most drugs is behavioral cognitive therapy. Some Buddhist monks use MDMA to enhance their meditations.

  12. Legal Conscequences Possessing • $500(min)-$750,000(max) fine • 8(min) months to 15(max) years in prison • Reduced college opportunities • Reduced job opportunities Distributing • $5,000(min)-$1,000,000(max) fine • 1(min) year to life(max) in prison • Reduced college opportunities • Reduced job opportunities

  13. Sources About.com. (n.d.). Ecstacy - MDMA. Retrieved from http://alcoholism.about.com/od/ecstasy/Ecstasy_MDMA.htm Chudler, E. H. (Ed.). (2011). Ecstacy. Retrieved from Neuroscience For Kids: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/mdma.html Info facts: MDMA (ecstasy). (n.d.). Retrieved from NIDA: http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/infofacts/mdma-ecstasy Levinthal, C. F. (2012). Drugs, Behavior, & Modern Society (seventh edition). Boston: Pearson. Wikipedia. (2012, March 27). MDMA. Retrieved 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecstasy_(drug)

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