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P or & P ara. Expressing by, through, Destination and Time. The prepositions por and para have distinct meanings. A. Para indicates movement toward a destination. Cuando era ni ño, salía para la escuela a las 7:30. When I was a kid , I used to leave for school at 7:30.
Por & Para Expressing by, through, Destination and Time
The prepositions por and para have distinct meanings. • A. Para indicates movement toward a destination. • Cuando era niño, salíaparala escuela a las 7:30. • When I was a kid , I used to leave for school at 7:30. • Perdón, Señor, Cuál es el tren que sale paraMadrid? • Excuse me, Sir, which is the train that is leaving for Madrid?
Por, on the other hand, indicates motion through or by (along) a place. • Pasamos por varios pueblos antes de llegar a Salamanca. • We went through various villages before arriving in Salamanca. • En las noches caminábamos por la orilla del lago de Chapala. • In the evenings we would take walks along the shore of Lake Chapala.
Por is also used to indicate means of transportation. • Mis hermanos quieren viajar por barco, pero yo quiero ir por avión. • My brothers want to travel by boat, but I want to go by plane. Note the contract in usage in the following example. • Mañana salgo para París. Voy a viajar en por tren. • Tomorrow I´m leaving for Paris. I´ll travel by train.
B. Por can also be used to indicate length of time. • 1. Use por to indicate length of time (although you may often omit por in these cases). Some examples of time expressions are por una semana, por tres meses, por un año, and por mucho tiempo. • Hoy tengo que trabajar en el taller (por) diez horas. • Today I have to work in the shop for ten hours
You can also use por to express during, in, or at with part of the day: por la mañana, por la tarde, por la noche. • Aquí por la noche todo el mundo sale a pasear. • Here in (during) the evening everybody goes out for a walk.
2. Use para to indicate a deadline by which something is expected to happen. • Hay que entregar el informe paralas 10:00. • We have to turn in the report by 10:00. • La tarea es parael viernes. • The homework is for (due) Friday.
That’s not all • Do the exercises on section “Cabos Sueltos” page 449-450