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Effective Communication: Strategies for Impactful Message Transmission

Explore the crucial steps of communication in public relations, from message exposure to audience awareness, attitudes, and action. Learn key tactics to ensure message reception, understanding, credibility, and memorability. Discover the measurement and evaluation techniques for successful PR campaigns.

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Effective Communication: Strategies for Impactful Message Transmission

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  1. THINK Public Relations Wilcox/Cameron/Reber/Shin

  2. Ch6: Communication and Measurement

  3. Overview • Communication: The third step • Measurement: The fourth step • Measurement of message exposure • Measurement of audience awareness, attitudes, and action

  4. Communication: The Third Step • Communication • Is referred to as execution • Is the process and the means by which objectives are achieved • Tactics are developed to implement the plan.

  5. Goals of Communication • Message exposure • Accurate dissemination • Acceptance of the message • Attitude change • Behavior change

  6. Making Sure the Audience Receives the Message • Schramm’s model • Source, Encoder, Signal, Decoder, Destination • Grunig’s model • Two-way symmetrical communication • Mixed motives

  7. Making the Audience Pay Attention to the Message • Theoretical perspectives • Lasswell’s definition of communication • “Who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect?” • Media uses and gratification • Passive audiences / Active audiences • Bandura: Social Learning Theory • Pavlov, propaganda / Powerful effects • The two-step flow: a small group of influencers are responsible for dissemination of information because they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people.

  8. Making Sure the Message is Understood • Importance of language • Understand cultural differences • Check writing for simplicity and clarity • Readability formulas: Flesch, Cloze • Use symbols, acronyms, easy-to-remember slogans • Avoid jargon, cliché, hype, euphemisms, discriminatory language • Employers: ‘writing skills’ & ‘critical thinking skills’

  9. Making the Message Credible • Source credibility • Context of the message • Involvement

  10. Making the Message Memorable • Repetition • Delivering information in a variety of ways via multiple communication channels

  11. What Do You Think? • What are the five steps of the adoption process? What are some of the factors that affect the adoption of an idea or a product?

  12. Making Sure the Audience Acts on the Message • Five-stage adoption process • Awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption • Rogers’ diffusion of innovations • Relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, observability • Why do we pay attention to some things and ignore others? • Are you an ‘opinion leader’ or ‘follower’?

  13. Measurement: The Fourth Step • Measurement is the evaluation of results against agreed-upon objectives established during planning. • Evaluation improves the public relations process.

  14. Basic Evaluation Questions • Adequately planned? • Message(s) understood? • How could strategy have been more effective? • Audiences reached? • Objectives achieved? • What was unforeseen? • Budget met? • Future improvements?

  15. Objectives: A Prerequisite for Measurement • Develop a clearly established set of measurable objectives. • Informational and motivational objectives

  16. Measurement and Evaluation Status

  17. Measurement of Message Exposure • Compile clippings/mentions • Most widely used metric • Media impressions • Placement x circulation/viewership/listenership • Internet hits • Advertising equivalency • Space/time x advertising rate • Systematic tracking • Analyze volume and content of media placements

  18. Measurement of Message Exposure • Information requests • Cost per person • Audience attendance

  19. Measurement of Audience Awareness, Attitudes, and Action • Audience awareness • Survey • Day-after recall • Audience Attitude • Related to awareness • Baseline/benchmark studies • Audience Action • The ultimate objective of any public relations effort • Measure desired behaviors

  20. To inform, To persuade, To motivate and To build mutual understanding are some of the _____ goals of communication. legitimate

  21. Into which media category do publicity, advertising, and product placements fall? public

  22. Brochures, newsletters, annual reports and direct mail are all forms of ________ media. controlled

  23. Message exposure, accurate dissemination of the message, acceptance of the message and attitude change are a key objective for ________ communicating a message

  24. The theory that says people use the mass media for a variety of purposes in known as uses and gratifications

  25. The kind of audience that may initially pay attention to a message only because it’s entertaining is k known as a ______ audience. passive

  26. Websites, brochures, slide presentations and speeches are effective tools for delivering information to a(n) _______ audience active

  27. It reminds the audience, it can lead to improved learning, it offsets the “noise” and it contributes to credibility are a benefit of ______a message. repeating

  28. Every person does not go through all five stages, yheprocess may end after any step, the process is like a large funnel and it can be applied to both ideas or products are true of the: Five-Stage Adoption Process

  29. At what stage in the adoption process do people seek more information about the idea or product? interest

  30. According to communication researcher Everett Rogers, people who are eager to try new ideas are called innovators

  31. Retention, comprehension, awareness and reception are considered to be an “_______” level of measurement intermediate

  32. According to a recent survey of public relations practitioners, which tool is the most effective measure of message exposure? clippings

  33. The potential audience reached by a periodical or broadcast program is known as Media impressions

  34. Tracking media coverage and comparing it over time is known as: benchmarking

  35. The ultimate objective of any public relations effort is to achieve _____. organizational objectives

  36. In the Diffusion of Innovations model, ______ are traditionalists who are the last to adopt anything. laggards

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