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History of Forensic Science

History of Forensic Science. “Forensic” derived from the Latin word “forensis” which means forum A forum is a public meeting place for open discussion Accused and Accuser argued their cases before a chosen group of people The individual with the best argument and delivery method won!.

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History of Forensic Science

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  1. History of Forensic Science

  2. “Forensic” derived from the Latin word “forensis” which means forum A forum is a public meeting place for open discussion Accused and Accuser argued their cases before a chosen group of people The individual with the best argument and delivery method won! Ancient Rome

  3. Forensic Science is the application of science to matters of the law

  4. 3rd Century China- An Early Forensic Investigation • Proof of a murder through experiment that involved burning two pigs. • A woman claimed that her husband died in an accidental fire. The local death investigator noticed that the husband’s corpse did not have ashes in its mouth. In order to verify the woman’s story he burned two pigs-one alive and one dead. He then checked the mouths of each pig for ashes. The pig that was burned alive had ashes in its mouth, but the other pig did not. This proved that the man was dead before he was burned. When confronted with the evidence, the woman confessed to the murder.

  5. Egypt (300 BC) • King Ptolemy I was the first leader to rule that it was acceptable for physicians and medical students to cut open the human body for discovery • This was simply an extension of mummification

  6. Herophilus (325-255 BC) • The Father of Anatomy • First physician to dissect human bodies • King Ptolemy possibly attended several of the dissections • Rumored to have performed 600 vivisections on criminals

  7. Autopsy – Dissection of the Body • The word "autopsy" comes from the Greek words "auto" and "opsis", and it literally means "to see for oneself". . • To understand the human anatomy better, and to improve their skills, the artists Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo each performed autopsies. • 1302 in Bologna, Italy the first autopsies were carried out to determine the “cause of death”

  8. Pencil Drawings from da Vinci

  9. Archimedes (287-212 BCE) Archimedes used water displacement and proved that the King’s crown was not made of solid gold by its density and bouyancy. This “Eureka” moment is considered to be the earliest account of forensic science.

  10. Agrippina and A Black Tooth (49 AD) Agrippina: • The wife of Roman Emperor Claudius and mother of Nero • Ordered the beheading of Lollina Paulina (Claudius’ mistress) • When the head was delivered to Agrippina she looked for a discolored tooth as proof that it was Lollina • This is the first account of forensic odontology

  11. Origin of the job of Coroner • The crowner’s job was created in 1149 by King Richard I to determine how much an estate owed to the crown. Later the crowner was called upon to investigate questionable deaths. The title of crowner eventually evolved into coroner.

  12. Entomology • 12th century China • A case of a person murdered by a sickle was solved when the death investigator instructed everyone in the town to bring their sickles to one location and flies only landed on one of the sickles…

  13. …flies, attracted by the smell of blood, eventually gathered on only one of the sickles. The murderer finally confessed. Entomology (cont)

  14. Watch of London and “Old Charleys” • The first police were appointed by Henry III in 1253. They worked only at night. They were known as the Watch of London. • Later, they became known as Old Charleys and were paid by the residents they served.

  15. 1511- Hunne questioned the use of ecclesiastical law vs. civil law. He was imprisoned for heresy. When he was found dead in his cell, the prison claimed that he had committed suicide. However, blood evidence proved that he had been murdered. Richard Hunne and Blood as Evidence

  16. 1670: Anton Van LeeuwenhoekConstructs a simple microscope that he presents to The Royal Society

  17. The development of increasingly more powerful microscopes paved the way for the study of Microscopy which has become essential in the field of Forensics…what uses can you think of…what investigations would utilize this technology? Why was this important?

  18. 1776 Colonial America The body of General Warren was disinterred from a mass grave and identified by Paul Revere. Revere recognized the false teeth that he had made for the General.

  19. In 1784, an Englishman was convicted of murder. A torn piece of newspaper that was retrieved from the victim’s head wound matched a piece in the Englishman’s pocket. First Documented Use of Physical Evidence

  20. The populations of the towns increased and so did the crime rate. Europe’s Industrial Revolution (18th Century)

  21. Paris, France-1810 • The first detective force, the Surete, is established.

  22. Mathiew Orfila • Orfila is known as the Father of Toxicology • He published a book on poisoning in 1813.

  23. Established in 1823 by Stephen Austin to protect the settlers in Texas. They are the oldest law enforcement agency in North America. The Texas Rangers

  24. Murder for Medicine • In Edinburgh, the demand for bodies led to “murder for medicine” • Burke and Hare became known as the first serial murderers after they killed 16 people and sold the bodies to John Knox, the local anatomist.

  25. Remains of Burke

  26. This agency was founded by Sir Robert Peel. They were nicknamed “bobbies”. They were the first full-time police force to have minimum weight and height requirements with standards for literacy and competency. London Metropolitan Police Force 1829

  27. The “bobbies”

  28. Arsenic, also known as inheritance powder, was a popular method of murder among royalty. In 1836 Marsh developed a chemical test to detect arsenic. In 1840 the test was used to convict Marie Lafarge of poisoning her husband. The Marsh Test

  29. America- Middle of the 19th Century • First professional police forces: • Boston in 1837 • New York in 1844 • Philadelphia in 1857 • All major cities by 1870’s

  30. The Pinkerton Agency • In 1850, Allan Pinkerton established Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency. • They were asked by local police to help in investigations. • They created a Rogues’ Gallery- a compilation of descriptions, methods of operation, hiding places, and associates for known criminals. This was the precursor to mugshots and Most Wanted Lists. • Pinkerton gained national fame when he uncovered a plot to kill Lincoln in 1861. He subsequently became the head of Secret Services during the civil war.

  31. Pinkerton’s “private eye” Logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnbhMS3Pipk

  32. William Herschel- 1856 Herschel, working in India, uses thumbprints on documents to identify workers.

  33. The Secret Service • The Secret Service was created on July 5, 1865 in Washington, D.C., to suppress counterfeit currency. • Two years later, the Secret Service responsibilities were broadened to include "detecting persons perpetrating frauds against the government." • In 1894, the Secret Service began part-time protection of President Cleveland. • In 1902, one year after the assassination of President McKinley, the Secret Service began to protect the President on a full-time basis.

  34. The Main Duties of the Secret Service

  35. In 1879 Bertillon develops a system to identify people using measurements. He named the system anthropometry. For two decades, this system was considered full proof. Alphonse Bertillon

  36. TheRequired Measurementsof theBertillonSystem

  37. George Eastman invents the first hand-held camera. He names the brand Kodak and sells it for $25.00. 1888 and the Kodak Camera

  38. Galton, a nephew of Charles Darwin, was the first to state that fingerprints are unique to each person. His suggestion to use fingerprints for identification was not taken seriously until the Bertillon System failed. 1892- Francis Galton

  39. In 1900, Scotland Yard replaced the Bertillon System with a fingerprint identification system. The Metropolitan Police's crime database is housed at New Scotland Yard. The system is called Home Office Large Major Enquiry System, more commonly referred to by its acronym, HOLMES. 1900- Scotland Yard

  40. In 1900, Landsteiner identifies human blood groups. He will receive the Nobel Prize in 1930 for this discovery. Karl Landsteiner

  41. The West Case • In 1903, Will West was arrested and taken to Fort Leavenworth prison. His measurements were taken using the Bertillon system and it was soon discovered that they matched another inmate, William West. Will and William were identical twins, but their fingerprints were different. This case marked the end of the Bertillon System and all subsequent identification was done using fingerprints.

  42. In 1904, Edmond Locard established the principle that “every contact leaves a trace”. This is also called the Exchange Principle. The Locard Principle

  43. In 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt established the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI

  44. In 1910, the first crime laboratory was opened by Locard. The lab was located in France. The First Crime Lab in the World

  45. In 1910, George Popp uses soil evidence to solve a murder case. Soil as Evidence

  46. 1923 Developments • The first police lab is created in the United States. The lab is located in Los Angeles. • Frye vs. The United States established the concept of general acceptance for evidence presented in court. “general acceptance” referred to a test or technique being accepted as reliable by scientists

  47. In 1925, Calvin Goddard wrote a paper about the use of a comparison microscope in ballistic investigation. He later worked with the police to determine that the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was the work of Al Capone’s gang. He was able to match the bullets to their Tommy guns. Calvin Goddard

  48. FBI Crime Laboratory • The FBI opened its first national crime lab in 1932. The lab offered services to all law enforcement agencies in the country. • The lab was located in Washington, D.C. and performed 963 examinations during its first year of existence.

  49. The 1950’s • In 1954, Borkenstein invents the Breathalyzer for field sobriety testing. • Forensic anthropology is formed when growth stages of skeletal bones is discovered. • In 1959, Watson and Crick discover that DNA has a double-helix shape.

  50. Developments in the 1970’s • Japan discovers that Superglue fumes will develop fingerprints. • The FBI creates a fingerprint database. • Psychological profiling begins. • Bite mark evidence convicts the serial killer Ted Bundy.

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