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Trail Mix

Trail Mix. Buffet Style Offerings. E. Anne Kelly Education Librarian Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario CANADA. Trail Mix @ LOEX 2009. Help yourself to the “Resources Buffet”

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Trail Mix

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trail Mix Buffet Style Offerings E. Anne Kelly Education Librarian Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario CANADA

  2. Trail Mix @ LOEX 2009 Help yourself to the “Resources Buffet” All food is fresh from the Sunflower Market on Lomas Ave and you are welcome to mix and match as you like. Please use the utensils provided for sanitary reasons.

  3. How did you get here?

  4. Did you notice…

  5. What do I really know about clouds?About weather?Where did I learn about them?

  6. Clouds+Weather=Curriculum Unit

  7. Teacher Education @ WLU Wilfrid Laurier's program is unique in that it is based on a Professional Development School (PDS) Model. We have partnered with four area school boards to provide extensive, in-depth, and sustained field experiences for our candidates.

  8. Teacher Education @ WLU • very new program (currently in 2nd year) • students must already have Bachelor’s degree before applying to become a “Teacher Education Candidate” • accredited for K-6 (primary/junior), recently applied for accreditation for grades 7-10 (intermediate) • $$ for library resources?

  9. Teacher Education @ WLU  Teacher education students are sent on practicum placement 2 days each week and are on 3 increasing length placements throughout the academic year.

  10. Education @ WLU Finding curriculum related materials has proven at best very difficult given their specific curriculum-related needs (i.e. teaching fractions to Grade 2 students)

  11. Education @ WLU  Traditional library cataloguing is limited in how in-depth subject headings can realistically be and practice has proven that subject descriptions decided upon by non-practitioners can serve to obscure rather than clarify access to great materials.

  12. Recipe for Education Resource Finder • 1 cup creativity • 5 cups willingness to take on a long term project • 1/2 cups technical savvy • 2 tablespoons student-oriented service philosophy • 2 teaspoons knowledge of children’s books and awareness of current curriculum

  13. Education @ WLU Social bookmarking software (delicious) assists in gathering a variety of curriculum related materials such as: • how to teach fractions • stories about fractions • games or posters to teach fractions with • how to teach grade two students • a myriad of great web resources and lesson-plans • and it’s FREE!!

  14. Really a Resource Buffet… • curriculum books (how to teach) • children’s stories, poems, novels • posters, diagrams, pictures • web sites including lesson plans, streaming video, interactive websites, suggestions from other teachers • media (VHS, DVD) and manipulatives

  15. Education Resource Buffet no need to re-invent the wheel (especially in education) let’s share…..

  16. Clouds+Weather=Curriculum Unit

  17. Education Resource Finder • Education Resource Finder

  18. Issues along the trail • authority control over tags • time factor! • stable URL for library catalogue

  19. Strategic Advantages • fosters true and necessary collaboration • sharing between school boards, universities, community resources • diminishing budgets • promotes lifelong learning • retains student connection with University • graduates are welcome to use and contribute their own recipes for successful teaching and student learning

  20. Questions…

  21. Thank you for coming…

  22. and Happy Trails

  23. Education Resource Finder URL http://delicious.com/eduWLUlibrarian akelly@wlu.ca or eduWLUlibrarian@gmail.com

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