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SNOWY OWLS. by Zuza + John-joe. Contents. Contents. Species….Page 3 Appearance…..Page 4 Behaviour….Page 5 Threats…Page 6 Protection….Page 7 Interesting Facts….Page 8. SPECIeS. There are many types of owls: Barn owls Tawny owls Snowyl Owls. appeaRANce.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SNOWY OWLS by Zuza + John-joe

  2. Contents Contents Species….Page 3 Appearance…..Page 4 Behaviour….Page 5 Threats…Page 6 Protection….Page 7 Interesting Facts….Page 8

  3. SPECIeS There are many types of owls: Barn owls Tawny owls Snowyl Owls

  4. appeaRANce SNOWY OWLS have gold coloured eyes and small, sharp claws.

  5. Behaviour Snowy owls usually hunt in the day time. Snowy owls are nomadic. Snowy owls protect there nest and when they see an animal that is coming to attack, they attack.

  6. Threats Snowy owls die because of the deforistation and become homeless.

  7. protection We need takle global warming to stop the deforistaton of there nattral habittat.

  8. Interesting facts Snowy owls swallow there prey whole without biting them! There also known as a Artic owl and the Great Big owl. Hedwig from Harry Potter is a snowy owl too!

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