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Bell Ringer. I have found enough Secondary Research to write a 4-6 page paper. Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree. Bell Ringer. I am comfortable with the process of the Research Paper so far and am well on my way to a 4-6 page paper. Strongly Agree Agree
Bell Ringer I have found enough Secondary Research to write a 4-6 page paper. • Strongly Agree • Agree • Not sure • Disagree • Strongly Disagree
Bell Ringer I am comfortable with the process of the Research Paper so far and am well on my way to a 4-6 page paper. • Strongly Agree • Agree • Not sure • Disagree • Strongly Disagree
Bell Ringer What are the 3 kinds of “notes” you will use on your NoteCards?
SUMMARY In your OWN words • Puts main ideas into your own words • Restates concisely the main facts of a longer work
SUMMARY Original work: It would make more sense if the military took advantage of perceived, and actual, differences between men and women. When soldiers complain about the problems of integration and the resentment on both sides, these are management and leadership problems, and not the fault of the women. An army which accommodates women and uses them to best advantage rather than wasting time making excuses will find integration far less painful. • Taken from a book by Kate Muir titled Arms and the Woman.
Best Summary? • Women in the military continue to cause problems for leaders and enlisted soldiers, resulting in painful integration (Muir 196). • Because of leadership and management problems, sexual discrimination in the military is still commonplace and few women achieve the leadership roles they deserve (Muir 196). • When soldiers complain about the problems of integration and the resentment on both sides, the leaders and managers should view it as an issue worth addressing (Muir 196). • The solution to integrating women into the military can be resolved by proper leadership and management, taking advantage of gender differences rather than making excuses (Muir 196).
INACCURATE Women in the military continue to cause problems for leaders an enlisted soldiers, resulting in painful integration (Muir 196).
SLANTED Because of leadership and management problems, sexual discrimination in the military is still commonplace and few women achieve the leadership roles they deserve (Muir 196).
Plagiarized When soldiers complain about the problems of integration and the resentment on both sides, the leaders and managers should view it as an issue worth addressing (Muir 196).
You TRY it now Write a one sentence summary Children of divorce have no choice. If the parent with whom they live, usually the mother, has to or wants to work, the children must pick up some of the slack. It doesn’t usually hurt them and, in fact, many adults of divorce, in retrospect, say that the arrangement worked amazingly well and propelled them on the road to competence and independence as an adult.
PARAPHRASE In your OWN words • More detailed than a summary • Focuses on a single main idea • Usually deals with less information (single sentences, or single paragraphs)
ORIGINAL Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final paper. Probably only about one-fifth of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.)
Best Paraphrase? • In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester 46-47). • Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a research paper (Lester 46-47). • Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes (Lester 46-47).
Summary not a paraphrase Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a research paper (Lester 46-47).
Plagiarized Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes (Lester 46-47).
Steps to take: Summary/Paraphrase 1. Look up unfamiliar words and replace with synonyms 2. Change sentence structure 3. Check your summary/ paraphrase to original work to make sure meaning is not distorted
DIRECT QUOTE Taken Verbatim from source • To preserve: • vivid, well-phrased, or dramatic statements • Wording of someone who is an authority • Accuracy of statement that could be misinterpreted in a paraphrase/summary
How much of your paper should be direct quotes? • Less than 15% • 25-30% • 50% • 75%
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA) • In-Text Citation – When you are writing your paper – you must give credit to your sources • MLA requires 2 pieces of information • Author’s last name and page number • If no author is present – use the first 4 words of the article within quotation marks
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA)Paraphrases/Summaries • Incorporating documentation: • Option 1 – work all documentation smoothly into your sentence • Option 2 – put part of documentation in your sentence and part in parentheses at the end • Option 3 – put all your documentation at the end in parentheses
Option 1 Paraphrases/Summaries Incorporating Documentation As early as page one of his book Environmental Crises, Martin Mahler begins uncovering the political motivation behind much of our nation’s pollution problems.
Option 2 Paraphrases/Summaries Incorporating Documentation Martin Mahler argues convincingly that political interests are delaying solutions to environmental problems (1).
Option 3 Paraphrases/Summaries Incorporating Documentation The cleaning of our nation’s environment is often impeded by political interests (Mahler 1).
Question What two pieces of information does MLA require you have in your in-text citations? • Author name and date • Date and article name • Article name and page number • Author and page number 14% 0% 7% 79%
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA) • In-Text Citation – When you are writing your paper – you must give credit to your sources • MLA requires 2 pieces of information • Author’s last name and page number • If no author is present – use the first 4 words of the article within quotation marks
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA)Direct Quotes • Incorporating documentation: • Must have lead-in and a sentence that follows to explain the significance of the direct quote
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA)Direct Quotes • “Floating” quotation Benny notices how quickly time goes by; therefore it makes him question why he waited so long to change his ways to reach eternity in heaven. “Long since I should have opened mine eyes…and true it is that I have delayed too long” (Smith 194).
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA)Direct Quotes • “Floating” quotation Hamlet is angry and upset that his father was killed by his uncle. Shakespeare writes, “To be or not to be; that is the question” (45). His mother has now married his uncle.
Document Sources Modern Language Association (MLA)Direct Quotes • Use the “sandwich” method Hamlet is angry and upset that his father was killed by his uncle. In Act III Hamlet says, “To be or not to be; that is the question” (Shakespeare 45). The teenager is contemplating whether he wants to continue living proving that this “murder” has hurt him emotionally.
Question Direct quotes should always have: • A lead-in and an explanation • Author name and page number • A lead-in and page number • An explanation and the author name 88% 12% 0% 0%