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Simon Fraser University. Allan Davison Health Sciences. Iraj Poureslami , Dave MacLean, Tom Hall, Steve Corber , Arun Chockalingam , Barb Berry, . Global Health eLearning:. O pportunities and Pitfalls. Contributors:
Simon Fraser University Allan Davison Health Sciences IrajPoureslami, Dave MacLean, Tom Hall,Steve Corber, ArunChockalingam, Barb Berry,
Global Health eLearning: Opportunities and Pitfalls Contributors: Kelly Lee - LSHTM Vic Neufeld - Queens USrinath Reddy - India Duncan Saunders -U of A
Global health distance learning • What is GH? • 21st Century instruction • Why eLearning? • Web resources – what’s missing? • Opportunities & pitfalls
"International" vs "Global" Health infectious agents jobs Global exchange ideas money drugs remedies Why now? Globalization’s impact Causes of inequities – how to diminish them Desire to be “good global corporate citizens" Self-interest: SARS, HIV-AIDS, W Nile, Avian 'flu, Hanta Development: global inequities > instability
To help the peoples of the world safeguard & improve their health education health development capacitybuilding knowledgetransfer
Growing need for trained personnel Millennium development goals Grameen foundation Millennium village project Needs are in the global south … … instruction is mainly in north Distance learning is the answer, and courses are proliferating, but quality rivalling classroom instruction is elusive
Distance learning – the future Success → proliferation • undergrad / graduate streams, conferences • universality of subject matter • geographical distribution of audiences
Opportunity: Agreement re content Globalization & policy (cost benefit analysis) Masters training goals … agents of change Evidence-based decision making Advocate persuasively Team player Can assemble resources – well connected “Barefoot” emergency nurses & dispensaries Mosquito nets & insecticides Seeds Safe water Mosquito nets Pharmaceuticals Needs
Opportunity: Infrastructure Exists 1. Individual online course packages - fee-based credit or non-credit 2. Free but public domain resources unmoderated – some shared freely notably the Global Health SuperCourse 3. Free quality-controlled compendia notably the Global Health Education Consortium 4. For-profit "ePacks" by textbook publishers linked to course management systems 5. Well funded educational consortia Nutrition in Medicine NIH
3rd millennium teaching & learning Memorization vs … … case-studies problem-based learning just in time vsjust in case
Pitfalls: What’s missing 1. Quality control 2. Foundations of health literacy for individuals with very little prerequisite knowledge - Rob Stead 3. Collaborations that allow economies of scale & prevent wasteful duplication, see BCcampus 4. Teaching the teachers linked to course management systems 5. Well funded educational consortia Nutrition in Medicine NIH
Resources OECD Report E-learning in Tertiary Education - WHERE DO WE STAND? http://education.qld.gov.au/information/service/libraries/docs/oecdfiles/elearn-tertiary.pdf Global health eLearning centre USAIDhttp://www.globalhealthlearning.org/courses.cfm Perinatal care; Youth reproductive health: HIV, contraception (standard days method); Logistics for health commodities; M&E; Malaria; Tuberculosis MERLOT: (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) This repository of over 220 peer-reviewed Learning objects "is a FREE and OPEN resource designed primarily for faculty and students in higher education." High quality interactive online learning materials. Here's their "Tasting Room" page. 07/10/01 2nd Intl conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer aided Learning, (IMCL2007). Al-Jubaiha, Amman, Jordan. Global health educational consortium Global health supercourse
Agreement regarding nuts & bolts Policy (cost benefit analysis) Globalization Mosquito nets Seeds Safe water Mosquito nets pharmaceuticals Team player Evidence-based decision making Advocate persuasively Can assemble resources – well connected Barefoot emergency nurses & dispensaries Millenium development goals village
The task select future leaders in global health give them the best possible resources to safeguard the health of the world's population to improve quality of life to reduce disparities. • Elucidate – as a health researcher • Educate – as an informed practitioner • Advocate – as a health activist • Agitate – as a concerned citizen
Team-Building Research Outcome: To help communities improve their health Practice Capacity Building Distance-courses are being implemented what ‘s available? what ‘s desirable? quality design
eLearning Resources 1. Individual online course packages - fee-based credit or non-credit 2. Free but public domain resources unmoderated – some shared freely notably the Global Health SuperCourse 3. Free quality-controlled compendia notably the Global Health Education Consortium 4. For-profit "ePacks" by textbook publishers linked to course management systems 5. Well funded educational consortia Nutrition in Medicine NIH
Benefits worldwide availability of instructional materials toolboxes for change-agents who seek to diminish health inequities Hazards waste of effort inadequate design product overlap quality control Pitfalls & opportunities
Reasons for optimism “Studied to death – nothing changes” “White men in suits – we never see them again” Knowledge producers Joe Kasonde“Information broker” Knowledge transfer Knowledge consumers Implementation
Raising the bar Examplars that set a standard – note: Learner centred instruction Relevant to situations in which info will be used Evidence-based practice Raises question then provides information Case studies – learner as researcher “Granularity” (modularization)
View some exemplars • Nutrition in Medicine: Stephen S Zeisel • Student intro to nutrition in pregnancy • Problem based learning strategies • Patient case 6 Nicole Part 4
Roadmap to a quality product Quality control Cross-institute collaboration Involvement of media experts Instructional designers Web designers Field testing External review
Consortia among deliverers allows cooperation across institutions develop a distance education model trains local workforces multiple access points scaleable to local needs agreed quality control standards
Overview & take home message Global health distance learning • what is global health & why now? • why distance? • web resources - what is available? • what is missing? • The future - opportunities & pitfalls
Global health distance learning • what is GH? • 21st Century instruction • Why eLearning? • Web resources – what’s missing? • Opportunities & pitfalls
Barriers to collaboration institutions need to cover costs and earn income differences regarding content and emphasis a degree of band-wagon jumping rebranding existing materials. differences regarding quality control territorial issues
Benefits & opportunities a degree of altruism regarding global health ~agreed contemporary goals: appropriate learning tools core skill-set benefits of inter-institutional resource-pooling desired characteristics of graduates
Potential Institutional collaborations UNISA University of Alberta Simon Fraser University to be completed
Development health capacitybuilding knowledgetransfer education
Transitions in learning learning • Teaching • Early life • Just in case • Memorizing facts • In classroom • WWW as a photocopier life long just-in-time problem-based home and worldwide active participant
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Resources OECD Report E-learning in Tertiary Education - WHERE DO WE STAND? http://education.qld.gov.au/information/service/libraries/docs/oecdfiles/elearn-tertiary.pdf Global health eLearning centre USAIDhttp://www.globalhealthlearning.org/courses.cfm Perinatal care; Youth reproductive health: HIV, contraception (standard days method); Logistics for health commodities; M&E; Malaria; Tuberculosis MERLOT: (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) This repository of over 220 peer-reviewed Learning objects "is a FREE and OPEN resource designed primarily for faculty and students in higher education." High quality interactive online learning materials. Here's their "Tasting Room" page. 07/10/01 2nd Intl conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer aided Learning, (IMCL2007). Al-Jubaiha, Amman, Jordan. Global health educational consortium [add] Global health supercourse [add]