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Strong Families/ Great Youth Coalition Progress Report. *Note that all data presented is from the time of the last progress update (April 2011) to the present (May 2012). New sfgyc.com Coalition website launched.
Strong Families/ Great Youth Coalition Progress Report
*Note that all data presented is from the time of the last progress update (April 2011) to the present (May 2012) New sfgyc.com Coalition website launched In August alone: 354 page views, 63 visitors, 4:35 avg. time on site, 46% bounce rate – significant improvements from old website New Shout Out Facebook page launched April ‘11 August ‘11 In 1 month: 70 “likes”, 5,000+ impressions, successfully reaching target age group
1st Latino Coalition meeting “meet-and-greet” with SFGYC; dialogue on cultural approaches to SA prevention and treatment SFGYC awarded SPF SIG grant (Phase I) for $121,150 to reduce A/R MVC’s SFGYC awarded DFC Mentor Grant to start sister Latino Coalition Sept. ‘11 Nov. ‘11 Jan. ‘12 Feb. ‘12 Youth Council and “Shout Out” featured on Q101’s newest show, The Halls “It’s a No-Brainer” documentary featured at VA Nutrition Association
SFGYC’s SPF SIG grant award recognized in press conference by U.S. Attorney’s Office, and on WHSV Alcohol Retailers Initiative workgroup mailed packets to all alcohol retailers in Harrisonburg April ‘12 March ‘12 PCP (Primary Care Physicians) workgroup presented to Health Dept. and East Rockingham Health Center medical staff; distributed Alcohol Screening Practitioners Guide Documentary featured in media in Nuevas Raíces, WHSV, HealthQuest magazine, and the Daily News-Record
Progress Reports on Individual Initiatives: • Alcohol Retailer Group: • Packets mailed to all alcohol retailers in Harrisonburg City; includes letter, dashboard card, and pledge card • PCP/SBI Group (Primary Care Physicians/Screening & Brief Intervention): • Presented to Health Dept., East Rockingham Health Center medical staff, Interfaith Association and Harrisonburg middle and high school guidance counselors • Challenges/barriers: Doctors have very limited time with each patient, so finding additional time for them to talk to youth about substance use/abuse will be difficult • Latino Sister Coalition – “Futuro Latino”: • Successful capacity building, conducted ‘Motivational Interviewing’ and ‘Science of Addiction’ trainings, hired 1 youth intern, developed branding (coalition name and logo completed), connected with school liaisons • Challenges/barriers: How to get the same people to come to each meeting to have consistency and movement
Progress Reports on Individual Initiatives: • “It’s a No-Brainer” Documentary: • Has appeared in various media outlets including Nuevas Raices, WHSV, My Valley, the Daily News-Record, and RMH’s HealthQuest magazine (successful promotion of documentary) • Documentary shown at Court Square Theater, an HPD training, Nutrition Assoc. of Virginia, a Regional School Nutritionist Assoc. meeting, Harrisonburg middle and high school guidance counselor meetings, Pence Middle School, North River Library, and Turner Ashby High School health and PE classes • Shout Out (Social Media group) • Since launching the new website and Facebook page in August 2011: • 3,260 total unique visitors on SFGYC website • 6,558 total impressions on YGB Facebook page • 3,138 total impressions on SFGYC Facebook page • 72 new followers on Twitter • 4 contests held with total of 60 participants
Progress Reports on Individual Initiatives: • 43 youth volunteers totaling 154 volunteer hours • 64 new emails added to teen listserv • Successes: Made commercial with WHSV with the help of SFGYC youth representatives; increased activity on Coalition social media sites • Barriers/Challenges: Getting into the schools, getting access to youth
SFGYC in the MEDIA • January – May 2012: • SFGYC featured in media at least 12 separate times • Radio: Q101 and “The Halls” • TV: WHSV • Newspaper: Daily News-Record and Nuevas Raices • Magazine: Health Quest • U.S. Attorney’s Office press conference • Media topics: • Youth Council, Shout Out, Saturation Patrols,teen drinking, VFHY grant and SPF SIG grant awards, “Kick Butts Day”, SFGYC documentary, media influence on teens