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Buy Slimtop 120mg (Orlistat) is a prescription weight loss treatment. It is a licensed generic medicine made by Actavis, and works by interfering with the enzymatic processes in the gut. As this treatment is a generic medicine, the brand of the product you receive may be different to the one shown in the picture.
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store My Account (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Checkout (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/checkout/) Contact Us (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/contact-us/) Track Order (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/track-my-order/) My Cart (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/cart/) Order Status (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Type Keyword... (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) SHOPPING CART 0 items - $0.00 (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/CART/) Equivalent Brand Generic Name HOME (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM) CATEGORY/WEIGHT-LOSS/) WEIGHT LOSS (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/PRODUCT- SLIMTOP 120MG https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 1/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/slimtop-120-600x600.png) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) SLIMTOP 120MG (2 Customer Reviews) $32.00–$94.00 https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 2/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Buy Slimtop 120mg (Orlistat), Slim Trim Ac?ve is a brand name for generic Orlistat 120mg. Slim Trim Ac?ve is manufactured by German Remedies and contains the ac?ve ingredient Orlistat 120mg. Orlistat 120mg is used in the treatment of obesity. Orlistat prevents your body from absorbing the fat from the food you eat. By reducing the amount of fat that is absorbed, Orlistat can help you to lose weight more e… Pack Size Price Quan?ty 30 Capsule/s $32.00 ADD TO CART 1 60 Capsule/s $63.00 ADD TO CART 1 90 Capsule/s $94.00 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Slimtop-120mg/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=22050) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Slimtop-120mg/?Add_to_wishlist=22050) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (2) Slimtop (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com) (Orlistat) 120 mg Orlistat blocks some of the fat that you eat from being absorbed by your body. Orlistat is used in the management of obesity including weight loss and weight maintenance when used with a reduced-calorie diet. Slimtop is the new weight loss medica?on phenomenon manufactured by German Remedies Laboratories. Generic medicines contain the same ac?ve ingredient and are equally effec?ve and medically equivalent as the branded products but are available at a lower price. Generic manufacturers have to demonstrate that they are medically iden?cal to the branded product – i.e. they offer the same quality, strength, stability and effec?veness. What Is Slimtop (Orlistat)? https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 3/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Slimtop is a brand name for generic Orlistat 120 mg. Slimtop is manufactured by German Remedies and contains the ac?ve ingredient Orlistat 120 mg. Orlistat 120 mg is used in the treatment of obesity. Orlistat prevents your body from absorbing the fat from the food you eat. By reducing the amount of fat that is absorbed, Orlistat can help you to lose weight more easily. Medically there is no difference between generic Orlistat and Slimtop although Orlistat is generally available at a lower price. When should you use Orlistat? If you have previously tried losing weight through diet and exercise and have not had the desired results you may wish to consider trying to use Orlistat. Orlistat is clinically proven to help you lose 50% more weight than through die?ng alone. Orlistat is only suitable for people with a BMI over 30 or for people with a BMI over 28 who have condi?ons related to weight such as diabetes or high blood pressure. How does Orlistat Work? • Slimtop works in a unique way. The ac?ve ingredient, Orlistat, a?aches itself to some of the body’s natural enzymes that break down fat, so you don’t absorb it. This prevents some of the fat you eat from being absorbed. • If you eat an excessive amount of fat or calories, the excess is stored as fat by the body, resul?ng in weight gain. When you eat fat, your body breaks it down into its simplest components so that it can be digested. • Orlistat works in your diges?ve system to block about one-third of the fat in the food you eat from being digested. • Enzymes in your diges?ve system, called lipases, help digest (or break down) fat. When taken with meals, Orlistat a?aches to the lipases and blocks them from breaking down some of the fat you have eaten. • The undigested fat cannot be absorbed and is eliminated in your bowel movements. By working this way, Orlistat helps block about one-third of the fat in the foods you eat from being absorbed by your body. • Orlistat isn’t a s?mulant or an appe?te suppressant. It’s formulated to work only in your diges?ve system and should not affect your heart rate, your brain or cause sleeplessness. The safety and efficacy of Orlistat, has been established in more than 100 clinical studies with data from over 30,000 people. How should I take this medicine? • Orlistat is taken by mouth and swallowed with a drink of liquid. You can take orlistat with each main meal that contains about 30% of the calories from fat. Or you can take the capsule one hour a?er the meal. Do not take your medicine more o?en than directed. If you occasionally miss a meal or have a meal without fat, you can omit that dose of orlistat. Doses greater than 120 mg three ?mes per day have not been shown to increase weight loss. • You should use orlistat with a reduced-calorie diet that contains no more than about 30% of the calories from fat. Divide your daily intake of fat, carbohydrates, and protein evenly over your 3 main meals. You should try to follow a healthy ea?ng plan as prescribed by your doctor such as the one developed by the American Heart https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 4/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Associa?on. Following this ea?ng plan can help reduce the possible GI side effects from orlistat. • Contact your pediatrician or health care professional regarding the use of this medicine in children. Special care may be needed. NOTE: This medicine is only for you. Do not share this medicine with others. What if I miss a dose? If you miss a dose, take it within one hour following the meal that contains fat. If it is almost ?me for your next dose, take only that dose. Do not take double or extra doses. Whatmay interact with this medicine? • Dietary supplements, such as beta-carotene and vitamins A, D, E, and K • warfarin • cyclosporine • pravasta?n • drugs used to treat diabetes Tell your prescriber or other health care professional about all other medicines you are taking including non- prescrip?on medicines, nutri?onal supplements, or herbal products. Also, tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are a frequent user of drinks with caffeine or alcohol, if you smoke or if you use illegal drugs. These may affect the way your medicine works. Check before stopping or star?ng any of your medica?ons. Side effects of Orlistat Slimtop works in the stomach and so its most common side effect is also observed therein; this is in the form of increase bowel movements. Other Slimtop side effects include symptoms of vitamin deficiency, headache, fa?gue and diarrhea. Doctors ask pa?ents to take their Slimtop dosage with their meal or up to one hour a?er. It is generally hard to overdose on Slimtop, but the major effect of such an event would be dangerous dehydra?on. On the whole Slimtop is a safe drug for adults and adolescents alike, though its effects during pregnancy have not been studied in detail. Pregnant women should therefore avoid this medica?on. In terms of dose strength, the generic alterna?ves of Slimtop might vary from the branded version, and so you might have to check for severity of side effects too. Where can I keep my medicine? Keep out of the reach of children in a container that small children cannot open. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 5/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Storage at 25° C (77° F) is preferred. You may store at 15° to 30°C (59° to 86° F). Protect from moisture. Keep container ?ghtly closed.Throw away any unused medicine a?er the expira?on date. Targets When you start taking Orlistat you will be given a weight loss target for the first 3 months. This target is 5% of your weight. If you succeed in losing 5% of your weight, you will be eligible to con?nue taking Orlistat. Pharmacists can supply Orlistat for up to two years. Each ?me Orlistat is supplied you will need to supply your pharmacist with your current weight. If your weight goes up in any three months, Orlistat will need to be stopped. If you lose enough weight for your BMI to fall below 28, Orlistat can no longer be supplied. Some people do not succeed in losing weight with Orlistat. These people should not be disheartened. They can have a break of 6 months and try again later, or see a doctor or a weight loss clinic as alterna?ves. Losing weight, like many things that are hard to achieve, takes perseverance and resolve, so do not give up. Guidelines before taking The most important guideline to remember is to never take Slimtop without your doctor’s advice. At the same ?me, you should also cut back on your fat intake. While Slimtop does cut out a major por?on of your fat intake, too much of fat content will not allow it to work. Last but not the least; remember to add some vitamin supplements to your diet as Slimtop can cause necessary vitamins to be flushed out with fats. What are the common dosages of Slimtop (Generic Orlistat)? The standard dosage that Slimtop is available in is 120 mg. This is in capsule form. However, generic versions might be in different forms. Difference between Brand Orlistat and Generic Orlistat The difference is in the manufacturer and the manufacturing process. Branded drugs are manufactured by the company that conducted the research and received approval from FDA. Generic drugs are manufactured by smaller companies who picked up on the drug a?er the patent expired. However, in most cases, brand Orlistat and generic Orlistat are the same in terms of their ac?ve ingredients and effects. Orlistat FAQ https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 6/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store 1. How does Orlistat work? Orlistat works primarily in the diges?ve system and prevents some of the fat from a meal from being absorbed. Orlistat is a non-systemically ac?ng medicine because it acts locally in the diges?ve system – there is minimal absorp?on into the bloodstream. 2. How long can I take Orlistat for? Orlistat can be taken for as long as you are losing weight by your target amount every 3 months. If you put on weight or your BMI falls below 28 you will need to discon?nue Orlistat. 3. How many ?mes a day do I take Orlistat? The dose is a maximum of 3 ?mes a day. 4. When should I take Orlistat? Orlistat should be taken just before or during a meal, or up to one hour a?er the meal. If the meal you are ea?ng does not contain any fat, you should not take Orlistat. 5. When should I start taking Orlistat? The best ?me to start taking Orlistat would be a few days a?er you begin your reduced calorie lower-fat diet. If you have already started a lower-fat reduced calorie diet, you can start immediately. 6. Can I take two doses of Orlistat with a meal to help me lose weight quicker? No. You should never take more than the recommended dose of a medicine. Take one Orlistat capsule at meal?mes, three ?mes a day. This usually means one capsule at breakfast, lunch and dinner. 7. What pack size does Orlistat come in? Orlistat capsules are available in packs of 42 (2 weeks), 84 (4 weeks), 168 (8 weeks), 252 (12 weeks). 8. If I eat a high-fat meal, should I take two doses of Orlistat? No, you should never take more than the prescribed dose of a medicine. Take only one Orlistat capsule at meal?mes, three ?mes a day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make every effort to avoid high-fat meals taking Orlistat. Taking Orlistat with a meal containing more fat than your recommended target, may increase the chances of diet-related treatment effects. 9. Should I take Orlistat if I know I’m going to eat a meal high in fat content? If you know you are going to be ea?ng a high-fat meal, do not take Orlistat with that meal. Taking Orlistat with a meal containing more fat than your recommended target, may increase the chances of diet-related treatment effects. However, it’s important you make every effort to avoid high-fat meals or snacks while on the Orlistat weight loss programme. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 7/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store 10. What if I eat more than three meals a day? Should I s?ll take Orlistat with each meal? No, take no more than 3 doses of Orlistat a day. Just choose three meals that contain about 15 grams (Based on a diet of 1400 calories a day) of fat and take Orlistat with those meals. If you are ea?ng more than 3 meals a day, you may need to check you are not exceeding your daily calorie target. 11. Should I skip meals whilst taking Orlistat? Clinical studies have shown that Orlistat works best when you eat 3 healthy, low-fat meals a day, one of which is breakfast. If you skip a meal or you are certain your meal contains no fat, you can skip a dose. 12. If Orlistat only works on the fat in my food, how do I lose the fat in my body? As you eat fewer calories on a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet – and use Orlistat to prevent absorp?on of some of the fat you eat – your body will automa?cally tap into its fat stores and use them for the energy it needs. This leads to weight loss as your body burns its fat. 13. What happens if Orlistat is taken with a fat-free meal? Nothing, because there’s no fat for Orlistat to work on. Don’t take Orlistat if you’re going to eat a meal that doesn’t contain fat. 14. Why should I take a mul?vitamin when I’m taking Orlistat? You should take a mul?vitamin every day because Orlistat can lower the levels of some fat-soluble vitamins absorbed by your body. The mul?vitamins should contain vitamins A, D, E and K. You should take the mul?vitamin at bed?me, when you will not be taking Orlistat, to help ensure that the vitamins are absorbed. 15. What if I forget to take Orlistat before a meal? If you forget to take Orlistat and more than an hour has passed since your meal, do not take it. Just wait un?l your next meal and take Orlistat then. Never take two doses of Orlistat at the same ?me. 16. What does Orlistat do? If you commit a healthy lifestyle and follow a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet, Orlistat can reward your hard work with 50% more weight loss. So, for every 2 lb you lose by your own efforts, Orlistat can help you lose 1 lb more. They work in your diges?ve system to prevent some of the fat in your meals from being digested and absorbed. The unabsorbed fat passes naturally out of your body in your stools. 17. I am on a sodium-restricted diet. Is it OK to take Orlistat? The level of sodium in Orlistat is very low and so you do not need to take this into account if you are on a controlled sodium diet. 18. I don’t like swallowing tablets or capsules. Can I open an Orlistat capsule and sprinkle the contents of the capsule on my food? No. You must swallow the capsule whole with water. You should not break the capsule open. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 8/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store 19. How long does Orlistat remain in my body? Since the ?me it takes people to digest food varies, the ac?ve ingredient in Orlistat can actually remain in your body for up to 48 to 72 hours, mainly because the ?me taken for food to pass through the diges?ve system varies from person to person. However, it only affects the fat absorp?on of meals that are eaten within a short ?me of taking Orlistat. Only a very small amount of Orlistat is absorbed into the bloodstream. 20. Why should I take the mul?vitamin at bed?me? If you take the mul?vitamin with a meal, at the same ?me that you take Orlistat, it can cause some of those vitamins to be lost. So it’s best to take the mul?vitamin at a ?me when you won’t be taking Orlistat, such as bed?me. Related Products (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/reeshape- 120mg/) (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/obelit- 120-mg/) (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/s trim-ac?ve-120mg/) (h?p Reeshape 120mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com/Product/Reeshape- 120mg/) Obelit 120 Mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com/Product/Obelit- 120-Mg/) Slim Trim Ac?ve 120mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com Trim-Ac?ve-120mg/) Ce? (H? Generic Name : Orlistat Generic for : Xenical Manufactured By : Meyer Organics, India Generic Name : Orlistat Generic for : Xenical Manufactured By : Intas Pharma, India Generic Name : Orlistat Generic for : Alli Manufactured By : German Remedies, India Gen Gen Man Akum 30 Capsule/s 30 Capsule/s 30 Capsule/s $45.00 $34.00 $33.00 https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 9/12
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10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) OUR SERVICES About Us About Indian Pharmacy Contact Us Terms and Condi?ons OUR SUPPORT Guarantee Cancella?on Policy Refunds & Returns Shipping ETA MY ACCOUNT My Account My Cart Checkout Login PAGE FAQ Drug Policy Privacy Policy Disclaimer https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 11/12
10/24/2018 Buy Slimtop 120mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica?ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica?ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna?onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi?on to dispensing medica?ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica?on orders are also filled and shipped from interna?onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Medica?on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri?us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic?ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Copyright (C) 2018 alldaygeneric.com (h?ps://alldaygeneric.com). All Rights Reserved. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/slimtop-120mg/ 12/12