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Nature Intelligence

Nature Intelligence. Are you a star ?. Draw & Cut a star like this Write your name in the center Fold all the star’s triangular petals inside (along dotted line) – now it no more likes like a star Put two spoons of water in a plate Put your folded star on top of the water

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Nature Intelligence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nature Intelligence

  2. Are you a star ? • Draw & Cut a star like this • Write your name in the center • Fold all the star’s triangular petals inside (along dotted line) – now it no more likes like a star • Put two spoons of water in a plate • Put your folded star on top of the water • Watch – if it opens up and becomes a star then you are a real scientific star

  3. Nature Intelligence • The sun rises in the east. • Rubbing your hands generates heat. • Due to buoyancy the straw floats in a coke bottle. • You float when you disperse the water equivalent to your weight. • Parts of the plants – Petals and Sepals. • When the circuit from positive terminal to the negative terminal is complete – the current flows.

  4. Is Nature Intelligence about outcome?

  5. Nature Intelligence What is Nature Intelligence How do we develop nature Intelligence? How do we use nature intelligence in learning?

  6. Is Nature Intelligenceabout knowledge and Facts ? Is Science about knowledge and Facts ?

  7. Why do stars twinkle? Is Nature Intelligence about correct answer ?

  8. Explore • Blow the air out and feel the temperature of the air – guess what is the temperature? • Now roll your lips and blow and check the temperature • Open your mouth wide and blow the air – check the temperature. • Explore more if you want

  9. So how do we get children to • Learn about Caterpillars and butterflies • Explore different kinds of rocks • Be sensitive to tress • Understand own body parts (say dental needs) • To invent • To learn about sounds

  10. Is Nature Intelligence about a way to think, to relate? • To think in a scientific way, like a scientist; Do scientific thinking; Develop scintific temper; • To observe, to wonder, to wander, to experiment, to explore, to make hypothesis, to check those hypothesis, to draw own conclusions (however wrong they may be compared to scientific facts as we know them), to test them and so on. • To question even established facts.

  11. Blow the facts away What do you think will happen if you were to hold a strip of paper between two fingers and blow on top of it

  12. Scientific thinkingis a process which is NOT about knowledge but about a SKILLa way to think

  13. The Nature Intelligence

  14. How can we use Nature Intelligence? • To learn swimming (Body) • In my art class (Visual) • To make friends (People) • In gardening (Nature) • In my Drums class (Music) • In making presentations (Word) • To help overcome (nose picking) habit (Self) • To make better investments (Logic)

  15. If inspite of learning so much about our nature, we seem to give a damn about nature, what for are we learning about nature? Or is it, not, what we know about nature but, how we know, what we know

  16. In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. John Muir

  17. I THINK that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. Joyce Kilmer

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