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野外測量與紀錄. 張 中白. 1. 時間 2. 地點 3. 座標 4. 一般性描述 5. 露頭描述 6. 測量 7. 露頭描繪 8. 路線及構造簡圖 9. 分析與解釋 10. 其他. Structural geology. Structure. Ductile deformation Fold Foliation Lineation etc. Brittle deformation Joint Tension gash Styloite Fault etc. Fault.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 野外測量與紀錄 張中白

  2. 1. 時間 • 2. 地點 • 3. 座標 • 4. 一般性描述 • 5. 露頭描述 • 6. 測量 • 7. 露頭描繪 • 8. 路線及構造簡圖 • 9. 分析與解釋 • 10. 其他

  3. Structural geology Structure Ductile deformation Fold Foliation Lineation etc.. Brittle deformation Joint Tension gash Styloite Fault etc.. Fault Reconstruction of regional stress

  4. Fault surfaces displaying the direction of slip lineation

  5. pitch pitch Stereographic projection of a fault slip data set Slickenside lineation Fault plane Fault plane Lower hemisphere project

  6. Measurement includes [LL_NNN_NNL_NNN ( or NNL)] • 2 Letters (index 1 and 2) defining the structure • a strike ( 3 numbers from 0 ~ 360) • a dip (2 numbers + a letter)and • if necessary, a new blank followed by the geometry of the Lineation : azimuth ( 3 number)*3, or pitch / rank (2 number + 1 letter) • 2 numbers show the dipping angle from 0~90, 1 letter show the dipping direction N, S, E or W

  7. Method of right dihedrons obtaining the orientation of principal stress axes from statistic method

  8. STEREOGRAPHIC NET S’/S = f (inclination) S’/S = const.

  9. Wuff net Schmidt net

  10. Wuff net (equiangular) OPM isosceles triangle ON/OP = tan (p/4-i/2) ON = R tan (p/4-i/2) Schmidt net (equal-area) ON = OX, OX = (2)1/2 OH OH/OP = sin (p/4-i/2) ON = (2)1/2 R sin (p/4-i/2)

  11. (Chang C. P., Unpubl.)

  12. 露頭的描繪 台中-中橫公路

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