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Dagstuhl presentation

Dagstuhl presentation. Claire Warwick. Who I am. Professor of Digital Humanities at UCL Previously: Director of UCL Centre for Digital Humanities Head of UCL Department of Information Studies Soon to be: Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Research University of Durham

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Dagstuhl presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dagstuhl presentation Claire Warwick

  2. Who I am Professor of Digital Humanities at UCL Previously: Director of UCL Centre for Digital Humanities Head of UCL Department of Information Studies Soon to be: Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Research University of Durham Professor in the Department of English

  3. What I work on Users of digital resources in humanities and cultural heritage User centred design and community engagement Reading behaviour in physical and digital environments Social media and personal digital identity Institutional context of DH

  4. What I want to talk about Any of the above Or anything else interesting

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