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MAC Broadband Migration WG . August 26, 2008. 2. Introductions . . MAC Broadband Migration WG . August 26, 2008. 4. Introduction. Group composed of WG and support team members Please introduce yourselves, sharingBrief background and current role Expectations of the WG Current exposure to Broadband Ohio We are all volunteers, please come to:Participate, get involved and stay positiveWork -- all progress will be accomplished as the result of our labor. We are the heavy liftersAntic9446
1. Broadband Migration WG (BBWG) 26 August 08
MAC Broadband Migration WG
August 26, 2008
3. Introductions
4. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 4 Introduction Group composed of WG and support team members
Please introduce yourselves, sharing
Brief background and current role
Expectations of the WG
Current exposure to Broadband Ohio
We are all volunteers, please come to:
Participate, get involved and stay positive
Work -- all progress will be accomplished as the result of our labor. We are the heavy lifters
Anticipate 8 hours/month for WG members
5. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 5 Meeting Logistics WG chartered for one year; refresh with LMC
Leaders anticipate 18-month tenure at this time
Meeting frequency
Initially, might need 2x/month
After first few months, will meet monthly, scheduled for third Tuesday of the month
Might be a short hiatus, after first-cut of plan while we await vendor award
Typically, the SOCC
3:00 – 5:00 p
Any significant issues with the logistics?
6. MAC and Broadband Council Overview
7. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 7 Multi-Agency CIO Advisory Council (MAC) Chartered by Executive Order in 2004
Enterprise perspective to improve efficiencies, decrease costs, maximize the use of resources, improve customer service and reduce redundancies through centralized IT planning, investment and development
Makes recommendations to the State CIO
37 CIOs; meets quarterly
8. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 8 Leadership Management Committee (LMC) Serves as an Executive Committee to the MAC
Chaired by the State CIO, Steve Edmonson
8 members, with at least one from each Community of Interest
Meets monthly
9. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 9 SC and WG Current SC and WG
Data Protection SC
Vulnerability Testing WG
Broadband Migration WG (new)
Prior SC include
Enterprise Architecture and Standards
Statewide Strategic Planning
Application Portfolio Management
Acquisition Process Reengineering
Multi-Agency Procurement and Enterprise Licensing
10. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 10 SC/WG Roles and Responsibilities Subcommittee/Workgroup Responsibilities
Create SC/WG charter, guidelines and workplan based on LMC guidance. Review with LMC.
Perform the analysis necessary to investigate a topic thoroughly, as appropriate.
Guide and coordinate proof-of-concept activities, draft issue recommendations for review by the LMC, and provide lessons learned, as applicable. .
Recommend appropriate action on topics, based on well-researched and thoughtful analysis from the workgroups or subcommittees.
Be open to all viewpoints across the State agencies, and focus on the statewide enterprise value.
Subcommittee/Workgroup Chair and LMC Sponsor Responsibilities
Update the LMC and MAC periodically as requested by the MAC Chairperson on active initiatives and progress-to-date.
Create SC/WG agendas, meeting minutes, and monthly progress reports to the LMC.
LMC sponsor responsible for reviewing materials prior to presentation to the LMC or MAC as well as providing feedback and information about LMC activities. Presentations for the MAC must be reviewed by the LMC prior to delivery.
Provide issues or questions to the LMC 10 business days prior to the next LMC meeting or to the LMC 15 business days prior to next MAC meeting.
Recommend the SC/WG termination to the LMC once solutions are in place and no on-going governance is necessary.
SC/WG Member Responsibilities
Act as a leader for the subcommittee and its programs
Bring agency concerns and perspectives to the table, and take an enterprise view.
Promote the group’s recommendations within their agency and statewide.
Commit to do real work – directly and through agency staff.
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Attend and productively participate in SC/WG meetings.
11. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 11 Staffing the Work Everyone contributes to work effort
WG Member role
Review materials
Advise WG Chairs
Provide subject matter expertise and agency knowledge
OIT Support Team role
Perform research, analysis between meetings
Support to Spencer/George in preparing/executing the meeting
MAC Administration role
Ensure consistency and communication across SC
Fill in the gaps, as appropriate
Support to Spencer/George in preparing/executing the meeting
12. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 12 Broadband Council Overview Formed through Executive Order in July 07
Coordinating body for Broadband Ohio
Ensures that citizens, businesses, governments, educational institutions, non-profits, healthcare will have viable access to superior broadband services
Two primary components of Broadband Ohio: ConnectOhio (public) and Broadband Ohio (government and higher education)
Network oversight for policy, procedure, process and development
Chaired by State CIO and ED of Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC)
Four SC –Outreach, Policy, Strategic Plan, Migration
13. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 13 Broadband Migration SC Overview Formed in August 08, chaired by Bruce Hotte, Health
Membership: CIOs from Commerce, Health, JFS, PS; ED from South Central Ohio Computer Association, OPLIN; Gallia County Commissioner
Extend access to the Broadband Ohio Network for executive state agencies, boards and commissions
Ensure that the migration program for state agencies, boards and commissions is thoughtful and well-designed and takes the agency perspective into consideration, and
Ensure that risks to the success of the migration are identified and appropriately managed.
Provides strategic direction to MAC Broadband Migration WG
14. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 14 Relationship Across the Groups
15. Charter Discussion
16. Broadband Ohio Overview
17. Today’s Presentation Broadband Ohio Initiative
Connect Ohio
Broadband Ohio Initiative Accomplishments
Broadband Ohio Network
Current Approach
Future Architecture
Accomplishments (completed tasks)
Last Mile RFP, OH*IP
Broadband Ohio Network Migration
18. Broadband Ohio Initiative
19. Broadband Ohio Initiative
20. Broadband Ohio Initiative
21. Connect Ohio
22. Broadband Ohio Network
23. Broadband Ohio Network
24. Broadband Ohio Network
25. Broadband Ohio Network
26. Broadband Ohio Network
27. Broadband Ohio Network
28. Broadband Ohio Network
29. Broadband Ohio Network Early Adopters
Department of Transportation
Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
Department of Natural Resources
Rehabilitation and Services Commission
Department of Taxation
All Higher Education Universities
30. Last Mile RFP, OH*IP
31. Broadband Ohio Network
32. Broadband Ohio Network
33. Broadband Ohio Network
34. Migration Objectives
Leverage the State’s existing infrastructure (OARnet)
Migrate to modern Ethernet compatible technology
Support/promote statewide technology distribution
Save costs by leveraging state purchasing power
Increase broadband availability statewide
35. Migration Timeline
36. Migration Plan Early adopters
Gathering lessons learned
Organize Subcommittees
Ohio Broadband Council Migration Subcommittee
MAC Work Group
Agency Initial Meeting
Review BBO Architecture in more detail
Review agency existing Network Architecture
Specifications, Locations, types of circuits, customization requirements, etc…
37. Migration Plan OH*IP Award
Gain a better understanding of vendor(s)
Product and Service
Cost Structure
Location of technology and vendor deployment schedule
Vendor deployment schedule could directly impact agency migration and prioritization
Agency Follow-up Meeting
Re-visit with agency is likely due to results of OH*IP RFP
38. Agency Prioritization Agency prioritization considerations
Who’s ready first
Staffing levels of all parties involved
Must ensure that we do not take on too much too fast
Migrating agency has knowledgeable support staff at the ready
Level of complexity and risk
Areas of the state that have the required technology to migrate
Agencies with an immediate need, funding, desire and all of the other pieces ready to go
Ohio Broadband Council Migration Subcommittee support agency migration and report status to OBC and MAC Subcommittee
Collect customer data
Meet with each agency and several Local Governments
Establish current needs (to help with prioritization effort)
Migration schedule
Existing circuits used
EVC/VPN needs
39. MAC Assistance As we move forward MAC can help encourage member agencies and OIT to stay on schedule
Help ensure that OBC subcommittee schedule and stated agency plans are in concert
Provide feedback to both OBC as to lesson learned, progress, areas of improvement, cost savings or increased services purchased
40. Proposed Roadmap
41. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 41 Draft Roadmap
42. MAC Broadband Migration WG August 26, 2008 42 Agenda for Next Meeting Charter update (if necessary)
Review of process for initial agency interviews
General progress report
Other topics as defined.
Potential next meetings: September 4, 11th,18th (regular time)
43. Adjourn