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Flotilla 1-8 Milton, FL http://flotilla18.com. Our Goal is to Lead by Showing the Way. Follow the line (arrows) and at any point you can jump in and participate. Flotilla 1-8 Milton, FL. New Person enter CG Auxiliary and meets FSO-PS. Earn BQ Status. Interview sign paperwork
Flotilla 1-8 Milton, FLhttp://flotilla18.com Our Goal is to Lead by Showing the Way Follow the line (arrows) and at any point you can jump in and participate
Flotilla 1-8 Milton, FL New Person enter CG Auxiliary and meets FSO-PS Earn BQ Status Interview sign paperwork As soon as reasonable: Participate in Boating safety Course with exam FSO-PS assists new member http://www.auxodept.org/documents/MentoringinBoatCrewTrainingProgram-nographics.pdf Membership Application Form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7001f.pdf Enrollment Application form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7001f.pdf Exam Answer blank sheet – test key page empty http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7010.pdf Federal Direct deposit Form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/fms2231-cgaux-f.pdf Auxiliary Recruiting service Award http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/auxrsa_f.pdf Patriot Readiness Form http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/op_ready.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
New Member Page Personnel Security Program Enrollment Application (1/07), ANSC-7001 http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/a7001f.pdf New Member Course Guide (Draft) http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/NewMemCourseStudentStudyGuide.pdf New Member Reference Guide http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/NewMemRefGuide03.pdf New Member Exam http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/NewMemCourseExam.pdf New Member Test Answer Sheet, ANSC-7010 http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/Exam%20Answer%20Sheet%20a7010.pdf Auxiliary ID Card Form http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/IDCARDFORM2.pdf http://www.d8cr.org/memberID.htm Direct Deposit Form http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/Direct%20Deposit%20Form.pdf Prior Clearance form http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/newmember/f-prior-clearance.pdf Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing http://www.d8cr.org/eQIP%20applicant%20guide.htm Fingerprint Cards (FD-258)OFI Form 86C (Special Agreement Check)http://www.d8cr.org/os/OFI%20SF86C%20Special%20Agreement%20Check.pdf Standard Form 85 - Authorization For Release of Information http://www.d8cr.org/os/SF%2085%20release.pdf Citizenship verification form http://www.d8cr.org/os/USCG-AUXILIARYctizenship.pdf This part is handled by the FSO-PS
Boat/Operational Program Earn VE/PV/CFV Qualification Code Vessel Examiner (CME-VE) Participate in Vessel Safety Check (VE) course with exam VE Training Course - TEST be Supervised in doing 5 VSC’s achieve Vessel Examinations status Earn VE/PV/CFV Program Award Vessel safety Check sheet (copy only) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7012.pdf Vessel Activity Check (electronic form): http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7038s.pdf Vessel Activity Check (long report) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7038f.pdf Vessel Safety Check Information (for use to inform discrepancies that need feedback or relaying abnormity up the chain of Leadership: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7045f.pdf After introduction, participation, study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead records: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg3/cg3pcx/publications/comdtinst/vsc_man.pdf
Boat/Operational Program Recreational Boating safety Visitor Program (RBS-VP) RBSPV Training Course Supervised PV RBS-Program Visits (RBSPV) Participate in RBSVP Course with Exam Earn VE/PV/CFV Program Award Earn VE/PV/CFV Qualification Code Visitation Report Electronic form: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7046s.pdf Visitation Report long form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7046f.pdf Manufactures ID Code – for recording New Program Visits: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7047f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Boat/Operational ProgramVE/RBSVP/CFV Service Award - VE/RBS-VP/CFVE Service The VE/RBS-VP/CFVEService award is awarded for completing sixty or more VSCs, which include examinations of recreational boats, personal watercraft, commercial fishing vessels and un-inspected passenger vessels, or conducting sixty or more RBSVPs or conducting a combination of VSCs, CFVEs and RBSVPs, which totals at least sixty checks/visits. Also, the award may be earned by conducting a total of twenty CFVEs.
Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Auxiliary - Boat Crew Crewmanhttp://www.auxodept.org/documents/Boat%20CrewMentoringProgramTaskList-final.pdf Participate in Boat Crew PQS http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/documents/COMDTINST_M16794_52A.pdf Accept CG Orders, Observe safety (Situational awareness) (SW) (Training record by Lead or use 7029 form) http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_c.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_f.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_g.pdf Crewmember - Underway Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/crewcheck.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Earn the Operational Program Awards as a crewman
Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Forward the email from INDEPENDENT STUDY to Paul Savage DSO-MT DSO-MT@d8cr.org only for FEMA test. ICS-100 CG Manual http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/ISC-100.pdf FEMA - IS-100 FEMA Manual http://www.d8cr.org/pdf/ISC-100FEMA.pdf FEMA - IS-100 FEMA Test Questions http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/downloads/is100finalexam.pdf FEMA - IS-100 FEMA Online Exam https://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/exams/whyredir.asp FEMA - IS-200 FEMA Manual http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/downloads/ICS200summary.pdf FEMA - IS-200 FEMA Test Questions http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/downloads/is200finalexam.pdf FEMA - IS-200 FEMA Online Exam https://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/exams/whyredir.asp Include your member number in the box titled (Jr., Sr., PhD., III, etc.): IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/is700.asp Revision Updates for IS-800 National Response Plan (NRP) http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/is800note.asp
Earn the Operational Program Awards with star as Coxswain Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Earn the Auxiliary Coxswain’s Device once qualified as Coxswain Auxiliary - Boat Crew Participate in Coxswain PQS Coxswain http://www.auxodept.org/documents/COXSWAIN%20MENTORING%20TEMPLATE%209-30-04.pdf http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/documents/COMDTINST_M16794_53A.pdf Participate in “Rule of the Road” Course studies and Closed Book Exam Support Auxiliary Facility Accept CG Orders, Observe safety (Situational awareness)(SW) http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_c.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_f.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_g.pdf Coxswain – U/W Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/coxcheck.pdf SAR incident report http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7034f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - all missions, which the Lead recommends recording: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Earn the Operational Program Awards with star as PWC Operator Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Auxiliary - Boat Crew Earn the Auxiliary PWC Operational Device PWC Operator Participate in PWC PQS Participate in “Rule of the Road” Course studies and Closed Book Exam Support Auxiliary Facility Accept CG Orders, Observe safety (Situational awareness) (SW) http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_c.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_f.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_g.pdf http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/documents/COMDTINST_M16794_54A.pdf PWC - Underway Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/pwccheck.pdf SAR incident report http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7034f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Service Award – Operations Service • The Operations Service award is awarded for supporting Coast Guard units and missions, including surface operations, air operations, and operational watchstanding (such as communications watchstander, OOD, manning the SAR desk, etc.). Operations support does not include administrative support to operational units, such as answering the office phones, filing case files, and service in the Director’s office. • Displays the support “S” device for support activities not involving the movement of a facility, (i.e., watchstanding). Complete 200 or more hours of Operational Support activity as included in category 07, 20, 21, 23, and 55 on AUXDATA report 4 (ANSC 7030). • Displays the operational “O” device for underway (excluding underway for training), surface mission activity (sixty or more hours), or for airborne aviation mission activity (excluding training) (thirty or more hours). Support for on-the water readiness exercises does qualify as operational service. No combination of surface and air operations is allowable for this award. Support activity includes categories 01, 02, 03, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 51, 52, 53, and 54 identified on AUXDATA report 4. Activities 30 (AtoN-Federal) and 31 (AtoN-private) and 32 (Bridge Administration) should be for afloat activity, vice ashore, for this award.
Boat/Operational ProgramSurface Operations Boat/Operational Program Qualified Examiner (QE) Complete programs to certify qualification skills to do job. Request DIRAUX approval – with use of QE application form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_h.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Qualification Examiner In Training Pass all requirements to be QE Request DIRAUX approval http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/appendix_i.pdf
Boat/Operational Program Surface Operations Aux/Coast Guard - Station Operations CG Vessel Training Boat Crew Participate in Rule of the Road Course (course review only) Participate in Boat Crew PQS Boat Crewman qualified Support CG Policies and obey any orders Observe safety, (situational awareness) (SW)
Operational Program Communications AUXCOM Specialty Course (optional) Auxiliary Fixed land facility CG Watch standing (W/S) Do Station W/S Check off before process starts CG Station Operations Completed PQS for Station W/S W/S (Radio-20B) (Radio/Security Rounds 07A) Support CG Policies and obey any orders Observe safety, (SW) Participate in Station Watchstanding PQS Participate in Station W/S Board SAR incident report http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7034f.pdf After introduction, participation, forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Specialty Course Ribbon
Operational Program Boat Force Operations Insignia Earn the BFOI for Crew, Leadership, and W/S hours Boat Force Operations Insignia The Boat Force Operations Insignia is a solid matte silver toned metal device with an eight point compass/compass rose, over a crossed boat hook and oar centered over stylized waves. Auxiliarists are not authorized to wear the device on a temporary basis. The insignia is unique in one design which comes in two color schemes: a pewter-toned device indicating five years of service at boat force units and qualification as a boat crew member, and a silver and gold-toned device indicating five years of service and completion of a series of Coast Guard Force leadership related requirements. For qualification requirements for either insignia, refer to the Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Manual
Operational Program ATON verification A qualified ATON Verifier can earn a star on the Operational Program award CG Aids To navigation Training Course with PQS completed Chart Updating (ATON patrol) Participate in ATON verification Course, PQS, and test in PQS book Aids to navigation Report Form http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7054f.pdf Report ATON under Individual/Unit code only of 7030 http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7030f.pdf Chart updating form: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7037.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf
Marine Safety (Trident) Program Marine Safety (Trident) Program Intro to MS/MEP AUXMEP Advanced Course ISC 100, 700 Good mate Port Operations Marine Inspection 96 Hours or 5 years service Full participation in CG MS/MEP Complete 5 MS/MEP, PQS program After introduction, participation, the forms for study other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Additional Operational requirements are completed and they have a PQS to complete – this task will be managed by the MS department. Marine Safety Insignia Tridents and compass rose Marine Safety Trident Training Ribbon
Instructor Training Instructor Training Work with FSO-PE to get introduction to public speaking Participate in IT Course Teach with Lead IT Teach 4 hours without supervisor after Lead gives approval Member Training (MT code 06A or 06B) Public Education course as Instructor (code 14) Participate in Instructor Course with exam Training Review for IT http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7060f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Instructor Program award
Instructor Program The Instructor Program Awards recognizes qualification in the IT program. Instructor Program medal The PE Service award is awarded for IT and/or IT’s aides completing thirty or more hours of instruction (in PE or MT), or serving as an ITs aide for sixty or more hours, or completing a combination of IT hours and ITs aide hours to total at least thirty credits (one IT hour equals one credit and one aide hour equals one-half a credit, for example, twenty hours as an IT equals twenty credits and twenty hours as an aide equals ten credits, totaling thirty credits and qualifying to receive the award). Service Award PE Service
Pilot (or) Air Operations Program Pilot Program Air Operations Air Operation Training Flight Time Transport & Search and Rescue (SAR) Missions Participate in Air First Pilot Course and exam A & B with PQS Complete Flight Physical medical examination Pilot Air Crew Check http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7015f.pdf Air Crew Medical Screening http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7042f.pdf Air Crew Application – send to DIRAUX http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7043f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Auxiliary Aviator Insignia A qualified Pilot adds a star to Operation’s Program award
Air Operations Program Air/Operations Program Air Crew/Operations Program Air Operation training Area familiarization Support Air Participate in Air Crew Course and exam A & B with PQS Complete Flight Physical medical examination Pilot Air Crew Check http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7015f.pdf Air Crew Medical Screening http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7042f.pdf Air Crew Application – send to DIRAUX http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7043f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Auxiliary Air Crew Insignia A qualified Air crewman adds a star to Operation’s Program award
Pilot (or) Air Operations Program Air/Operations Program Air Observer/Operations Program Air Operation training as Observer Area familiarization Support Air Participate in Air Observer Course and exam with PQS Complete Flight Physical medical examination Pilot Air Crew Check http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7015f.pdf SAR incident report http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7034f.pdf Air Crew Medical Screening http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7042f.pdf Air Crew Application – send to DIRAUX http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7043f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Auxiliary Air Crew Insignia A qualified Air Observer adds a star to Operation’s Program award
Leadership Complete Auxiliary administrative Procedures course (AUXAPC) Option – member submit Auxiliary Leadership training AUXLEA Complete 12 months in Auxiliary and have a OS clearance Place name in hat for VFC or FC, then be Elected as an Elected Officer FC Auxiliary Recruiting service Award http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/auxrsa_f.pdf Change Mbr. status: (copy FSO-PS/IS) (needs FC) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7035f.pdf Member transfer: (copy to FSO-PS/IS) (needs FC) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7056f.pdf Change of Officers Report – used when a change in Officer Status: (copy to FSO-PS/IS) (need FC) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7006f.pdf Annual Unit Officer Report – Submitted at beginning of year: (copy to FSO-PS/IS) (need FC) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7007f.pdf Travel Voucher (needs FC approval) http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/dd1351-2f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Leadership Complete Auxiliary administrative Procedures course (AUXAPC) Option – member submit Auxiliary Leadership training AUXLEA Complete 12 months in Auxiliary and have a OS clearance Place name in hat for VFC or FC, then be Elected as an Elected Officer The below can be done by both FC/VFC The FC can be elected two years running and then has to step down The VFC has no time limits to be in the position. The FC can never delegate his/her authority – The VFC can act if FC is absent. VFC Rapid Draft letter head: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7104.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Administrative Staff jobs FSO-FN Finance (FN) exercises responsibility and supervision over financial matters. Keeps complete and understandable records of all receipts, disbursements, and other financial transactions. Some of its area of responsibilities are: Annual Financial Report Annual Budget Financial Report http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7025f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Administrative Staff jobs FSO-SR The Secretary / Records (SR) exercises responsibility and supervision for the recording and subsequent publication of the minutes of official sessions. Some of its area of responsibilities are: Maintains roster of Officers & Staffs Maintains Meeting Minutes Records Committee Assignments Record of meetings http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7017f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Leadership Staff Officer: Administrative Staff jobs FSO-IS Information Services (IS) is responsible for the planning, collection, and dissemination of information and statistics at all levels of the flotilla leadership. Department of Information Technology (I) http://home.auxidept.org/ Qualification Changes (old) can used to DIRAUX http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7057f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Assist: AuxData, AuxInfo, eDirectory, Forms, Flotilla Finder : http://www.nws.cgaux.org/members/departments/i_dept/index.html Forms – long adobe: http://forms.cgaux.org/forms.html e-Forms – less memory on your computer http://forms.cgaux.org/email.html
Leadership Staff Officer: Awards for Recruiting Personnel into the Coast Guard Active Duty or Reserves The Auxiliary Recruiting Service award is awarded for recruiting seven or more new Auxiliarists into the Auxiliary as determined and credited through the FC. Administrative Staff jobs FSO-PS -is responsible for membership growth and retention, diversity and increasing pride and esprit de corps among Auxiliary membership. Department of Personnel Website: http://www.auxpdept.org/ Change of Information – sent to FSO-IS by PS http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7028f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Administrative Staff jobs FSO-PB - assists in publicizing the missions and accomplishments of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the active-duty Coast Guard. Department of Public Affairs Websites: http://www.auxpa.org/ Review to stay current on CG Aux Mission: http://www.auxpa.org/ http://teamcoastguard.org/ http://auxadept.org/navigator/ http://www.auxpa.org/pressroom.php After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Auxiliary Public Affairs Ribbon Administrative Staff jobs FSO-PA Department of Public Affairs' website http://www.auxpa.org/ Press Room: http://www.auxpa.org/pressroom.php Sitrep Magazine http://teamcoastguard.org/ After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Administrative Staff jobs FSO-CS Department of Information Technology (I) http://home.auxidept.org/ CS Guide: http://home.auxidept.org/documents/CS-Guide_1.0.pdf Bits & Bytes http://home.auxidept.org/bitsandbytes.htm After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: • Administrative Staff jobs • FSO-MA - Materials (MA) exercises responsibility and supervision over the • procurement of materials including stationery, forms and publications. Maintains • and disseminates, as required, listings of supplies, sources and information on • Procurement - Some of its area of responsibilities are: • Procurement of stationary, forms and publications • After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: • http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf • Mission reports - Lead recommends recording hours: • http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf • http://safetyseal.net/pdf_files/vscdecalfm08.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-OP: serves as the administrator of the Auxiliary's Surface Operations, Air Operations, Telecommunications, and Aids to Navigation Programs, such as: Aids To Navigation (AN), Aviation (AV), Operations (OP) Communications (CM), District Flight Safety Officer (DFSO) Auxiliary Patrol Order Management System (POMS) Visit the Department of Operations website http://www.auxodept.org/ Patrol Orders management System https://www.fincen.uscg.mil/POMS.htm After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Operations Policy manual http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/CIM_16798_3E.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-MT Department of Operations Web Site – This will guide you in Operational Training for Communications, Aviation, and Surface http://www.auxodept.org/surfaceoperations.htm Auxiliary Operational Specialty (OSC) request http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7026f.pdf Workshop Mission reports (electronic form): http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7039s.pdf Workshop Mission reports (long form): http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7039f.pdf Exam Answer blank sheet – test key page empty http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7010.pdf Short Term Training Requests http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7059f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-PE - assists in accomplishing the Auxiliary's mission of providing exceptional boating safety education to the American public. * Aux-PE is a method to register Boating Courses. Department of Public Education (E) http://www.auxedept.org/ Notice of Intent to teach: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7023s.pdf http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7023f.pdf Training Review for IT http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7060f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-CM After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf AUXILIARY HF Stations and the National Communications System – SHARES http://www.auxodept.org/documents/SHARES%20Announcement.pdf Telecommunications site: http://www.auxodept.org/telecoms.htm http://www.auxodept.org/telecomsbestpractices.htm Operations Web Site: http://www.auxodept.org/whatsnewold.htm Operational Policy manual http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/CIM_16798_3E.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-VE Department of Boating safety (B): http://www.auxpa.org/pressroom.php http://auxbdept.org/index.php Vessel Offered for use – facility for use http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7003f.pdf Radio offered for use – radio facility http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7004f.pdf Aircraft Offered for use – Air Facility http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7005f.pdf PWC Offered for Use – PWC Facility http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7008f.pdf After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf Auxinfo: http://www.auxinfo.uscg.gov/
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-PV - Recreational Boating Safety Visitation (V) is part of the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) Directorate. This Directorate coordinates and oversees the Auxiliary mission in support of the Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety with the development and implementation of various RBS programs. Department of Boating safety (B): http://www.auxpa.org/pressroom.php http://auxbdept.org/index.php Boating Safety – Recreational Boating safety: http://safetyseal.net/index3.asp After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-AN Aids To Navigation (AN) Operational Web Site to assist ATON (Surface0 http://www.auxodept.org/ After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
LeadershipStaff Officer: Earn the Trident Award after completing the PQS and other requirements Operational Staff Mission titles FSO-MS Department of marine Safety and Environmental Protection (M): http://www.auxmdept.org/ After introduction, participation, the forms for study and other activity: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7029s.pdf Mission reports - for all missions that Lead recommends recording hours: http://forms.cgaux.org/email/a7030s.pdf
Additional Training The below 7 course will earn award Auxiliary Specialty Ribbon Specialty Training Course: AUXSEA – Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty Course AUXSAR – Auxiliary Search and Rescue Specialty Course AUXPAT – Auxiliary Patrols Specialty Course AUXCOM – Auxiliary Communications Specialty Course AUXWEA – Auxiliary Weather Specialty Course AUXNAV A – Auxiliary Navigation A Specialty Course AUXNAV B – Auxiliary Navigation B Specialty Course AUXOP Device Auxiliarists wear the AUXOP device, instead of the Specialty Training ribbon, after completing all specialty courses. Auxiliarists wear it on the right, immediately above the name tag on all but Dinner Dress uniforms. On the Dinner Dress Blue, males wear it immediately above the pocket. Females wear it in the same relative position. On the Dinner Dress White or Blue jacket, males wear it centered on the right lapel about 3 inches below the notch. Females wear it on the right lapel, in the same relative position
Additional Training • Training: • AUXMEP – Auxiliary Marine Environment Protection • AUXAPC – Auxiliary Administrative Procedures Course • AUXOPS – Auxiliary Operations Course \ • Rules of the Road: • http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title33/title33.html
4th Corner Stone (Morale) Option 4th Corner Stone (Morale) This job is one of the most important and valuable positions in the Flotilla, yet the ‘activity organizer’ will discover the tasking is a duty, which requires a lot of time, with little award recognition and no monetary incentive. If any member is so brave as to take on this job the debt owed will never be paid but in advance I will thank you.