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Metode Penelitian Administrasi / Manajemen

Metode Penelitian Administrasi / Manajemen. Hasan Mustafa. The Scientific Method. The goal of all scientific endeavors is: To explain To predict To control phenomena. Based on the assumption that all behaviors and events are orderly, and they are effects

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Metode Penelitian Administrasi / Manajemen

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  1. Metode Penelitian Administrasi / Manajemen Hasan Mustafa

  2. The Scientific Method • The goal of all • scientific • endeavors is: • To explain • To predict • To control • phenomena Based on the assumption that all behaviors and events are orderly, and they are effects that have discoverable causes

  3. Sources of knowledge • Application of the • scientific research 2. Experience 3. Authority

  4. Story told about Aristotle One day Aristotle caught a fly and carefully counted and recounted its legs. He then announced that flies have five legs. No one questioned the word of Aristotle. For years his finding was uncritically accepted. Of course, the fly that Aristotle caught just happened to be missing a leg. Whether or not you believe the story, it does illustrate the limitations of relying on personal experience and authority as a source of knowledge

  5. Inductive reasoning Example : Every research textbook examined contains a chapter on sampling Formulation of generalizations based on observation of a limited number of specific events Therefore, all research textbooks contains a chapter on sampling

  6. Deductive reasoning Example : All research textbooks contains a chapter on sampling Arriving at specific conclusions based on generalizations This is a research textbook Therefore, this book contains a chapter on sampling

  7. Sequential steps of scientific method • Recognition and definition of the problem • Formulation hypotheses • Collection of data • Analysis data • Statement of conclusions regarding • confirmation or disconfirmation • of the hypotheses

  8. The building blocks of science observation Identification of problem Refinement of theory (pure research) Or Implementation (applied research) Theoretical framework Interpretation of data Hypotheses Analysis of data Research design Data collection Uma Sekaran, 1984

  9. Types of researchby purpose Pure/basic research : The main purpose of conducting basic research is to generate more knowledge and understanding of the phenomena that occur and to build theories based on the research results. Applied research : The main purpose of this type of research is to applying the results of findings to solving specific problems currently being experienced in the organization

  10. Types of research by method Descriptive Research : A descriptive study determines and reports the way things are. One common type of descriptive research involves assessing attitudes or opinions toward individuals, organizations, events, or procedures. Examples : Customer Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction The application of “flextime” Correlational Research : Attempts to determine whether, and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables Examples : The relationship between motivation and job performance Causal Relationship Research : Try to trace the cause-effect relationships between two phenomena. Example : The effect of positive reinforcement on job performance “Sebab-akibat atau Korelasi?”

  11. Business and management research Management : Employee attitude and behavior Human Resource Management Information system Organizational Culture Organization Structure Etc. Marketing : Product image Advertising Sales promotion Consumer preferences Brand image Etc. Accounting : Budget and control system Inventory costing methods Accelerated depreciation Cash recovery rates Etc. Finance : Optimum financial ratios Merger and acquisition The operations of financial institution Etc.

  12. Some commonly researched area in administration/mgt. Employee behavior such as performance, absenteeism, and turnover, validation of performance appraisal system, brand loyalty, product life cycle, product innovation, consumer complaints, logo image, market testing, product positioning, portfolio investment, dividend policy, pricing model, corporate culture and socialization process, advertising effectiveness, designing career paths, gender differences in leadership styles, pollution emission and health of the worker, organizational effectiveness, deferred compensation plans, participative management and performance effectiveness, downsizing, creative management of a diverse workforce, etc.

  13. 1 Proses Penelitian Teknik pengumpulan data Mengenali secara umum masalah penelitian melalui observasi Teknik penskalaan Teknik sampling 7 4 5 Mengum- pulkan mengolah, meng- analisis, menginter pretasi data 6 3 Kerangka kerja teoritis. Menetapkan variabel penelitian Memuncul-kan hipotesis atau pertanyaan penelitian Merumuskan masalah penelitian Menyusun rancangan penelitian click click click Mengumpul- kan data awal click click Mempre- sentasikan laporan 2 Menyusun keputusan manajerial Menyusun laporan penelitian 9 8 Uma Sekaran, 2003 10

  14. 1. Observasi Masalah Penelitian Masalah yang dihadapi oleh organisasi yang perlu dicari jalan keluarnya Program pelatihan yang ternyata hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan harapan Pelayanan kepada masyarakat kurang memuaskan Disiplin pegawai yang rendah Sistem kerja baru yang diterapkan ternyata tidak berjalan sesuai dengan rencana Indeks Prestasi mahasiswa di bawah rata-rata Dan Lain-lain

  15. 2. Pengumpulan Data Awal tentang masalah penelitian Data keluhan masyarakat atas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh organisasi Data tentang kinerja pegawai setelah mengikuti pelatihan Data pegawai yang sering melanggar aturan organisasi, dan aturan-aturan yang sering dilanggar Data kegagalan penerapan sistem kerja baru Data lengkap tentang Indeks Prestasi Mahasiswa

  16. 3. Perumusan Masalah Penelitian Pernyataan yang spesifik yang akan dicari jawabnya atau jalan pemecahannya Berdasarkan data awal tentang masalah penelitian maka masalah perlu dirumuskan Waktu pelayanan tidak sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan ? Data keluhan masyarakat atas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh organisasi Biaya pelayanan terlampau besar ? Petugas pelayanan tidak profesional ? Tempat pelayanan kurang memadai ?

  17. 4. Kerangka Kerja Teoritis • Contoh : • Five determinants of service quality : • Reliability – the ability to perform service • dependability and accurately. “Bisa dipercaya” • 2. Responsiveness – the willingness to help customers • and provide prompt service. “Cepat tanggap” • 3. Assurance – the knowledge and courtesy of employees • and their ability to convey trust and confidence. – “Jaminan mutu” • 4. Empathy – the provision of caring, individualized • attention to customers – “mengerti kebutuhan pelanggan” • 5. Tangibles – the appearance of physical facilities, • equipments, personnel, • and communication materials. – “Tampilan fisik” Kotler, 1977

  18. Model Penelitian Kenyamanan tempat pelayanan Keterandalan Tampilan petugas Kualitas Pelayanan empati Pengetahuan aparat atas tugasnya Kecepat- tanggapan Kesopanan aparat

  19. 5. Hipotesis atau Pertanyaan Penelitian “Penyebab penyebab utama ketidakpuasan masyarakat atas mutu pelayanan organisasi adalah ketidak tepatan-waktu pengurusan perijinan” “Persepsi masyarakat terhadap aparat yang berjenis kelamin wanita lebih positif daripada pria” Apakah pekerjaan aparat dalam melayani masyarakat dapat diandalkan? Apakah kondisi fisik tempat pelayanan memuaskan ? Apakah aparat memahami kebutuhan masyarakat? Apakah aparat mengetahui dengan baik tugas mereka ? Apakah tampilan aparat menarik ? Dll.

  20. 6. Rancangan Penelitian Jenis penelitian : Hubungan kausal ? Korelasi? Deskripsi? Komparasi? Maksud penelitian : Menjajagi ? – explore Menguraikan apa adanya secara rinci? – description Menguji hipotesis ? – hypotheses testing Operasionalisasi variabel penelitian. Skala pengukuran variabel. • Penetapan sampel : • Jumlahnya • Cara penetapannya • a. sampel acak? • b. sampel tidak acak? • Cara pencarian data • Wawancara ? • Kuesioner? • Studi dokumen? • Observasi? Unit analisis (populasi penelitian) : Individu? Pasangan? Kelompok? Organisasi? Mesin? Aturan-aturan? • Rentang waktu • Penelitian : • “Sekali tembak”? • (one-shot) • - Longitudinal? Analisis : Univariate? Bivariate? Multivariate?

  21. 7. Pengumpuan data Studi Dokumen Wawancara Kuesioner Observasi Survai

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