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Marie Balikova. Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009. 2. Outline. Conspectus methodConspectus Categorization Scheme Conspectus Categorization Scheme used in CzechiaUDC

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    1. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 1 UDC/DDC crosswalk developed by the Czech National Library for the purpose of collection assessment Marie.Balikova@nkp.cz

    2. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 2

    3. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 3 Conspectus method An overview, summary, a description of collection strength and collecting intensities Arranged by subject classification scheme combination of either Containing standardized codes for collection or collecting levels and languages of materials collected

    4. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 4 Set of Conspectus reports, which include all appropriate collection information Collection descriptions may take a form of unstructured textual documents set of reports structured open and standardized formats (database files) The most libraries prefer database files Czech libraries prefer a set of reports Preferred presentation of Conspectus model

    5. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 5 Advantages of the Conspectus method Detailed library collection descriptions Collections and collecting patterns are described in comparable terms Conspectus values are accessible nationally (and internationally) online or in paper format Cooperative collecting or preservation policies can be developed using the Conspectus as an instrument to map collection strengths

    6. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 6 Disadvantages of Conspectus method A labour intensive method A time consuming method Based to a considerable extent on subjective judgments Application of conspectus method requires conversion between classifications, e.G. To DDC; not all of the libraries' collections are classified in library of congress classification or DDC Conspectus categories and subjects may be unsatisfactory for certain subject areas CCS is too detailed in some areas, and not sufficiently detailed in others

    7. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 7 Conspectus method applied in Czechia Discussion at the end of 1990s Translation of documents concerning the conspectus method Serious doubts about its applicability for our national archival collection among czech university libraries and other research and public libraries In 2000 the national library of the czech republic decided to carry out an evaluation of the strength of its collection in particular subject areas The collections of NLCR have been divided in three main branches: national archive collection, universal library collection, and study collection

    8. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 8

    9. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 9

    10. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 10 Conspectus Categorization Scheme Background materials/Basic documents WLN Conspectus Scheme Dewey Decimal Classification, Edition 21 (DDC 21) UDC-MRF Version 2002

    11. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 11 GUIDELINES FOR A COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY USING THE CONSPECTUS MODEL International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Section on Acquisition and Collection Development 2001

    12. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 12 WLN Conspectus Scheme – 2nd level

    13. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 13 Dewey decimal classification and relative index / devised by Melvil Dewey. -- 21th ed. / edited by Joan S. Mitchell... [et al.]. -- Albany : Forest Press, 1996.

    14. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 14

    15. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 15 Comments on Conspectus categorization scheme Is based on the shape of the north american academic world from the middle of the 20th century The shape of the scholarly world has changed since then The context of our country and the surrounding central europe is specific and different comparing with north america especially in subject domains such as Education Law Politics, politology European (small) languages, literatures History Auxiliar history sciences Juvenile literature Belles-lettres and literary criticism

    16. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 16 Organization of information in Conspectus Categorization Scheme In conspectus categorization scheme information are organized by discipline (like in DDC or UDC) For example the topic “death” or documents containing information on death may appear in several conspectus categories, e.G. 210 philosophy and theory of religion 230 christian theology, christian doctrinal theology 296 judaism 297 islam 393 death customs 122-129 special metaphysics 346 private law 612 human physiology 616 diseases. Clinical medicine

    17. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 17 Conspectus Categorization Scheme used in Czechia Library resources are divided into 24 broad subject divisions Within these divisions subject is further divided into 584 conspectus categories And then into conspectus subjects – subject controlled terms – 31165 (topical terms – czenas) Original conspectus is based on LCC, DDC UDC widelly used among czech libraries Concordances between UDC-DDC necessary

    18. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 18 Conspectus Divisions - the first hierarchical level Original WLN conspectus categorization scheme recomended by IFLA is respected The main objective of the first level is to provide an overview of library collections from subject´s viewpoint Among the libraries of the same type, e.G. National libraries of central europe, research libraries in humanities etc. The conspectus divisions are not tied to any universal classification scheme: it is not possible because the traditional classifications like ddc or udc are decimal; the whole knowledge is organized in ten main classes

    19. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 19 First level of Conspectus Categorization scheme 1. Anthropology 2. Biological sciences 3. Performing Arts 4. Business and economics 5. Philosophy and religion 6. Physical sciences 7. Geography and earth sciences 8. History and auxiliary sciences 9. Music 10. Chemistry 11. Language, linguistics and literature 12. Library science, generalities and references 13. Mathematics 14. Medicine 15. Political science 16. Law 17. Psychology 18. Sociology 19. Engineering and technology 20. Physical education and recreation 21. Art and architecture 22. Education 23. Computer sciences 24. Agriculture

    20. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 20 Differences between Conspectus Scheme, DDC and UDC at the first hierarchical level Conspectus divisions structure - 24 main subject categories - are more convenient for an inexperienced user; the important disciplines are enumerated at the first hierarchical level, e.G. Medicine, chemistry, mathematics One conspectus division contains data originating from various main classes of DDC/UDC, e.G. Conspectus division “business and economics” contains data from class 300/3 – social sciences and 600/6 technology In ddc and udc classifications, philosophy and psychology are included in one main class, the religion is located in a separate main class (2), In conspectus scheme, the religion and the philosophy are together in one division, the psychology forms a separate main division

    21. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 21 Division 4 „Business and economics“ contains data from class 300/3 – Social sciences and 600/6 Technology

    22. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 22 Conspectus Categorization Scheme - principles of mapping A decision has been accepted The first level must stay unchanged At the second level all necessary information must be included The third level is created by systems of controlled terms used in czechia In the institutions that are responsible for subject analysis in their discipline, e.G. National technical library for techniques, technology and related subjects, National library of medicine for medicine and related topics, Nlcr responsible for universal controlled system called CZENAS

    23. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 23 DDC UDC Universal system Hierarchical structure Ten mutuall exclusive main classes More supported Relative Index Yes More enumerative Less meaningful notation Less faceted Less flexible Universal system Hierarchical structure Ten mutuall exclusive main classes, Class 4 is vacant Less supported Relative Index NO Less enumeratitve More meaningful notattion More faceted More flexible

    24. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 24 DDC UDC Notation: pure and simple notation of Arabic numerals treated like decimal fractions Convention of the minimum of three digits Dot – punctuation sign - before the fourth digit Less meaningful notation Span of numbers – centered headings Notation: based on Arabic numerals plus other common symbols, arranged as decimal fractions Dot – punctuation sign - after the third digit More meaningful notattion Span of numbers

    25. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 25 Facet Indicators in UDC 1 + / : used to combine separate numbers Ex.: 622+669 Mining and metallurgy 592/599 Systematic zoology (equivalent to 592+593 ... +599) 17:7 Ethics in relation to art = language =111(02.053.2)... English language works - children`s books - subject arrangement Common auxiliaries (0…) common forms (054)(44) French newspapers (1/9) place (73)339.5.053 USA - trade balance (=…) ethnic groupings and/or nationality (73)339.5.053 USA - trade balance “…” time "04/14" The 5th to 15th centuries (the Middle Ages) -0 commonly recurring concepts -02 Properties, -03 Materials, -04 Activities, -05 Persons -037.52 Artificial mineral fibres. Glass fibres. Ceramic fibres 347.96-055.2 Female lawyers

    26. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 26 Facet Indicators in UDC 2 special auxiliaries -1/-9 Literary forms in class 82 – Literature 82-13 Epic poems Characteristics and details of machines, equipment, plant, processes and products in class 62 62-112 Machines according to type of construction .0 .03 Styles in Class 7 7.031Prehistoric art ' Alloys in Metallurgy, 669 669.35'5'6 – Copper-zinc-tin alloys (combining 3 separate numbers) The ability to join two (or more) numbers together to create a compound notation Many compound concepts do not appear in the schedules, except as “Examples of combination”

    27. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 27 UDC – DDC mapping Main principles: To establish a connection between ddc conspectus category and udc conspectus category It means that only conspectus categories are mapped Subject headings and classification numbers entered in individual BIB records are not mapped The mapping is carried out in one direction only, from the UDC to the DDC

    28. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 28 2nd hierarchical level of Conspectus Scheme All mappings between DDC and UDC were realized at this level only Our intention was to create such a mapping tool which enables both To compare library collections at institutional, national and – regarding conspectus scheme –international level as well To create such an organizing tool which is able to meet all (almost all) criteria of Czech libraries of all types

    29. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 29 DDC in Czech Conspectus scheme To adapt the captions of the system to general end-users To support end-users understanding and web browsing, e.G. To add the name of a discipline when the DDC caption is not “complete”

    30. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 30 Different point of view on European history and philosophy, unusual for Europeans

    31. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 31 More Conspectus categories 1 Subject areas heavily represented in Czech environment and missing in DDC Conspectus scheme are included in Czech Conspectus scheme, e.g

    32. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 32 More Conspectus categories 2

    33. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 33 Where is the Conspectus categorization scheme applied The most important characteristic of the conspectus scheme - access to information resources through content characteristics - was used when creating and developing The subject-oriented universal gateway (UIG – uniform information gateway), Subject information gateways (KIV /library and information science/, MUS, TECH, ART) and Topic map of the Czech National Library Collection

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    37. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 37 Topic map of library collections Can serve as an user friendly subject access for inexperienced library users and for those who prefer to get information on documents location directly and without the use of library catalogue. The main objective is to provide high quality services and improve information sharing. Topic map presents subject information in a systematic way and helps patrons use the portal trough a simple interface. In order to achieve this navigation and search function information resources are connected to the topics through the Conspectus categories data entered in bibliographic records.

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    45. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 45 Conspectus Category applied in BIB record

    46. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 46 Authority record of Conspectus Division

    47. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 47 Authority record of Conspectus Category

    48. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 48 Index of Conspectus Categories applied in BIB records

    49. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 49 Navigation by Conspectus Categories

    50. Marie Balikova Dewey Translators Meeting, IFLA Milano 2009 50 Conspectus Categorization Scheme Is not an ideal tool, but it is a very powerful and flexible tool which can be Used for organization of heterogenous information resources It can improve subject access It can serve as navigation tool It can serve as crosswalks between two videlly used classification schemes DDC and UDC

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