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LESSON PLAN Subject : ELECTRONICS Materials needed : Chalk, Blackboard, Eraser, Visual Aids I. Topic : Resistor Color Coding.
LESSON PLANSubject : ELECTRONICSMaterials needed : Chalk, Blackboard, Eraser, Visual AidsI. Topic : Resistor Color Coding
II. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will1. State the colors of the resistor color coding accordingly.2. Name the value of resistors based on the color codes.3. Appreciate the value of using codes.
III. Activities1. Prayer/Greetings/Introduction.2. Review of the previous topic.What is resistor?3. Motivation: Traffic lights4. Introduce the topic: Resistor Color codingAsk the students if they can guess the topic today.5. Introduce the colors involve in resistor color coding. See the visual aid.
6. Give the technique how to remember the colors.* Bad Boy Rape Our Young Girl But VioletaGaves Willingly Good Service.7. Discuss the designation of the 4 colors/bands resistors.4 BANDS 1st color/band : 1st digit 2nd color/band : 2nd digit 3rd color/band : Multiplier 4th color/band : Tolerance 8. Give at least 3 examples on how to read the value of resistor based on its colors.9. Ask at least 2 students to read the value of resistor based on a given colors.
10. Discuss the designation of the 4 colors/bands resistors.5 BANDS1st color/band : 1st digit2nd color/band : 2nd digit3rd color/band : 3rd digit4th color/band : Multiplier5th color/band : Tolerance11. Then give at least 3 examples on how to name the colors of resistor from a given resistor value.12. Ask at least 2 students to name the colors of the resistor based on a given value.13. Ask the students if they can follow the discussion.
IV. Evaluation1. Brown, Black, Red, Gold = 1kΩ ±5%2. Yellow, Violet, Gold, Gold = 4.7Ω ±5%3. 100kΩ ±10% = Brown, Black, Yellow, Silver4. Green, Blue, Black, Black, Brown = 560Ω ±1%5. Orange, Orange, Black, Red, Brown = 33kΩ ±1%