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Orange County Board of County Commissioners Transmittal Amendment # 2009-D-4-2 ( ICP DRI). June 23, 2009. 2009-D-4-2 (ICP DRI). 2009-D-4-2 Aerial. UCF. Research Park. Retail. Waterford Lakes Avalon Park. ICP. Innovation Place. Starwood. Moss Park. OIA. Lake Nona/ “Medical City”.
Orange County Board of County CommissionersTransmittalAmendment # 2009-D-4-2 (ICP DRI) June 23, 2009
UCF Research Park Retail Waterford Lakes Avalon Park ICP Innovation Place Starwood Moss Park OIA Lake Nona/ “Medical City” Innovation Way
Background • ICP DRI adopted in late 1980s • Currently allows industrial, office, ancillary retail and hotel uses • A proposed 2005 DRI amendment was not adopted • Innovation Way policies adopted in 2006; effective in 2008 • ICP exempted from some Innovation Way requirements; northern portion is entirely exempt • Applicant has agreed to comply with Innovation Way concept and policies • Two community meetings
ICP Activity Center Policies • ICP DRI predates Innovation Way policies • ICPAC policies conform with Innovation Way vision • ICPAC follows key themes: • Mixed-use centers near transit stations/stops • Minimum 10% units are workforce housing • Addresses ELSP • High tech/high value jobs – housing balance • Consistent with MMTD • Proposed policies consistent with Innovation Way • The ICPAC will be implemented through the PD-LUP
Proposed ICPAC Policies ICP Objective 8.1 and Policies 8.1.1-8.1.11 OBJECTIVE 8.1 International Corporate Park (ICP) is a development of regional impact (DRI) that is partially located within the Innovation Way Overlay and the Innovation Way Corridor (Scenario 5). By adopting Future Land Use Objective 8.1 and Policies 8.1.1 – 8.1.11, the County adopts a new mixed-use future land use designation termed the ICP Activity Center (ICPAC) that will facilitate the creation of a high-tech/high-value employment center and the community infrastructure to support this employment. Implementation of the ICPAC policies is based upon high density/high intensity urban land uses that will support the establishment of a comprehensive, highly connected, multi-modal transportation system developed around transit. Other community infrastructure required to attract high-tech/high-value employment includes a mix of housing options, recreational facilities, schools, and utilities. Development in the ICPAC shall be consistent with meeting the intent of the following Innovation Way Objectives and Policies.
Proposed ICPAC Policies POLICIES 8.1.1 The ICP Activity Center (ICPAC) Land Use Designation includes a combination of residential, retail, office, research park, industrial, hotel, and support institutional uses (parks and schools), that will be developed around planned transit stops and/or stations. The northern and southern Innovation Way Corridor roadway alignments are collectively referred to herein as “Innovation Way.” Corporate campus uses for the creation of high-tech/high value employment may be located within the ICPAC. Until such time as the County adopts specific land development regulations for the Innovation Way Overlay, all development within the ICPAC shall be zoned Planned Development (PD) and will include urban design guidelines that address walkability, bikability, quality of life, urban community standards, and integration of required pedestrian, bicycle and transit modes as stipulated in a multimodal transportation district.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.2 The policies related to the ICPAC Future Land Use designation shall be implemented through adoption of a Substantial Deviation to the existing Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and associated modification to the existing planned development (PD) zoning to ensure compliance with the intent of Innovation Way Goal 8 and associated objectives and policies, to the extent that the property is not exempt from such policies. 8.1.3 Acreages allocated to the following land uses within the ICPAC shall comply with the following standards (based on net developable land area):
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.3(continued) Within the ICPAC the following minimum floor area ratios/densities shall be applied to development: A Transit Station Area is defined as a Transit Stop which serves more than one Fixed Guideway transit (dedicated transit lane) facility. Minimum Transit Station Area intensities for Commercial and Office uses shall apply only at such time that rail transit or bus rapid transit, with headways less than or equal to twenty minutes, serving the Transit Station Area has been secured and committed. Prior to such time, the minimum FAR within a Transit Station Area shall be 0.40.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.4Residential uses within the ICPAC shall be located so as to facilitate pedestrian/bicycle access to employment nodes, transit and other residential uses. Such residential uses shall be encouraged to be vertically or horizontally integrated with office and retail uses, particularly in the Transit Station Areas, consistent with FLUE policy 8.8.3. Housing within the ICPAC shall include a diversity of housing types and densities to attract citizens from a wide range of economic levels and age groups. Workforce housing units shall be dispersed throughout the ICPAC, consistent with FLUE policy 8.1.8. 8.1.5 Within the ICPAC, the urban form shall consist of prototypes that reflect the jobs rich environment of this development, by virtue of its location in proximity to SR 528/Beachline Expressway and associated interchanges, and proximity to multiple planned multi-modal corridors. Densities and intensities of development within the ICPAC shall be consistent with FLUE Policy 8.7.5, including the need to provide minimum densities and intensities to support transit-oriented development as articulated through FLUE Policy 8.1.3. Development within ICP shall be consistent with the MMTD policies Orange County adopts for Innovation Way.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.6 At least 10% of the land uses within 1/2 mile of an expressway interchange (except systems level interchanges) will be residential. A mix of residential, office, commercial and hotel uses in this area may be integrated vertically or horizontally. Horizontal or vertical mixing of uses will be encouraged around transit stations or stops within this area. The Planned Development Land Use Plan (PD-LUP) for this area shall include design guidelines that emphasize the pedestrian experience and connectivity to transit.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.7 Other than as stipulated in 8.1.5 and 8.1.6, above, development within the ICPAC will occur as one of the following types of urban forms: A. ICP Mixed Use Centers— which shall function as a collection of compatible uses in a compact setting. ICP Mixed Use Centers shall be depicted on the Planned Development Land Use Plan (PD-LUP). Higher intensity and horizontal or vertical mixing of uses shall be encouraged within the Transit Station Areas (TSAs) (defined as ¼ mile radius around designated and proposed transit stations). Residential densities within ¼ mile of the Innovation Way roadway shall have a minimum average density of 8 du/acre averaged across the length of the roadway within the ICPAC. Commercial retail uses within the ICP Mixed Use Centers shall be of a type and intensity to primarily serve the needs of development within the ICP Mixed Use Center and adjacent residential neighborhoods, unless such commercial retail uses lie within ½ mile of an existing or planned expressway interchange. School facilities located within ICP Mixed Use Centers shall be well connected to residential uses. Residential uses shall not be located within 100 feet of industrial uses that would be prohibited in I-1A and I1/I5 zoning districts.
Proposed ICPAC Policies • Neighborhood Development— single-use residential neighborhoods should not exceed a net developable land area of 200 acres and shall provide for neighborhood facilities and services including, but not limited to, passive and active recreation facilities, sidewalks and bikeways. The development of a variety of housing types within each residential project is encouraged, with generally higher densities located in proximity to ICP Mixed Use Centers. Public open space shall be provided within each neighborhood. Siting of elementary schools within Neighborhoods shall be encouraged subject to approval by Orange County Public Schools. Each neighborhood shall be designed so that most housing units are within one-half (1/2) mile of an existing or proposed transit corridor. • Industrial Development— Industrial uses allowable in I-1A and I-1/I-5 districts will be allowed in the ICPAC, except that uses that would be prohibited within the I-1A zoning district shall be restricted to those lands lying east of the existing OUC railroad right-of-way.
Proposed ICPAC Policies D. Institutional Uses— may include educational uses and public and private clinics, and shall be encouraged to be located within ½ of a mile of an existing or proposed transit corridor, and shall be shown on the PD Land Use Plan. E. Civic Land Uses— may be comprised of cultural, recreational, and/or urban open spaces (such as greens, parks, plazas, or squares). Urban open spaces and parks shall be located and designed to encourage frequent use and enhance quality of life. The ICPAC shall provide a Community Park containing at least 20 acres of contiguous upland acres located adjacent to the proposed Orange County Regional Trail or other equivalent recreational open space as approved by Orange County Parks and Recreation Department and the Orange County Planning Division.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.8 Consistent with the adopted Orange County Workforce Housing Task Force Report (May 22, 2007), lands within the ICPAC shall provide a minimum of ten percent (10%) of their total housing inventory in the form of workforce housing, of which at least 50% shall be rental workforce housing. Workforce housing units shall be generally dispersed throughout the ICPAC. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to imply a requirement for workforce housing in every residential project within the ICPAC. Mixed income residential projects shall be encouraged. All of the required workforce housing units within the ICPAC shall be provided prior to achieving 70% residential build-out.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.9 Lands within the ICPAC shall be consistent with the following Environmental Land Stewardship Program (ELSP) policies: Environmental Land Stewardship Program lands (ELSP lands) include preservation and conservation areas as defined in FLU5.4.4. The ESLP includes preservation areas, conservation areas, and uplands. Map G-4 of the International Corporate Park (ICP) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) is a guiding document that conceptually shows the location and acreages of lands to be preserved. The proposed boundaries of stewardship lands shall be identified by a sketch and on all construction approvals and applicable regulatory permits. The review process for these applications shall refine the amount and type of land or development rights that will be required to be dedicated to Orange County or County-approved conservation-related entity.
Proposed ICPAC Policies Orange County shall establish incentives consistent with the goals of Innovation Way and the ELSP. Such incentives may include, but are not limited to: • The opportunity to accumulate or sell stewardship lands credits; • Option agreements for sale to public entities or recognized conservation-related land acquisition agencies. These agreements may be in the form of fee simple ownership or conservation easement; • Credit for the incorporation of preserved lands when integrated as passive recreation and open space areas in an environmentally friendly manner; • Use of stewardship lands as recipient sites for gopher tortoises and/or other protected species.
Proposed ICPAC Policies All property owners seeking a DRI Development Order (DO) or rezoning within the ICPAC, must commit to the protection of ELSP Lands or dedicate suitable lands to the County or a County approved conservation-related public or private entity. Prior to or in conjunction with final plat approval for any property within the ICPAC, the property owner(s) shall protect the ELSP Lands by either dedicating the requisite land or development rights to Orange County or to a County-approved conservation-related public or private entity. Such land or development rights dedication shall be consistent with previous approvals, where applicable.
Proposed ICPAC Policies All ELSP Lands shall have a management plan approved by Orange County Environmental Protection Division. It shall be the responsibility of the land owner, their successors in interest, or the transferee of a conservation easement, whether a public entity, private entity, or private property owners’ association, to manage stewardship lands in conformance with the approved management plan. Notwithstanding the forgoing, a landowner may dedicate the lands to Orange County for management purposes with a per acre management fee as determined by Ordinance. The use or conveyance of stewardship land exchanges must be recorded in the public records of Orange County as a covenant or restrictive easement running with the land in favor of the County.
Proposed ICPAC Policies 8.1.10 ICP shall make provisions for adequate land inventory for high tech/high value job providers for a 25 year time frame. For the purposes of these policies, the term “high tech/high value jobs” shall have the meaning of either high tech or high value jobs. High tech jobs shall include all jobs provided in a high tech industry (NAICS Subsectors 325, 334, 425, 517, 518, 541, 611, 621, and 622, or similar industries), and high value jobs shall include jobs, in any industry, with average annual salaries that exceed 150% of the average wage in Orange County as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation.
Proposed ICPAC Policies In consideration of the fact that ICP is an existing DRI and is being developed as a single project, the portion of the ICP DRI which lies to the north of the Beachline Expressway, which is not subject to Innovation Way policies, as well as the existing ICP industrial parcels lying south of the Beachline Expressway, shall be included in any required calculation of balance between jobs and housing. As an incentive to provide jobs rich developments within the ICPAC, developers of projects generating high tech/high value jobs in excess of those required to balance the housing provided within the ICPAC may use these excess jobs to balance housing provided elsewhere within the Innovation Way Overlay. The balance of jobs and housing within the ICPAC shall be such that provisions are made for adequate land inventory to accommodate at least 0.70 high tech/high value jobs for each residential unit.
Proposed ICPAC Policies Table 3 For the purposes of these policies, the total number of jobs generated by a specific use shall be calculated based on the following job generation rates (Table 3): All jobs (100%) generated by a high tech/high value industry as defined in Policy 8.1.10 shall be considered to be high tech/high value jobs. Jobs generated by all other industries, or for uses without a defined end user, shall use the following table (Table 4) to determine the number of high tech/high value jobs generated by the particular use: Table 4
Proposed ICPAC Policies (continued) To determine the number of jobs, high tech/high value jobs, and dwelling units required to achieve balance, the following formulas shall be used: # of Jobs = A ÷ R # of High Tech/High Value Jobs = A ÷ R × P Maximum # of DU = A ÷ R × P ÷ 0.7 DU = dwelling units required to balance jobs A = building GSF R = GSF per employee (see Table 3) P = percentage high tech/high value jobs (see Table 4)
Proposed ICPAC Policies ICP shall be the beneficiary of any Orange County developed programs that provide expedited site and development plan review for development proposals that include high-tech/high value uses, similar to the expedited development review process used for certified affordable housing projects. Orange County shall coordinate with appropriate state or regional entities in the expedited processing of approvals and permits for high tech/high value uses. 8.1.11 The overall roadway network within the ICPAC shall be connected to the regional and local network and provide multiple connections within the ICPAC and to adjacent DRIs and DAPs. Lands within the ICPAC will participate in the development of a comprehensive, highly connected, multi-modal transportation system that is developed to accommodate regional transit.
Transportation Analysis/Agreements • Traffic deficiencies also reviewed thru the DRI process • ICP DRI improvements executed through the Development Order (DO) • Monitoring and modeling (M&M) required for Phase 1 • Original DRI (1986) already has several agreements in place addressing transportation deficiencies, including the Innovation Way interchange at the Beachline (SR 528) • Road E agreement has been approved by the BCC
2009-D-4-2 ICP DRIAnalysis and Recommendations • Staff Analysis • The proposed PD-Low, Low-Medium, Medium and High Density Residential / Office / Commercial / Industrial / ICP Activity Center (DRI) [PD-LDR / LMDR / MDR / HDR / O / C / IND / ICPAC (DRI)] designation is consistent with the adjacent approved DRIs to the west, the Innovation Way policies, and the proposed Innovation Way Multi-Modal Transportation District. • The Applicant is entering into agreements with the County and OCPS to provide infrastructure needed to serve the proposed development, including roads, water and wastewater, parks and schools • Applicant has agreed to comply with the Innovation Way ELSP Staff and LPA Recommendation: Transmit Amendment 2009-D-4-2, including the proposed ICPAC Objective 8.1 and Policies 8.1.1-8.1.11, and Policy
Orange County Board of County CommissionersTransmittalAmendment # 2009-D-4-2 (ICP DRI) June 23, 2009