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Specific Learning Disability:. Accurate, Defensible, & Compliant Identification. Mississippi Department of Education. Purpose of the Day. To examine the current practices and policies related to the identification of specific learning disabilities in .
Specific Learning Disability: Accurate, Defensible, & Compliant Identification Mississippi Department of Education
Purpose of the Day • To examine the current practices and policies related to the identification of specific learning disabilities in order to ensure compliance with Mattie T.
Expected Outcomes • Participants will be able to calculate compliance with Mattie T. with regard to SLD • Participants will be thoroughly familiar with requirements to support identification of SLD
A Caveat About the Day • Remember that the focus of the day is on achieving and maintaining compliance with federal & state law and preferred professional practices. • Any time professional practices are examined, there is a tendency to react defensively. But, there is no intention to offend, only to learn how the school system can become & remain compliant while ensuring better results for students.
Compliance with the SLD identification rate differential Calculations: • African-American students with SLD divided by the number of African-American enrollment with SLD x 100 = %age Af-Am with SLD • White (all other) students with SLD divided by number of White students enrollment x 100 = %age White with SLD
Compliance with the SLD identification rate differential • Subtraction Problem • ____ %age Af-Am w/SLD • - ____ %age White w/SLD • ____ %points differential (or “SLD identification rate differential”)
Compliance with the SLD identification rate differential • “Every LEA (except those specified in subparagraph in subparagraph 20(a)(4) below) shall reduce its SLD identification rate differential to 1.85 within seven years.”
Compliance with the SLD identification rate differential • LEAs whose white student enrollment comprises four percent of its total student enrollment or whose white student enrollment is twenty students or less shall be required to attain and maintain a district-wide SLD identification rate of 5.65% or less within seven years.
Compliance with the SLD identification rate differential Questions: • What is your current differential for SLD? • How many Af-Am students with SLD would be identified in order to be at the 1.85 percentage point differential?
Next Steps ? • Examine Practices of recent Identification of SLD • Determine the degree of implementation of current requirements for 3 Tiers, TST, & contemporary assessment practices. • Consider whether changes are needed to achieve & maintain compliance
Individual Protocol • 3 Sections: • Effective Classroom • Teacher Support Team • Individual Assessment • Items on form • Format: Yes or No (No = noncompliance)
Most Important Item • Evidence of appropriate academic instruction in reading and mathematics (‘scientifically-based instruction in reading’).
Early Intervening Services (EIS) & Response to Intervention (RtI) Decisions(3 Tiers of Teaching) Students successful receiving scientifically-based instruction 1 Note: No Program Titles are listed (70-80%) Students successful receiving intensive research-based services 2 (10 – 30%) 3 (8 -10%)
Accountability Questions • Are xx% or more students proficient or above based on latest state performance data or universal screening? • If No, provide assistance in curriculum & instruction until student performance is increased. • If Yes, determine number of remaining students in need of interventions.
Early Intervening Services (EIS) & Response to Intervention (RtI) Decisions (4 Tiers of Teaching) Students successfully responding to routine discipline 1 Note: No Program Titles are listed (70 - 85 %) Students successfully responding to small group research-based interventions 2 (15 – 30%) Students responding to individual intensive interventions 3 (3 - 5%)
Unstated Assumptions in a Referral The student of concern: • Has experienced appropriate instruction during his/her educational history • Is placed with (an) experienced, prepared teacher(s) in a well-organized, adequately resourced classroom • Is exposed to research-based curricula delivered according to the design • Has teacher(s) using a data oriented, problem solving approach to address concerns • Has an experienced person available to facilitate assistance for the teacher(s) Applies to Tier 1
Teacher Support Team General Education Requirements in support of accurate identification of a specific learning disability (SLD)
Teacher Support Team • Documentation of presence of appropriate members on the Teacher Support Team to assist in development of intervention strategies?
Interventions • Description of a scientifically-based intervention was provided? • Intervention meets minimum requirements? http://www.w-w-c.org/ http://www.promisingpractices.net/ http://coexgov.securesites.net/index.php?keyword=a4366358b747d4 http://www.ed.gov/rschstat/research/pubs/rigorousevid/index.html
Data on Progress • Evidence of the use of appropriate data collection methods to monitor student progress? http://www.studentprogress.org/
Individual Assessment Professional Implementation of Ethical Practices http://www.nasponline.org/pdf/ProfessionalCond.pdf
Observations (1) • Appropriate personnel performed classroom observations to assess student needs?
Observations (2) • Observations included quantifiable data comparing student to peers?
Adequate Time • Evidence of appropriate time period to fairly evaluate effectiveness of the intervention? http://www.sp-ebi.org/ http://www.nasponline.org/information/pp_prevresearch.html http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/news/coverStories/evidence_based_interventions.php
Appropriate Frequency • Intervention sessions were frequent enough that an effect would be expected?
Integrity Check • Evidence of evaluation of treatment or procedural integrity measures that ensured proper implementation of intervention components throughout the intervention?
Analysis • Results of the intervention were analyzed and evaluated for effectiveness or ineffectiveness to (dis)confirm possible presence of a disability (and proceed to eligibility evaluation)?
Trained Personnel • Presence of appropriate personnel on the eligibility team to assist in determining eligibility and recommendations for goals and benchmarks?
Appropriate Instruments • Assessment instruments are appropriate for evaluating current referral concerns (e.g., reliable and valid for concern and student characteristics)?
Addition • Clerical calculations were performed appropriately?
Trained Personnel • Assessment instruments were administered by trained & certified personnel?
Ruling Out Other Reasons • Evidence that effects of environment, culture or economic disadvantage were ruled out?
Ruling Out Other Reasons • Evidence that effects of visual, hearing or motor disability were ruled out?
Ruling Out Other Reasons • Evidence that mental retardation or emotional disability were ruled out as a primary explanation for student needs?
Logical Conclusion • Documented specific rationale for eligibility is consistent with the referral concern?
Scores Consistent • Test scores were in the appropriate range to support the rationale for the disability?
Comprehensiveness • All areas of the disability were appropriately assessed (e.g., intelligence, achievement, adaptive behavior, emotional)?
System Resources • Interview of assessment personnel indicates that Assessment Library is adequate to implement Child Find procedures in the LEA?
What’s Required for Compliance? • ‘Yes’ to All Requirements • Adequate Documentation to support a ‘YES’ answer to all questions
So, What’s Next ? • How will you achieve compliance with the SLD differential ? • How will you maintain compliance with the SLD differential through 2011 ?