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A root canal is a treatment of the pulp of the tooth that is inflamed, infected, or dead. The dental pulp is a soft substance in the center of the tooth that consists of the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue.
R O O T C A N A L T R E A T M E N T EVERYTHINGYOUNEEDTOKNOW WHAT IS RCT? HOW PAINFUL IS IT? Arootcanalisatreatmentof thepulpofthetooththatis inflamed, infected, ordead. Thedentalpulpisasoft substanceinthecenterofthe tooththatconsistsofthe nerve, bloodvessels, and connectivetissue. Thepulp chamberisthehollowpartin thecenterofthetooththat containsthepulp, Oneofthegreatfears aboutthiskindof treatmentisthatitwill bepainful, butthe treatmentthatiscarried outbyatraineddental surgeonshouldbe relativelypainless. The painthatisfeltcomes fromtheinfectionand notfromthetreatment. Thetreatmentdoesnot causepain; ithelpsto alleviateit. WHO NEEDS IT? WHAT DOES IT COST? Somepatientsoptfor extraction, especiallyifithurts alotorifthetoothcannotbe restored, forexample, ifthere islargedecay, trauma, orloss ofboneduetoperiodontal, or gum, disease. However, removingatoothmaymean thatthesurroundingteeth starttomoveandbecome crooked. Thiscanlook unsightly, anditcanmakeit hardtohaveagoodbite. Thecostofdental treatmentvarieswidely, butsavingthetoothwith arootcanalisrelatively cost-efficient. Theother optionisextraction, and thecostofanimplantor bridgetoreplacethe toothafterwardis usuallymoreexpensive. WHEN SHOULD A TOOTH BE EXTRACTED INSTEAD OF GETTING A ROOT CANAL? Eachtoothisevaluatedonacasebycasebasistodetermine theprosandconsofrootcanaltreatmentvs. extraction. Root canaltreatmentisperformedinanefforttosaveatooth, but justbecauseatoothcanbetreatedwitharootcanaldoesn't meanitshould. SOURCE: WWW.THEELITEDENTAL.COM