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Coin Water Holding Experiment: Which Coin Holds Most Water?”

Conduct an experiment to determine which of the U.S. coins - penny, dime, nickel, or quarter - can hold the most water on both heads and tails. Record data and draw conclusions based on your observations.

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Coin Water Holding Experiment: Which Coin Holds Most Water?”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your name here Your class here Which Coin Will Hold More Drops of Water? Problem: • Which of the four U.S. coins will hold the most • water on heads? 2. Which of the four U.S. coins will hold the most water on tails? Materials: 1 dime, 1 penny, 1 nickel, 1 quarter, 1 dropper (pipette), 1 cup of water, paper towels

  2. Hypothesis: What do you think will be the answers to the experiment questions? Which coin will hold more water on heads and why? Which coin will hold more water on tails and why? If we drop water on coins, then ……… Procedure: 1. Place a penny, heads side up, on a flat surface. 2. Put water into the pipette (dropper). 3. Count the number of water droplets you put on the coin until the water overflows from the side of the coin.

  3. 4. Record this number in your data table. 5. Dry the coin. 6. Flip the penny to the tails side and repeat steps 2 through 4. 7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the other coins. 8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 until you have five numbers for heads and tails on each coin. Data: • Data table is attached to this report. • Include anything unusual that happens here.

  4. Penny Dime Nickel Quarter Heads Tails Heads Tails Heads Tails Heads Tails Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Average

  5. Conclusions: You should answer these questions in your conclusion: 1. Which coin held the most water? 2. Which held the least? • Did heads hold the most on each coin? Did tails hold the most on each coin? Did it vary between heads and tails?

  6. Things to think about: • What were the dependent and independent variables in this experiment? • What were the constants in this lab? • Did your hypotheses agree with the actual results? Why or why not? What were some of the things that could have caused errors in your results? You should be able to list at least three factors that led to errors in your data.

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