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Biological effects of radiation. JEOPARDY!. SOMATIC VS. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS. DIRECT AND INDIRECT ACTION. BENEFICIAL EFFECTS?. ENTERING THE BODY. CALCULATING EXPOSURE. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 800. 800. 800. 800. 800.
Biological effects of radiation JEOPARDY!
SOMATIC VS. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT ACTION BENEFICIAL EFFECTS? ENTERING THE BODY CALCULATING EXPOSURE 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Final Jeopardy
Entering the Body200 Points How ionizing radiation enters the body depends on this.
Entering the Body 200 Points What is the source of the ionizing radiation?
Entering the Body 400 Points These types of radiation can pass directly through the body.
Entering the Body 400 Points What are x-rays and gamma rays?
Entering the Body 600 Points These are the main entry pathways for materials contaminated with radioisotopes to enter the body.
Entering the Body 600 Points What are the nose and mouth, around the eyes and any breaks or cuts in the skin?
Entering the Body 800 Points These particles are fairly large in size so they do not penetrate very far into human tissue.
Entering the Body 800 Points What are alpha particles?
Entering the Body 1000 Points Radioactive isotopes migrate in the body in the same way as these.
Entering the Body 1000 Points What are stable isotopes of the same elements?
Calculating Exposure 200 Points In Canada, this unit is used to measure ionizing radiation.
Calculating Exposure 200 Points What is the sievert (Sv)?
Calculating Exposure 400 Points This is how much ionizing radiation the average Canadian will receive in one year.
Calculating Exposure 400 Points What is 0.0027 sieverts or 2.7 millisieverts (mSv)?
Calculating Exposure 600 Points This amount of ionizing radiation over a short period would prove fatal (to a significant part of the population).
Calculating Exposure 600 Points What is 5 sieverts?
Calculating Exposure 800 Points This organization sets the maximum limit to the public’s exposure to ionizing radiation in Canada.
Calculating Exposure 800 Points What is the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)?
Calculating Exposure 1000 Points This is the maximum number of millisieverts per year allowed for people working in the nuclear industry.
Calculating Exposure 1000 Points What is 50 millisieverts?
Beneficial Effects? 200 Points Low doses of a harmful toxin may actually have this beneficial effect.
Beneficial Effects? 200 Points What is a “hormetic” effect?
Beneficial Effects? 400 Points The relationship between radiation dose and increased incidence of cancers is called this.
Beneficial Effects? 400 Points What is the “risk coefficient”?
Beneficial Effects? 600 Points This model is the basis for regulations on radiation around the world.
Beneficial Effects? 600 Points What is the “linear non-threshold” model (LNT)?
Beneficial Effects? 800 Points This approach for protection purposes assumes all radiation can be detrimental and should be avoided or kept to this level.
Beneficial Effects? 800 Points What is “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA)?
Beneficial Effects? 1000 Points Even though radium paint was put on these, consumption of some of the paint has not lead to bone cancer.
Beneficial Effects? 1000 Points What are glow-in-the-dark watches?
Direct and Indirect Action 200 Points Alpha particles, beta particles or x-rays create ions which can physically break one or both of these in DNA.
Direct and Indirect Action 200 Points What are sugar phosphate backbones?
Direct and Indirect Action 400 Points The breaking of phosphate backbones or base pairs in DNA is considered this type of action.
Direct and Indirect Action 400 Points What is direct action?
Direct and Indirect Action 600 Points These are the two basic types of mutations.
Direct and Indirect Action 600 Points What are base substitutions and frameshift mutations?
Direct and Indirect Action 800 Points Double-strand breaks in DNA are difficult to repair and can lead to this.
Direct and Indirect Action 800 Points What are mutations and cell death?
Direct and Indirect Action 1000 Points Ionizing radiation can also impair or damage cells indirectly by creating these.
Direct and Indirect Action 1000 Points What are free radicals?
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects200 Points Humans and potatoes have this in common.
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects200 Points What are 46 chromosomes?
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects400 Points In many cancers, these are somehow damaged, causing out of control cell reproduction.
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects400 Points What are instructions which turn off cell growth?
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects600 Points This type of injury occurs to organisms exposed to high levels of radiation but does not include reproductive cells.
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects600 Points What is somatic injury?
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects800 Points This is damage to reproductive cells due to exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation.
Somatic vs. Reproductive Effects800 Points What is genetic injury?