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<br>If you use Norton antivirus application on your PC, however, you wish to uninstall it from your device due to some reason, no worries, you can do by following these given steps. If you stuck somewhere in following these steps, then, it’s better to make a call on Norton support number UK 020 7616 5600.
How can I remove the Norton Internet Security from the PC? If you use Norton antivirus application on your PC, however, you wish to uninstall it from your device due to some reason, no worries, you can do by following these given steps. If you stuck somewhere in following these steps, then, it’s better to make a call on Norton support number UK 020 7616 5600.
Steps to follow: First, it is necessary to turn ON your PC and then, you can navigate to “Control Panel.” Now you can go to “Control Panel” and there have to look for an option “Programs” and now go to an option named as “Uninstall.” After that, you can press on “Uninstall” option and this is one such option available for those who are making use of Windows as an operating system.
Next, you need to press on an option “Uninstall” and then, you’ll see a list of installed applications on your computer. You’ll find these applications in a chronological order, where you’ll see a selection that you wish to remove from your computer.
When you reach to Norton application in this list, just press on this application once, and you don’t have to do anything like double-click or any sort of right-click in a stored file. You just need to press once and there you’ll find an option “Uninstall” and you find this option at the upper side of the screen and is just next to “Organize.”
After that, you can press on “Uninstall” option, a program’s uninstaller will come to its screen and there you’ll need to press “Next” until it gets uninstalled from your computer and in the end, it will show you that a program has been deleted completely.
Following these steps, you are able to delete the Norton application completely from your PC. This process is quite simple as these given steps are easy to follow and one can reach to its experts also, in case, assistance is required. All technical worries related to this application come to halt when you get connected with an expert. You can make a call to Norton support Number UK020 7616 5600 to grab the assistance.
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