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Academic (Dis)Honesty. You are responsible for being familiar with relevant SFU policies S 10.01 Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct S 10.02 Principles and Procedures of Student Discipline All SFU Policies = http://www.sfu.ca/policies/
Academic (Dis)Honesty You are responsible for being familiar with relevant SFU policies S 10.01 Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct S 10.02 Principles and Procedures of Student Discipline All SFU Policies = http://www.sfu.ca/policies/ Other resources: Library learning commons, SCAISLE newsletters
Forms of Academic Dishonesty • submitting the same or similar work for different courses • cheating on tests or exams • misrepresenting your sources by (for example) • quoting incorrectly • providing incorrect documentation, e.g. giving the wrong page number • making incorrect claims, e.g. saying a source says one thing when it really says the opposite or something else • plagiarism
Action against academic dishonesty • Despite repeated warnings some students at SFU continue to violate the Code of Academic Honesty. • All violations are subject to penalties. • Academic Dishonesty Report (ADR) creates a centralized record of misconduct. • In Hist. 288, violations of academic honesty will be documented in an ADR. Assignments that demonstrate academic dishonesty risk being penalized with a grade of F.
Plagiarism • Definition: the unacknowledged or the inadequately acknowledged use of the ideas and / or words of another source. • Plagiarism is plagiarism whether you intend it or not.
Manifestations of plagiarism • a specific fact or concept with which you were unfamiliar, and that you cannot expect your readers to know, for which you do not supply your source of information, e.g. by not giving the author, title, and page number in a footnote • a suppressed quotation, i.e. words taken from a source that do not appear in quotation marks…even if you supply your source, e.g. by giving the author, title, and page number in a footnote
How to avoid plagiarism • Create a bibliographical document in which you list every source (journal article, encyclopedia article, book, web site, etc.) that you consult during your research. • Take careful and precise notes during your research by • double-checking everything you copy from a source • putting everything you copy directly from a source in quotation marks • keying page numbers from sources to specific facts, summaries in your own words, and copied text • double-checking all page numbers
Follow all requirements for the essay as stated in the syllabus and online, including 12-point font, stapled pages, pagination, correct footnote and bibliographic form. Provide a direct answer to the question. The answer is your argument or thesis statement. You must devote your essay to proving it. Support your argument by taking compelling evidence from your primary sources. You do this through an analysis of relevant passages in these sources. Do not be a disciple of Jean Jacques Rousseau: “Commençons donc par écarter tout les faits.”
Your sources are sacred. Quote accurately. Do not change a single word. Adapt your prose to a quotation, not the other way around. • Do not misrepresent your source. Do not impose a meaning on it that it clearly does not have. • Introduce quotations. Do not simply plop down a quotation out of the blue without identifying the speaker or indicating the relevance of the quotation. • Write for your reader not for yourself. If your reader has to guess your meaning, you have not been successful in conveying it.
The power of Ibid. • 1. Gordon Craig, Germany: 1866-1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978), 227. • 2. Ibid., 315. [This means your source is again Craig’s book, page 315.] • 3. Ibid. [This means that your source is Craig’s book yet again and page 315 again.]