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Gdfgg Text Text Text Text Useful Objects
H Impact on ROE M L L M H Implementation High 1 Horizon 3 Create vehicle options Low Horizon 2 Build emerging businesses High Low Horizon 1 Extend and defend core business 2 1-2 4-6 8-10 USEFUL OBJECTS
xxxx xxxx xx xx xx Text xxxx xxxx Header Header Header Header Header Header
S C P tructure onduct erformance External shock • xxxx • xxx • xxxx • xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx
6.1 point increase in ROIC PRELIMINARY Legend Legend Legend Attractive Unattractive û ? ü 1 2 3 4 5
User applications Personalization Middleware services Transaction support Enabling services
Project purpose Through the analysis of environment and diagnosis of company-wide management, management tasks will be produced to strengthen the competitiveness of SK E&C, thereby proposing the roadmap for the implementation. Project scope Management tasks for company-wide and BU level Establishing task priorities and action plan Providing methodologies for strategy establishment * Footnote Source: Source
PROCESS GOING FORWARD FOR K2 DEAL March April 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 • VALUATION AND SYNERGY ESTIMATION • Refine base scenario • Review base scenario with Kronus working level team • Build multiple scenarios and conduct sensitivity analysis for negotiation • Review valuation and synergy estimates scenarios with Kronus working level team • Refine valuation and synergy estimates scenarios • DEAL STRUCTURE OPTIONS • DEVELOPMENT • Refine deal structure options • Conduct quick legal review • Review the options with Kronus leadership team • Refine the options • NEGOTIATION GAME PLAN DEVELOPMENT • Develop game plan draft • Review and refine game plan • TERM SHEET DEVELOPMENT • Write term sheet draft • Conduct legal review • Finalize term sheet • PHASE 1 PROGRESS REVIEW • START NEGOTIATION CEO Chairman
To improve quality of life Corporate value maximization through selection and concentration Human resource management Intangible building (knowledge, network, brand) Operational & financial efficiency enhancement New business opportunity Sound cashflow, operation management business network, good reputation & culture * Footnote Source: Source
VERY PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF CANDIDATES FOR MEGA-MERGER Hankook Huvis Hyosung 1st screening 2nd screening Attractiveness • R&D/specialized products • Synergies* Hankook Huvis Hyosung Feasibility • Willingness of the other party Market share Hyosung or Huvis * Includes group-level synergy
STRONG CEO BENCH를 위한 주요 구성요소 – BEST PRACTICE Performance ethics Capability development • 명확하고 일관성 있는 Performance ethics에 대한 전사 차원의 공유 • Performance ethics를 실제 평가, 보상 시스템상에 반영 • Job rotation을 통한 Capability development • Coaching 및 Training 등을 통한 Capability development Top management commitment • Top management가 People development에 쏟는 시간 및 열정 • CEO의 People development에 대한 Skill 및 Will Capability assessment Upgrading talent pool • “A player”를 Attract, retain 할 수 있는 Value proposition • 외부 인사 영입을 포함한 적극적인 “A player”들의 영입 • “C player”의 지속적 퇴출 • 객관적이고 공정한 평가 기준을 통한 규칙적 Capability assessment • Capability assessment에 대한 규칙적이고 치밀한 Review
Potential 3 pump design Current 4 pump design • Pump configuration • 2 active • 1 redundant • Pump capacity : 150/pump • Pump cost : 133/pump • Total capacity : • 3pumps 150= 450 • Total cost : • 3pumps 133= ~400 • Benefits in reduced total cost • Lower total weight • Lower transport cost • Smaller building for pimping station • Simplified piping • Fewer valves • Simplified cabling • Larger hoist (increased cost*) • Pump configuration • 2 active • 1 standby (for peak usage of 300) • 1 redundant • Pump capacity : 100/pump • Pump cost : 100/pump • Total capacity : • 4pumps 100=400 • Total cost : • 4pumps 100=400
Quality gate 2: Cost estimation & proposal development Quality gate 3: Contract and negotiation SUMMARY OF CRM ACTIVITIES TO DATE Key activities Key end products Contract Marketing/Sales process Execution process Quality gate 5: Project execution Quality gate 1: Project selection & development Quality gate 4: Preparation for execution Quality gate 6: Project closing E P C
H Text Text Text Text Text L L H Text
Project/risk management team Reporting Risk management/Quality gates Risk fighting Knowledge/ HR End of document
Title Unit of measure Label 1
Urgent issues (Phase one) 매출손실 100억원 • 총 96개의 프로젝트중 16개의 프로젝트에서 100억원의 매출 손실이 발생하였음 • 그 중 4개의 프로젝트에서 79억원의 손실이 발생: • Formosa (40억) • Jana Manjung (19억) • 부산 복합화력 (15억) • Corpus Christi (5억) DHI PRM 4.9% ROIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +4.7 +218.6 148.2 +48.5 0 +16.9 +0.3 -11.3 -9.8 -24.1 -0.9 -12.9 -31.7 -90.7 +148.2 +181.5 +65 +4.4 +43 +4.4 +25.4 -1.0 -0.1 -24 -3.4 -25.7 -3.3 -57.5 +43.1 0 +18.8 +0.2 +33.2 +115.7 +20.4 -79.1 -98 -5.4 -2.6 -9.2 -0.5 -1.2 +3.0 +9.4 +5.1 +5.9 +1.7 +25.1 0 -2.5 -74.4 -96.5 -6.3 -2.9 -9.9 -0.5
xxxxx Text Hot spots
Table of Contents This template defines how every kind of page used in typical Strategic Services documents should look and provides guidelines for presenting information in a clean, straightforward, and meaningful manner. • Structure Pages • Text Pages • Tables • Graphs • Charts • Cover Pages
Structure Pages 12-pt. Book Antiqua, 1 cap height above rule, 1 cap width from left of rule These pages provide a roadmap. Each divider page bolds and boxes* the section name and lists its major subsections; subsection titles then appear above the rule on each page related to them. • Structure Pages • Table of Contents • Divider Pages • Text Pages • Tables • Graphs • Charts • Cover Pages * Length of box is determined by longest entry in list.
Text Pages Divider pages put the section name in the “roadmap” position above the rule. Divider pages may or may not include title sentences but should do or not do so consistently throughout a document. • Structure Pages • Text Pages • Standard Text Page • Variations and Exhibit Titles • Footnotes and Sources • Two-Column Text Page • Document Tracking Number • Tables • Graphs • Charts • Cover Pages
Standard Text Page The title sentence states the “so what?” of the page. It is 18-pt. Arial bold,* left justified, and end-punctuated. Two sentences are acceptable, but total length should not exceed three lines. • Standard body text is 16-pt. Book Antiqua, never larger, but can be reduced to 10 pt. to accommodate a lot of text • Standard position of text box is .75 in. from ends of rule at top of page, but smaller on pages with little text, as shown on the following page • All line spacing is 1.0, but space before paragraph varies by bullet level • First-level bullet: Wingdings filled square, 1.0 lines before paragraph • Second-level: normal text round bullet, 0.3 lines before paragraph • Third-level: normal text en dash, 0.3 lines before paragraph • Periods are not used at the end of bullet points • Structure pages use this format * The title sentence and the document title (on the cover page) are the only two elements in a Strategic Services document that use Arial font. All other text is Book Antiqua.
Variations and Exhibit Titles Text pages with little text narrow the text box and center it on the page. This example also shows an exhibit title, which states the topic of the exhibit and focus of the “so what” statement in the title sentence. • The box is easily centered using the “guides” feature of PowerPoint • This body text has been moved down .5 in. to accommodate the exhibit title; where possible, space between exhibit title and body text should be .5 in. • The exhibit title is bounded by em dashes separated from the text by one space • Every exhibit should include an exhibit title — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — * Footnote placeholder. If not needed, do not delete, but change pen color to white.
Footnotes and Sources Footnotes and source notes have a format that is best copied directly from this template. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — • Footnote text is 10-pt. Book Antiqua italic, never larger, but should be reduced if the text in the exhibit is smaller than 10 pt. • The footnote text box is left aligned with the title sentence and placed 1.5 cap heights above the client logo* • Periods are placed at the end of footnotes written as complete sentences • The footnote markers and “Source:” should be right aligned and all text left aligned,** as shown below. The source, if any, should follow the footnotes • A page with many footnotes may require covering the client logo with a white rectangle to accommodate all the footnotes * All footnote text boxes in this template have been created with the text anchor set to “bottom.” Hence, as text is entered, the box will expand upward, with the bottom remaining fixed in position. ** This alignment is achieved by setting a right tab for the footnote markers and a hanging indent for the text. Hence, all markers are preceded and followed by a tab. The intricacy of this format makes it best to copy a footnote placeholder directly from this template or from a document created in this template. *** Three † Four †† Five ††† Six Source: Strategic Services Northeast Proposal Development Center
Two-Column Text Page The two-column layout is similar to other text pages but uses 14-pt. text for the column heads and body and may have an arrow linking the columns. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — — Column Head: 14-pt. Bold Italic — — Column Head: 14-pt. Bold Italic — • Exhibit may or may not include an exhibit title (16-pt. bold italic), as well as column heads • Exhibit may use arrow to indicate relationship between two columns • Items in columns may or may not pair horizontally • Spacing between items in each column should ignore the other column unless items do pair horizontally * Footnote placeholder. If not needed, do not delete, but change pen color to white.
Document Tracking Number This number indicates the name and location of the file. This information should be put in the placeholder at the bottom of the page. • The tracking number is vitally important because it: • Helps locate documents needed in the future • Allows documents to circulate via Lotus Notes without losing reference to the originator • Makes it easy to refer to a document without having a hard copy • Minimizes version control problems • All documents created in the PDC will include tracking numbers with the name of the client or project for which the document was prepared and an eight-character file name • Consultants who create files should add a personal identification, such as their initials, to the name of the file • Tracking numbers do not print on the cover page but should remain on all other pages — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — * The guides must be in their default position — .19 in. (app.) for the horizontal guide and 0.0 in for the vertical guide. The guides can be moved by clicking and dragging or can be reset by toggling on and off. ** To enter an em dash on a laptop, use the key sequence ____________________. DOCUMENT TRACKING NUMBER — 7 PT., BK. ANTIQUA, ALL CAPS SOURCE/FILE NAME
Tables A key feature of the table format is the use of lines — horizontal or vertical but not both — to help the reader see the content in the most meaningful way — by reading across or reading down. • Structure Pages • Text Pages • Tables • Text Tables • Numerical Tables • Mixed Tables • Graphs • Charts • Cover Pages
Text Tables The headings of columns and rows are bold italic. The content of the table cells is regular text. A 2-pt. rule separates the column heads from the cells; any lines within the table are 1-pt. rules.* — Our Client and the Competition — Our Client The Competition Product(handset) Product(service) Price Place Promotion/Packaging Likely a limited range of portables Some subset of competition, with the potential for intelligent network service, product bundling, and cross-product rewards Limited flexibility due to reseller status Telemarketing direct retail and nontraditional indirect retail established partner program. Traditional indirect are generally covered by exclusive contracts May have packaging flexibility at the fulfillment stage. Promotional capabilityof organization is strong A full range of portables, transportables, and carphones Full complement of available network services. Some can offer cross-product rewards and product bundling High flexibility due to low variable cost Indirect traditional and nontraditional, direct and telemarketing experimenting with home shopping Most have not demonstrated the promotional capability of our client * These rules should be long enough so no text extends beyond them and should not be longer than the 2-pt. black rule above the title sentence.
Text Tables The greater complexity of this table calls for bolding and using more elaborate lines to group and separate content. — Competitor Rating Factors— Rating Variable Description Everyman Insurance Company Allsafe Indemnity Insurance 60 + and Retired Discount Preferred Driver Discount Homeowner Discount EverymanAdvantage Prior Insurance Discount Renewal Discount Nonverifiable Surcharge Operators must be 60+ and retired to qualify for a 10% discount on BI, PD, MP, COMP, COLL, and PIP coverages Operators must maintain “clean” driving records for 5 years to qualify for a 20% discount on BI, PD, MP, PIP, and COLL coverages Named insured must be the same on the homeowner and auto policies with Everyman to be eligible for a 5% discount on BI, PD, MP, COMP, and COLL coverages Operators must meet the qualifications for both the preferred and homeowner discounts to receive a 25% discount on BI, PD, MP, PIP, and COLL coverages. This program is mutually exclusive of the preferred and HO discounts New applicants who can prove prior insurance coverage qualify for a discount (varying by driver record) on BI, PD, MP, and COLL coverages Operator receives an increasing discount for each additional renewal with an Allsafe company. Discount applies to the BI, PD, and COLL coverages Operator receives a surcharge (on BI, PD, and COLL) if unable to provide a current driver’s license number for which an MVR can be obtained. The surcharge varies with driver records * Footnote placeholder. If not needed, do not delete, but change pen color to white.
Text Tables Text tables may use bullets to separate points within a row. Bullet format should match regular text pages. Quality control-related costs are both explicit (claims) and implicit (lost business and other customer problems) A reduction in the incidence of rejection or claims, which represent a deduction from gross revenue of approximately $25 million, could be realized by improving quality management Company lacks a standardized approach to equipment maintenance • Causes occasional costly mechanical failures • Impacts pricing because some lines do not run at their quoted speeds, which also upsets customers Some types of jobs could be run better on slower lines, and vice versa. An analysis of customer job histories and requirements could lead to a more efficient allocation of jobs to specific lines/locations — Plant-Related Opportunities — Quality Control Equipment Maintenance Job Allocation * Footnote placeholder. If not needed, do not delete, but change pen color to white.
Numerical Tables In this example horizontal lines emphasize comparison of the competitors by category of customer value. — Comparison of Competitors — Company A Company B Company C Company D Best Value Reliability Quantity Trust Customer Service Telemarketing 57% 73% 74% 63% 58% 55% 24% 14% 11% 19% 26% 36% 18% 8% 10% 15% 12% 7% 1% 5% 5% 3% 4% 2% Source: All numerical tables should include a source.
Numerical Tables In this example vertical lines emphasize the overall perception of each company, rather than comparison across a category. Boxing and bolding Company A highlight its superior performance. — Company A vs. Competition — Company A Company B Company C Company D Best Value Reliability Quantity Trust Customer Service Telemarketing 57% 73% 74% 63% 58% 55% 24% 14% 11% 19% 26% 36% 18% 8% 10% 15% 12% 7% 1% 5% 5% 3% 4% 2% Source: All numerical tables should include a source.
Mixed Tables Tables may combine text and numbers. Exhibit titles may include subtitles that are 2 pt. smaller than the exhibit title and italic (but not bold). — Financial Ratios of Preferred Subsidiaries—Personal Auto, 1994 Loss Ratio (3-Yr. Avg.) Combined Ratio(3-Yr. Avg.) Group Subsidiary ABCD Allsafe Insurance Group Safety Group ICA Worldwide Group New Age Ins. Group Local Insurance Group ABCDABCD-UC Allsafe Ins. Company SafetyAutomobile Ins. Co. ICA Employees Ins. Co.ICA General Ins. Company Worldwide Mutual Fire Ins. Co.Worldwide Mutual Ins. Co. New Age Ins. Co. Local Ins. Exchange 66.372.7 67.4 69.9 71.577.3 65.360.1 78.1 68.9 99.899.9 101.5 102.9 96.1102.5 97.294.9 98.1 102.2 * Footnote placeholder. If not needed, do not delete, but change pen color to white. Source: All mixed tables should include a source.
Graphs Unlike charts, all of these exhibits are driven by quantitative data and created with PowerPoint’s charting utility. • Structure Pages • Text Pages • Tables • Graphs • Bar and Column Graphs • Line Graphs • Pie Graphs • Other Graphs • Variations • Legends and Labels • Charts • Cover Pages
Bar and Column Graphs Clustered column graphs compare the magnitude of several data points within and across several categories. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — Paste appropriate 12-pt. legend from p. 31. y-Axis Label (Units) x-Axis Label Source: All graphs must include a source.
Bar and Column Graphs While a double y-axis on a single graph is possible, it is better to use two, somewhat smaller column graphs, when the y-axis labels or units are different. — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — y-Axis Label (Units) y-Axis Label (Units) x-Axis Label x-Axis Label Paste appropriate 10-pt. legend from p. 32. Source: All graphs must include a source.
Bar and Column Graphs Bars are better than columns for comparing single data points across many items or for including long x-axis labels. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — x-Axis Label Paste appropriate 12-pt. legend from p. 31. y-Axis Label (Units) Source: All graphs must include a source.
Bar and Column Graphs Two, somewhat smaller bar graphs are preferable when the y-axis labels or units differ. — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — x-Axis Label x-Axis Label y-Axis Label (Units) y-Axis Label (Units) Paste appropriate 10-pt. legend from p. 32. Source: All graphs must include a source.
Bar and Column Graphs Stacked column graphs show parts of a whole.* A variation (automatic in PowerPoint) makes each column total 100% and displays data as percentages. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — 181.7 Paste appropriate 12-pt. legend from p. 31. 135.4 y-Axis Label (Units) 97.7 x-Axis Label Source: PowerPoint displays segment values automatically, but totals must be entered manually.
Line Graphs To distinguish between data series, line charts vary line weight and dash patterns. Data points can be shown, if necessary. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — Line 1 Line 2 y-Axis Label (Units) Label lines directly or paste appropriate 12-pt. legend from p. 31. x-Axis Label Source: All graphs must include a source.
Line Graphs Two line graphs can often share a legend. Note that the template accommodates a maximum of five lines. — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — — Graph Title: 14-pt. Bold Italic — y-Axis Label (Units) y-Axis Label (Units) x-Axis Label x-Axis Label Paste appropriate 10-pt. legend from p. 32. Source: All graphs must include a source.
Pie Graphs Unlike other graphs, pie graphs should not use the data label feature of PowerPoint because it affects the size of the graph. Labels for pie graphs should be entered manually. — Exhibit Title: 16-pt. Bold Italic — Slice 6 xx% Slice 1 xx% Slice 1 $xxx (xx%)* or Slice 5 xx% Slice 2 xx% Slice 4 xx% Slice 3 xx% * When both a value and percentage are shown indicate percentage with parentheses. Source: All graphs must include a source.