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Lodi Unified School District Monitoring and Accountability A District Program Improvement Update. Board of Education Study Session August 19, 2008. Background. The Monitoring and Accountability (M&A) Plan, established in 2007-08, is a systemic, multi-level, shared plan of responsibility.
Lodi Unified School DistrictMonitoring and AccountabilityA District Program Improvement Update Board of Education Study Session August 19, 2008
Background • The Monitoring and Accountability (M&A) Plan, established in 2007-08, is a systemic, multi-level, shared plan of responsibility. • The purpose is to provide ongoing monitoring, accountability and support of the district’s major initiatives to increase student achievement and eliminate the achievement gap.
M&A Outcomes and Goals • Feedback from site administrators • The adoption of all district initiatives and the identification of district initiatives requiring additional support • Site activities that are aligned to the adopted district initiatives • Implementation of M&A visiting team proposed actions • Annual report presented to the LUSD Board of Education
Methodology • Data was gathered and analyzed for this evaluation from site principals and site visiting teams: • LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire completed by each site principal • LUSD 2007-08 Summary Survey and Visitation Forms complete by each M&A visit team
Methodology • Areas examined included administrators’: • Impressions of the M&A impact on student achievement • Receptivity to proposed actions by the M&A visiting teams • Impressions of district initiatives and their impact on student achievement
Methodology • Areas examined also included M&A visit teams’ observations regarding sites’: • Essential Program Component focus • District Initiative focus • California Standards for the Teaching Profession focus
Executive Summary • The M&A process was successful in facilitating communication between the district office and sites. • A total of 41 sites were visited during the 2007-08 school year. • Each site principal selected for a visit participated in the post M&A visit Administrator Questionnaire.
Executive Summary M&A visits revealed that the adoption of the district’s initiatives is at different stages throughout the district. • The majority (at least 60%) of principals at each level rated the Cycle of Inquiry and Supervision & Evaluation initiatives – the district’s two focus areas in 2007-08 – as having the most impact on student achievement. • The Equity, English Learner Plan, and TAASA initiatives were not as frequently selected as the focus for the M & A visits as COI and Supervision and Evaluation. Elements of our equity work and ELD are imbedded in the COI process. Focal students selected in the COI process also bring in elements of these two initiatives. • TAASA is a new initiative and most schools were in the learning stages of this initiative in 07-08.
Executive Summary • Site principals were generally responsive to proposed actions made by the M&A visit teams designed to improve student achievement. • Over 60% of site principals at each indicated that they have fully or substantially implemented the M&A visit teams’ proposed actions. • At least 20% of site principals at each level indicated that they have partially implemented the M&A visit teams’ proposed actions.
Sharing the Elementary Experience • Board members • Bonnie Cassel – Mosher Elementary School • Jeff Thompson – Joe Serna Charter School • Site administration • Brandon Krueger – Principal, Creekside Elementary School
Lessons Learned:K-6 Exemplars • Consistency of instructional practices, pacing, and procedures at grade levels • Strategies for student engagement • Use of academic language • Written expectations with defined student achievement goals • Professional student concept
The Secondary Journey • Board members • Richard Jones – Lodi High School • Peter Johnson – Tokay High School • Site administration • Erik Sandstrom – Principal Tokay High School • Martha Dent – Vice Principal Tokay High School
Common Themes • Need for professional development • AB472, GATE strategies, culturally responsive classrooms • Support programs for African American students • The Village, mentoring programs • Coaching support for teachers • Intervention materials • Time for staff collaboration
Recommendations for 2008-09 • Partner Schools • Theories of Action / Inquiry Questions • Continuation of Walk Throughs • Addition of Teacher Leader on the M & A Team • Invitation to Board members • Academic Program Survey will be utilized as a benchmark
Visitation Teams Standing Visitation Team Members: Associate Superintendent Principal Administrative Peer Teacher Leader Assistant Superintendent Vice Principal Director of Elementary Education Support Visitation Team Members (one or more): Superintendent Administrative Director of Student Services/SELPA Administrative Director Curriculum and Instruction Coordinators Board Member Other
Theory of Action • A system of shared practices and beliefs that guide learning. • A Theory of Action is expressed as an IF…., THEN ….. statement
Inquiry Questions • Inventory: These questions provide: a starting point for inquiry; a detailed assessment of what is currently in place; a way to do counting and labeling of teachers/staff, strategies, and other components of a change initiative. • Implementation: These questions provide: information about what a particular practice looks like as it is implemented; a lens into depth and quality of implementation; a way to evaluate how well a practice is implemented against a defined standard. • Effectiveness: These questions provide information about the effectiveness of the strategy in addressing the defined problem statement around student achievement.
Administrative Response to Revised Process • The adjustments to the process will allow for greater in depth discussions on areas that will positively affect student achievement. • 68 Agree • 8 Somewhat Agree • 0 Disagree
Administrative Response to Revised Process • The opportunity to collaborate with a partner colleague will provide me with support and new ideas. • 61 Highly agree • 9 Somewhat agree • 2 Disagree
Total Administrative Experience • The district has an experienced group of principals with at least 80% of them at each level possessing 5 or more years of total administrative experience. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire
LUSD Administrative Experience • With at least 67% of principals at each level possessing at least 5 or more years experience as an LUSD administrator, the district’s principals are experienced and knowledgeable of the district’s culture. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire
Student Achievement • No more than 20% of the principals at each level felt that M&A significantly increased student achievement. • At least 40% at each level felt that the effort caused a modest increase it student achievement. • At least 25% at each level felt that it did not impact student achievement. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire
Degree of Implementation of Actions Proposed • At least 63% of the principals at each level fully or substantially implemented the actions proposed by visiting teams during their M&A visit. • At least 20% at each level partially implemented the actions proposed during their M&A visit. • No more than 13% at each level minimally implemented the actions proposed during their M&A visit. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire
District Initiatives Which Most Contributed to Student Achievement • At least 60% of the principals at each level felt that Cycle of Inquiry and/or Supervision and Evaluation most contributed to student achievement. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Administrator Questionnaire
Essential Program Component Focus • M&A visiting teams observed that Monthly Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement Monitoring were the focus of at least 54% of elementary and middle schools. • M&A visiting teams also observed that the majority (72%) of high schools focused on Monthly Teacher Collaboration and Lesson and Course Pacing Scheduling. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Summary Survey and Visitation Forms
California Standards for the Teaching Profession Focus • M&A visiting teams observed that at least 40% of all schools focused on Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning standard. • M&A visiting teams also observed that: • At least 29% of elementary and high schools focused on the Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences standard. • 40% of middle schools focused on the Understanding and Organizing Matter standard. Source: LUSD 2007-08 Summary Survey and Visitation Forms