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Reports on the NuPECC Long Range Plans : status and implementation Summary of the content and reccomendations Follow - up. Angela Bracco W9 meeting at RIKEN - August 17 2012. Who has worked on the on the LRP and on the follow up ? exchanges with A nPHA NSAC + ALAFNA .
Reports on the NuPECC Long Range Plans : • status and implementation • Summary of the content and reccomendations • Follow- up Angela Bracco W9 meeting at RIKEN - August 17 2012
Who has worked on the on the LRP and on the follow up ? • exchanges • with • AnPHA • NSAC • + ALAFNA
NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010 • Perspectives of • Nuclear Physics • in Europe • Volume • Brochure • video
Objectives • Reviewstatus of the field • • Issue recommendationsto advance • –The science • –Its applications in Europe • • Develop action plan (roadmap) for: • Buildingnew large-scale Research Infrastructures • Upgradingexisting Nuclear Physics facilities • Collaborateclosely with smaller scale facilities • – support EU FP7 ( FP8) projects ( IAs, ERA-net NuPNET ) • • Put European Nuclear Physics into global context • −NSAC (DoE & NSF) in USA, ANPhA in Asia, ALAFNA in Latin America • −IUPAP and OECD Global Science Forum
Scientific themes 1) Hadron Physics 2) Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter 3) Nuclear Structure & Dynamics 4) Nuclear Astrophysics 5) Fundamental Interactions 6) Nuclear Physics Tools & Applications Conveners of working groups: 1)U. Wiedner (U Bochum) 2) P. Giubellino (INFN Torino) 3) R. Julin (JYFL Jyväskylä) 4)B. Fulton (U York) 5)N. Severijns (KU Leuven) 6) S. Leray (CEA/IRFU Saclay) NuPECC Steering C’ttee 1)Guenther Rosner (Chair) 2)Jens JørgenGaardhøje 3)Angela Bracco 4)Paul-Henri Heenen 5)Eberhard Widmann 6)Philippe Chomaz NuPECC Liaison 1)Jochen Wambach 2)Thomas Peitzmann 3)Maria J.G. Borge 4)Sotirios Harissopulos 5)Klaus Jungmann 6)Eugenio Nappi
LRP2010 Recommendations • Fully exploit Existing Facilities • –Lepton beam facilities ELSA in Bonn, MAMI in Mainz, COMPASS at CERN, DANE at INFN-LNF, and hadron beam facilities COSY at FZ Juelich and GSI in Darmstadt • –Heavy ion beam facilities JYFL, KVI, GSI, GANIL, IPNO, ISOLDE, INFN-LNL and INFN-LNS • –Underground labs in Europe such as LUNA at INFN Gran Sasso • –AD at CERN & upgrade ELENA • –Smaller scale national and university labs across Europe dedicated to nuclear structure & astrophysics experiments, fundamental interactions and nuclear applications •Complete ESFRI Facilities –FAIR with PANDA, CBM, NuSTAR and APPA –SPIRAL2 at GANIL including S3 and DESIR •Perform Major Upgrades –HIE-ISOLDE at CERN –SPES at INFN-LNL –AGATA –SC Linac at GSI •Support ALICE at CERN –Upgrade the nuclear beams and the detector to expand physics reach •Support Theory –RI ECT* in Trento –Projects for advanced studies related to the experimental roadmap –Dedicated high-performance computing facilities
LRP2010 Recommendations Cont’d •Support Nuclear Physics Applications & Education –Secure and develop nuclear physics skills basis for current and future needs –Develop nuclear energy, medicine & security appplications –Develop of novel sources, beams, targets & instrumentation •Promote Planning for Future Large-Scale Facilities –EURISOL as RI in future updates of ESFRI list –Technical Design Study for intense radioactive beams at ISOL@MYRRHA –Technical Design Studies for PAX and ENC at FAIR –Technical Design Study for LHeC at CERN –Inclusion of nuclear physics programmes @ ELI and ESS
Twoof the Large Scale Facilitieshave ESFRI projects:
Facility for Antiproton & Ion Research Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics (Rare-isotope beams) Hadron Physics (Stored andcooled 14 GeV/c anti-protons) SIS18 p-Linac SIS100/300 UNILAC QCD-Phase Diagram (HI beams 2 to 45 GeV/u) HESR Rare-Isotope Production Target Fundamental Symmetries & Ultra-High EM Fields (Antiprotons & highly stripped ions) Anti-Proton Production Target Dense Bulk Plasmas (Ion-beam bunchcompression & petawatt-laser) CR &RESR Cryring NESR Materials Science & Radiation Biology (Ion & antiproton beams) 100 m Accelerator Physics
FAIR :Accelerator Challenges Compact & cost effective accelerators Fast cycling superconducting magnetsdB/dt~ 4T/s Precision beams Electron & stochastic cooling XHV @ high beam intensities Extremely high vacuum ~10-13mbar Fast acceleration High gradient, variable frequencyFerrite & MA loaded cavities
FAIR : Modularised Start Version M0 M3 M1 M3 M2 CBM/HADES Experiments M1: APPA M1: CBM/HADES M2: NuSTAR M3: PANDA APPA PANDA NuSTAR Commissioning/start 2019 ---Cost 1027 Meuro on 2005 estimate (+50%)
Nuclear structure EOS Liquid-gas phase Isospin dependence Nuclear Astrophysics GANIL/SPIRAL2 Science Multi-disciplinary research & Applications Fundamental Interactions
SPIRAL2 under construction Phase 1: High intensity stable beams + Experimental rooms (S3 + NFS) Phase 2: High-intensity low-energy (DESIR) & post-accelerated Radioactive Ion Beam facility CIME cyclotron RIB at 1-20 AMeV (up to 9 AMeV for FF) DESIR NFS S3 Phase 1 Current GANIL facility SPIRAL2 LINAC LINAC: 33 MeV p, 40 MeV d (5mA) 14.5 A.MeV HI (1mA) RIB production hall Phase 2 RIB Production Cave Up to 1014fiss./sec. DESIR Low-energy RIB facility Cost: 210 M€ + 40 M€ detectors
Timeline GANIL & SPIRAL2 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I 2016 8 m.? GANIL 4 months 6 m. 8 m.? 8 m.? New beams SPIRAL1 (1+) End 2014 (N+) AGATA at GANIL Civil Construction Phase 1 LINAC, NFS, S3 Commis -sioning Stable ion beams from LINAC NFS Experiments LoI Day 1 SPIRAL2 Phase1 Update Com. PAC S3 PAC NFS S3 Experiments Com. To be re – adjusted End Detailed Design Civil Construction and assembly of equipments Phase 2 RIB, DESIR Commis-sioning Phase 1 LoI Day 1 SPIRAL2 Phase 2 Update PAC Phase 2 RIB
HIE-ISOLDE Project • ENERGY: Energy upgrade and lower energy capacity • Wider range of radioactive beams • Variable energy range from 1.2 up to 10 MeV/u ( in 2015 - 5.5 MeV/u) • Availability of all ISOLDE radioactive beams • INTENSITY: ISOLDE proton driver beam intensity upgrade (LINAC4 +PSB) Increase in Intensity expected of a factor of 3 Secondary beam production efficiency • Target and frontend upgrade • QUALITY: ISOLDE radioactive ion beam quality: • Improvement of secondary beam quality: Reduction of phase space • Purity, emittance: Selectivity • Time structure: bunching
SPES layout (LNL –INFN) Driver : cyclotron high intensity proton ISOL target Fission Products Post acceleration : ALPI linear accelerator Upgraded (e.g. lower-β cryostats (from 3 to 5,5 MV/m) ISOL FACILITY Applied physics
Partners of 7 Joint research activity 6 networking JYL 7 TNA Facilities 30 beneficiaries UNIMAN UWAR RUG-KVI +1 beneficiary JOGU IFJ-PAN KUL GSI NPI GANIL GUF ULB CEA TUW 18 countries 53 associated partners ATOMKI-HAS TUD ALTO-CNRS UNIBAS IFIN-HH ECT* PSI USC RBI CERN-ISOLDE INRNE-BAS LNL-INFN CIEMAT FFCUL UCM NCSRD LNS-INFN
Jyvaskyla ALTO KVI Facilities INFN LNS e LNL GSI GANIL
AGATA at LNL (2010-11) experimental @ 162° simulation • Several measurements for Nuclear Structure • for shell model and also related to EOS • high resolution spectroscopy up to 10 MeV • Stellar burning rates and 14N(p,)15O reaction • @fs nuclear level lifetime August 2012 Start of the GSI campaign at the FRS
News concerning the LRP Recommendations : Promote planning … •Promote Planning for Future Large-Scale Facilities –EURISOL as RI in future updates of ESFRI list –Technical Design Study for intense radioactive beams at ISOL@MYRRHA –Technical Design Studies for PAX and ENC at FAIR –Technical Design Study for LHeC at CERN –Inclusion of nuclear physics programmes @ ELI and ESS
Lasers • Gamma beams and • e- experiments • Laboratories • Unique architecture ELI-NP Main buildings Bucharest- Magurele, Romania ELI (distributed facility) ESFRI ROAD MAP see ESFRI Report 2010 ELI-NP within the Rumanian pillar
ELI – Nuclear Physics Research • Nuclear Physics experiments to characterize laser – target int. • Photonuclear reactions. • Exotic Nuclear Physics and astrophysics complementary to other NP large facilities (FAIR, SPIRAL2). • Applications based on high intensity laser and very brilliant γ beams. Complementary to the other pillars ELI - Nuclear Physics in ‘Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan in Europe’ as a major facility
ESFRI infrastructures with some possibilities for Nuclear Physics Ion Source Magnetic kicker Spoke cavities 350 MHz Elliptical cavities: 700 MHz, 3 sections protons: 4 mA, CW, 600 MeV RFQ DTL 1 GeV MYRRHA H+ ESS at LUND ~100 ~200 ~500 600 ~0.1 3-5 ~20 E (MeV) ~ 100 mA, ~DC Super-conducting section ISOL@MYRRHA RFQ cooler and buncher MHYRRA in Belgium Low-resolution mass separator High-resolution mass separator Ruggedized target: e.g. Ta, UC/C • Fundamental interactions • Solid-state physics • Nuclear physics • Atomic physics • Radio-pharmaceuticals
ISOL Roadmap in EUROPE TODAY SPIRAL – LNS - EXCYT 2014-2025 FROM 2025
Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area Addressing two major technical issues before launching the construction of EURISOL: the development of high power target and low beta superconducting accelerating structures. The objective of this Work Package is to coordinate the design of the corresponding test infrastructures
ALICE at LHC : up to 2025 • Support for : • a comprehensive physics programmewith • proton-nucleus • nucleus- nucleus • collisions at several energies • and • upgrades of the ALICE detector. After 2025 : LHeC ?
ECT* Scientific Board and Director • Outgoing Board members: Kris Heyde / U of Gent, Belgium, Jean-Yves Ollitrault/ Saclay, France • New Board members: Francois Gélis / Saclay, France, Maria Paola Lombardo / Frascati, Italy • Outgoing Chairman: Simon Hands / Swansea U, UK • New Chairman Scientific Board: • BahaBalantekin / U of Madison, USA. • From October 2012 : Achim Richter ends his mandate as • ECT* director; Wolfram Weise will become director
Ended in 2011 Nextstepnotyetdecided • Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments To help developing EU Programmes and Policy for research infrastructures(Very important in relation with future calls in Particular for FP8 aligned with our needs!!!) AGATA ISOLDE- SPES LNL-LNS- JVYL - ALTO GANIL—GSI MAMI - COSY LNF EasternNetwork FAIR GSI- FAIR GANIL-SPIRAL2 ALICE-LHC
Conclusions • Efforts in the realization of the Nuclear Physics • ESFRI facilities FAIR and SPIRAL2 – strong international involvments • (all nuclear physics topics are covered) • Smaller size projects SPES and HE-ISOLDE and international users well coordinated with other projects producing RIB. Effective network! • Laboratories (small scale facilities) for applications and astrophysics are operating with scientific and technical ties with major laboratories. • ALICE – a program is well plan up to 2025 (strategic planning of CERN) • The construction of ELI-NP in Bucarest (as part of the rumanian pillars of ELI) is starting. Relevant experiments complementing the RIB program. • Instrumentation developments: traveling AGATA detector (fist campaing in LNL) is enhancing the connections with laboratories • More fundings from EU are needed (FP8- HORIZON20210 requires more impact on society)
SPES Schedule March 2012 UCx operation Cyclotron operation
Modular installation Schematic: Physics 2015 2014 5.5MeV/u 2016 10MeV/u >2017 Courtesy: Matteo Pasini, Matthew Fraser
Accelerated 132Sn yields (per second)(fission factories only) HRIBF 105 4.5 MeV/u (now) REX-ISOLDE 106 3 MeV /u (now) CARIBU 5.104 10 MeV/u (2010) TRIUMF p-driver 107 5 MeV/u (2010) CARIBU phase 2 106 14 MeV/u (2013) HRIBF HDU 2.108 4.5 MeV/u (2014) HIE-ISOLDE 108 10 MeV/u (2014) TRIUMF e-driver 5.108 5 MeV/u (2015) SPES 5.108 9 MeV/u (2015) SPIRAL-2 2.109 7 MeV/u (2015) FRIB 3.106 100 MeV/u (2019) EURISOL 1012 150 MeV/u (2025)
Costs MSV in 2005 € (inflation escalation until 2018: ca. +50%) * Total experimental end stations (excluding Super-FRS):ca. 210 M€ (2005) = 315 M€ (2018) NuPECC, Milano, 9/3/12