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PHP is nowadays trending and getting more and more popular. There are the reasons described for it's upgrade to latest PHP 7 versions and get services from the best PHP Web development Company USA. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2PWSyW3
UpGrade to Code... Reasons to Quick Switch To PHP 7! We all know about famous programming languages, and one of the most renowned web technologies is PHP. When we discuss on any scripting language the first that hits our mind is PHP. With the execution of scripting language, PHP development companies in USA are shining out in developing most dynamic and attractive websites. Let us quickly revise PHP in brief before accelerating towards PHP 7.
PHP Quick View & Failure in Version 5 We all are familiar with the basics of PHP. PHP is the abbreviated form of Hypertext Preprocessor. It is an object-oriented language launched by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1995. It is a server-side programming language. PHP is considered to be as the best web scripting language. Have you experienced programming in PHP? If yes, you will know how excellent it runs on the web server. The code is first executed for the requested file, resulting in a dynamic webpage on the website. It is easy to put into HTML files and HTML source codes. It also contains CSS, Javascript and PHP code. It is user-friendly, you can customize the changes in the web pages without any mess. From installation, to writing any code you will never find an obstacle. Of course! What else any programmer would need if they get a cross-platform and cheap technology to built own web application? Also, PHP supports database connectivity in a very user-friendly manner. After decades when PHP upgraded itself, it went through a huge loss. No doubt, web developers went through a failure of expectations and we know it now. A year back, PHP 5 failed due to various factors. The PHP website development company also had to deal with such conditions after the implementation of versions 5 & 6. First of all, it failed to support Apache in which it had no clue where to store the data. Secondly, it failed in justifying the cross-platform logic i.e; it went incompatible with Ubuntu 16.04. Also, there were problems with directory files too. After such a great failure of version 5 & 6, PHP launched its new version PHP 7.
In the next segment, you are going to read the fascinating reasons to switch into PHP 7. Top 5 features making PHP 7 special! 1) Impressive Speed! When PHP 5 and 6 were launched, the speed was lagging and it became the severe drawback. After the merging of PHPNG code, PHP 7 has increased its speed twice than PHP 5. The primary reason behind the increased speed is, changes made in the engine. PHP 7 has executed Zend Engine 3.0 and improved the performance. The efficiency of the code has integrated now. You can run your code and compile it even faster than the versions 5 and 6. 2)Minimal Memory Utilization We can’t stop coding on PHP 7 after knowing this: The memory consumption has diminished. This will allow smaller machines to resist the request much better with the possibility to build improvised PHP applications. It also doesn’t require any external hardware device to run the programs. This has really reduced the memory consumption. 3) Easy Error handling Previously, it was quite hard to express how hard it was to find the fatal errors. It was really not an easy task to solve the command-line or black and white screen problems to solve on fingertips. PHP was not so user-friendly about tracking and solving the error in one go. After PHP 7 has been introduced, the error part has been resolved. In PHP 7, they have smartly created the feature of error-handling. On finding any error, it will throw an exception and resolve the problem rather than just showing the script. A
new throwable class will automatically get implemented when the try/catch block will catch both the error and exception object. 4)Included new Operators We, developer become very excited when it comes to installing a new version of any technology, isn’t it? We quickly install the SDK and start searching for new features. But the excitement increases even when we find additional tools, operators, attributes, variables, functions, widgets… already added in the library. PHP 7 has introduced new operators such as Spaceship operator(<=>) & Null Coalesce Operator(??). Spaceship operator determines the comparison between more than two values. In return, it will generate the binary value and show the result. Null Coalesce operator determines if-set-or. After the execution of operands and operator, if the set finds the left operands if it's not NULL, otherwise it will return the right operands. 5) Introduced Easy User-land CSPRNG. Now, this is something new for you all in PHP. Easy User-land CSPRNG is the abbreviated form for User-land Cryptographic Secure Pseudorandom Number Generator. It is the property of PHP 7, which refers to an application space of the kernel. It protects the web application from getting hacked or spammed. This generates the cryptographic numbers which are ciphered in the form of key generation. Random keys (numbers) such as passwords are generated randomly using two functions: random_int and random_bytes.
6)Supports 64-bit Machines PHP 7 has incredibly improved the memory usage not only that it supports the 64-bit architectured computers without crashing the installation. That means the problem of installation in Ubuntu 16.04 is resolved after the release of PHP 7. Websites are going live with flying colors! PHP 7 is shining now. It has given a new life to the web developers in creating beautiful websites and applications. Also, the most interesting stuff for bloggers and writers in the best PHP development company USA are able to access Wordpress using PHP 7 without any complications.