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AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Keegan Ashbee Fall 2011 EDLD-7430-01F. Homepage. http://www.aascu.org/Default.aspx. Vision and Mission. Vision AASCU will be a transformative influence in American public higher education through advocacy, leadership and service.
Homepage http://www.aascu.org/Default.aspx
Vision and Mission Vision AASCU will be a transformative influence in American public higher education through advocacy, leadership and service. Mission AASCU is a Washington-based higher education association of nearly 420 public colleges, universities and systems whose members share a learning- and teaching-centered culture, a historic commitment to underserved student populations and a dedication to research and creativity that advances their regions’ economic progress and cultural development.
AASCU Values Access & Inclusion Student-Focused Innovation Service Leadership Accountability 420 public college and university members are found throughout the United States, and in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Distinction of Membership Ensuring a primary focus on and support for the president or chancellor, with complementary programs and services for the presidential leadership team and for women and racial/ethnic minorities who aspire to leadership roles Advocating for a student-focused federal public policy agenda and demonstrating a unique capacity in state policy information and analysis Strengthening the role of state colleges and universities as “Stewards of Place” through support of their teaching-learning, research and service missions Sustaining a cohesive network of presidents and chancellors as an important component of an effective, member-driven association.
Benefits of Being a AASCU member AASCU’s work at the national level facilitates college access, affordability and accountability and is based on a unique member-driven Public Policy Agenda that puts students at the core of our advocacy efforts. AASCU provides regular and timely updates from Washington on key issues affecting our members and their students. Advisories and action alerts inform members about policy issues and seek their involvement in influencing legislation with their members of Congress. AASCU is the only presidential association that focuses on state policy analysis and emerging trends and issues across the 50 states. Focus on Presidents, Chancellors and Leadership Teams
Membership Uses Member can easily navigate this website to find information relative to their search. The Policy and Advocacy tab is where member can quickly find information to pressing issues. This professional website also has places for conventions, information on how to join, and an easy to use map to locate other members.
Future of AASCU Advance the distinctive mission of public higher education and promote AASCU institutions as places of public purpose Advocate for student-focused federal public higher education policy and assist institutional efforts to influence state policy that acknowledges the role and value of public higher education Develop and support exemplary presidential and institutional leadership Identify, disseminate and support innovative institutional policies, programs and practices Develop a national initiative that advances the work of member institutions in strengthening P-20 education Foster diversity and inclusiveness