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OPERATIONS OVERTIME PROCEDURES. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 101.32. POSITION ELIGIBILITY. All sworn personnel at B.C. and below are eligible for O.T., in either an emergency or non-emergency situation. TOTAL HOURS WORKED (T.H.W.).
POSITION ELIGIBILITY All sworn personnel at B.C. and below are eligible for O.T., in either an emergency or non-emergency situation.
TOTAL HOURS WORKED (T.H.W.) The T.H.W. is the total number of voluntary O.T. hours a member has worked in a fiscal year.
VOLUNTARY OVERTIMEAVAILABILITY LIST The daily O.T. list records members who have volunteered for overtime.
VOLUNTARY OVERTIME SIGN-UPand REPORTING PROCEDURES Each individual is responsible for signing up the day(s) he or she wishes to sign-up. Two telephone mail boxes- 462-3599 for Btn. I and 462-3598 for Btn. II. Must sign-up from 1200 hrs. on one day until 1000 hrs on following day.
VOLUNTARY OVERTIMERESTRICTIONS 1. Rookies are ineligible. 2. Personnel utilizing any amount of sick leave during their regular shift. 3. Cannot sign-up on your assigned shift. 4. Supervisors who recognize excessive fatigue, resulting from O.T. shall relieve that person. 5. Expected to be available for the entire shift.
STAFFING LEVELS At roll call, Btn. I determines the number of overtime personnel needed to staff the stations.
SPECIALITY POSITIONS Specialty positions are filled first to ensure operational capability.
HIRING PROCEDURES Step 1- Begin with the first person listed on O.T. list within hiring range. Step 2- Vacancies exist after completing Step 1, assign personnel to out-of-class positions as necessary to fill vacancies. Step 3- If vacancies remain after out-of-class assignments are made , a new hiring range is created.
Step 4- If vacancies remain, repeat Steps 1 and 2 as needed using supplemental list. Step 5- If vacancies remain, offer O.T. to holdovers as voluntary O.T. Step 6- If all voluntary O.T. options are depleted, or no positions available for personnel remaining on list, and vacancies still exist, refer to Mandatory Overtime Procedures.
HIRING PROCEDURESCONT. After morning hiring has been accomplished, an M.D.T. announcement is transmitted.
RELEASE of OVERTIME PERSONNEL Overtime personnel are relieved of duty when regular shift personnel report.
CONTACT Btn. I hires O.T. between 0715 and 0830. First calls employee’s duty station if worked day before. Shall call one number and let phone ring a minimum of six times. No pagers are called.
SPECIAL DUTY OVERTIME The O.T. list is used when hiring Special Duty O.T. for staffing apparatus, only after reaching the designated staffing level on the shift.
MANDATORY OVERTIMEHIRING PROCEDURES If staffing falls below the minimum level, may be necessary to hire on mandatory basis.
REFUSAL to REPORT(MANDATORY OVERTIME) If person-to-person contact is made, the person must report for duty as directed.
RECALL OVERTIME Off-duty personnel may be recalled for duty, Btn. I has authority to recall off-duty personnel.
SUPPLEMENTAL OVERTIMEandAVAILABILITY LIST List is used to hire voluntary O.T. when the O.T. list is depleted.
SUPPLEMENTAL OVERTIMESIGN-UP PROCEDURE Members must indicate “yes” if they want to be placed on the list, or “no” if they do not.
MANAGEMENT RESERVEDRIGHTS Management determines all staffing number levels and whether to initiate recall or mandatory O.T. procedures.