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Continuous Integration CI with Hudson

Agenda. Why Integration?What is Continuous Integration?Continuous Integration ProcessCI InfrastructureCI Tool: HudsonDemo in UOC Hudson: CampusGateway. Integration. Modularizationenables team developmentmakes complex systems manageableIntegrated Modules do successfullyCompileRunPass test.

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Continuous Integration CI with Hudson

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    1. Continuous Integration (CI) with Hudson Carlos Ors (corsg@uoc.edu) Antoni Bertran (abertranb@uoc.edu) December 2010

    2. Agenda Why Integration? What is Continuous Integration? Continuous Integration Process CI Infrastructure CI Tool: Hudson Demo in UOC Hudson: CampusGateway

    3. Integration Modularization enables team development makes complex systems manageable Integrated Modules do successfully Compile Run Pass test

    4. Integration Challenges

    5. Broken Integration You have a broken integration when: Integration server does not build successfully Shared component works in one system, but breaks others Unit tests fail Code quality fails (coding conventions, quality metrics) Deployment fails

    6. Manual Integration Integration becomes expensive if made manual (build, test, deployment, ) with too few checkins (hours or days) If integration problems and bugs are detected too late Reduces desire to refactor

    7. Continuous Integration: definitions

    8. Embrace Continuous Integration Integration server monitors source repository Rebuilds with every change Runs all unit and acceptance tests Publishes build results Notifies developers if build breaks Labels successful builds in source repository

    9. Continuous Integration Prerequisites Tools needed VCS server Build server Deployment Server Automation tools CI tools Work Process Commit/Update often (each change) Run often Tests Run test often Common code ownership

    10. Continuous Integration Infrastructure

    11. Deployment Server in UOC Maven Repository Manager: Artifactory Proxy function supported Instance at UOC (monaco): http://artifactory.uoc.es Access credentials: campus user Distinction between release and snapshot versions Use of UOC maven repository: Use: Add to pom.xml in the Repository section: http://artifactory.uoc.es/artifactory/repo Deploy: Add to pom.xml in the DistributionManagement the snapshot and release repos More information: http://cv.uoc.edu/~grc_8842_w01/guies/Uso_Repositorio_Maven_v1.2.pdf

    12. Practices of Continuous Integration Maintain a single source repository. Automate the build (nightly builds) Make your build self-testing Everyone commits every day (at least!) Every commit should build the mainline on an integration machine Keep the build fast Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable Everyone can see what's happening Automate deployment (in UOC it could allow carry out the execution of the whole workflow of an installation in PRO)

    13. What is a Successful Build? When is your build successful? When it compiles When all the unit-tests have run When it has been deployed In fact, every failure is a success You have exposed a potential problem early!

    14. Benefits Always be aware of current status of the project Less time spent investigating integration bugs Less time wasted because of broken code in version control system Prove your system can build! Increase code quality with additional tasks Discover potential deployment issues

    15. A CI Tool: Hudson

    16. Monitoring Hudson Continuous Integration Server Integrates building, unit tests, code coverage,analysis Provides the ability to hook in almost any output. Gives instant knowledge of status of builds. Provides dashboard like integration for multiple projects Hudson UOC instance: http://hudson.uoc.es Credentials: campus user

    17. Hudson Build Status

    18. Hudson Components CI Server Monitors the SCM Executes the build script Management Console (plug-in area) Dashboard Build report viewer

    19. Hudson Add-ons Many build in Plugins (http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Plugins) Test Code Coverage Analysis Unit testing Doxygen Ant Google Calendar Dependency Management with IVY

    20. Useful Hudson Plugins Jboss management plugin Ruby plugin SSH plugin VMware plugin Android emulator plugin Zen Timestamp plugin Mask Passwords plugin Twitter plugin JUnit Attachment plugin Selenium AES plugin JSUnit plugin Log Parser plugin Performance plugin (Jmeter) HTML Publisher plugin JIRA plugin Hudson Personal View plugin Subversion Release Manager plugin M2 release plugin

    21. Other Popular CI Tools Cruise Control (OS) http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ Anthill Pro (Com) http://www.anthillpro.com/ Continuum (OS) http://maven.apache.org/continuum/ Pulse (Com) http://www.zutubi.com/ Luntbuild (OS) http://luntbuild.javaforge.com/ ParaBuild Server (Com) http://www.viewtier.com/index.htm

    22. Summary Continually integrate and test to reduce risk Detect problems early Always have a deployable build Generate metrics to guide project management Continuous Integration is: Vital for successful software development

    23. Resources Martin Fowler about CI http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html Wiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ContinuousIntegration

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