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CONTEXT Project Greater Manchester City Region Airport City Enterprise Zone

CONTEXT Project Greater Manchester City Region Airport City Enterprise Zone. Alan Harding, Nicola Headlam Rupert Greenhalgh & John Holden. CONTEXT.

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CONTEXT Project Greater Manchester City Region Airport City Enterprise Zone

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CONTEXT ProjectGreater Manchester City Region Airport City Enterprise Zone Alan Harding, Nicola Headlam RupertGreenhalgh & John Holden

  2. CONTEXT How can central regulation be matched with interactive local policies in such a way that it enables legitimate and effective strategies of collective action with regards to sustainable development in areas of urban transformation?

  3. assumptions • about the possibility and desirability of combination at the local scale • a national policy context which values (indeed enables) collective action and • a national and local policy context wherein sustainable development and urban transformation are seen as public policy objectives.

  4. Enterprise zones (1)

  5. Enterprise Zones (1)

  6. #EZ and planning • Peter Hall’smanifestofor the non-plan andCanaryWharf • AlternateEconomicStrategiesandSalfordQuays (Haughtonand Lloyd etc)

  7. #EZ reduxausterityversion?

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