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Why is my Email account compromised

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Why is my Email account compromised

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  1. Why is my Email account compromised? Let’s first know what it means by “email compromised”. Email account compromised means that you’re no longer able to access your account or you’re not able to login into your email account. There could be a number of reasons because of your email account has been compromised. This could be because of your password is too weak that it is easy to guess by the attacker or you’ve clicked on any malicious link which has granted the attacker access to your email account or you may have downloaded any app or document which contains malicious scripts. In this article we’re going to discuss basic information about Email Account Compromising. After completely reading the entire article you’ll be having information about how to know that your email account has been compromised, what you can do to recover your compromised email account and what are the steps you could take to prevent such activity. How to know if your account has been compromised Below are some of the indication signs which will let you know if your account has been compromised: First and foremost one is the denied access to your account. If you suddenly find yourself unable to log in to your account there might be fair chances that your account has been compromised. You friends, family and colleagues get email from your account which is not sent by you. Once the attacker has access to your account, he/she can do any kind of malicious activities through your account. You can also expect attackers to be doing social media postings on different social media handles using the credentials of your account. If you see your sent folder is empty or having email which you haven’t sent you can easily guess your account has been compromised. What you can you do if your account has been compromised Login to your account, change the password and use a strong one which is unique enough that it can’t be guessed or hacked by any person. Do not use the information such as the city in which you’re born, name of your pet or your age. In case you’re not having access to your email account, contact your email service provider for immediate action. Scan your account for any malware or virus which might have introduced to any software or hardware of your system. How to avoid an Email compromise

  2. There are certain ways in which you can prevent your email compromise, Make sure your account is updated with the latest version of antivirus Set your account, system, applications and operating system on regular updates or keep updating manually regularly. Use strong passwords which is unique enough that attackers cannot guess or hack your account. Try not to click any unknown link as it could have malicious script which could lead your account to get compromised. For any kind of Email Support visit www.emailsupportusa.com or call toll free at +1 866-226- 3517 for instant email services.

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