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Session 2

Session 2. Definition, Vision and Mission of Emergency Management. Objectives for Session. Students will be able to Describe the historical evolution of emergency management in the United States. Define the term “emergency management”.

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Session 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session 2 Definition, Vision and Mission of Emergency Management

  2. Objectives for Session Students will be able to • Describe the historical evolution of emergency management in the United States. • Define the term “emergency management”. • Discuss the importance of vision and mission to the success of the emergency management program..

  3. Objectives for Session • Articulate a vision for the emergency management profession. • Based on the vision statement, develop a mission statement for the emergency management profession.

  4. Historical Evolution of Emergency Management in the United States • Civil Defense Programs • Use of military planners • Dual-Use Doctrine • Comprehensive Emergency Management • Shift from scenario-based to functional planning • Shift from response to multi-phase planning

  5. Impact of FEMA’s Creation • Consolidation of programs and personnel from other agencies • Consolidation of relief and response authorities under Stafford Act • De facto doctrinal body

  6. Impact of DHS • New players • Diminished role for local emergency managers • Return to scenario-based planning • Emphasis on terrorism response • Increased need to define the role of emergency management

  7. Reasons for Divergence in Definitions • Differences in fundamental values and organizational mandates • Addressing disaster management from different operational perspectives • Working in different parts of the disaster management spectrum

  8. Other Influences • Extensive body of disaster research literature • Emphasis on standards-based programs • Increased professionalism

  9. Student Activity • Which of these events had the most impact on the development of the emergency management profession? • SARA Title III, the end of the Cold War, increase in catastrophic disasters in the late 1980s to early 1990’s - Selves • development of Comprehensive Emergency Management doctrine – Canton

  10. Student Activity • Discuss: • Public administration model – Selves • New Emergency Management Model - Schneider

  11. Student Activity • Develop a list of terms you associate with emergency management • Compare with the “Emergency Management Functions as Defined by Various Organizations” • Discuss: • Do these terms really define emergency management?

  12. Student Activity • Discuss: • If emergency management is not defined by operational tasks, what are the unique characteristics by which it adds value to the community?

  13. Student Activity • POEM Working Group Definition • Emergency management is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters • Discuss: • How does this compare with your list of characteristics? • What are the implications of this definition?

  14. Student Activity • The Three Pillars of Emergency Management – Canton • Specialized body of knowledge –sociological research • Knowledge of historical disasters • Technical skill – managerial and professional • Discuss • Do these three elements support the POEM definition?

  15. Strategic Planning Model

  16. Student Activity • Discuss the ATT case study from Canton (2007) • Why is a vision statement important to a successful program?

  17. Student Activity • Six Strategies for Changing Relationship Variables - Youngs Reciprocity Commitment Social proof Likeability Authority Scarcity • Discuss: • How could these strategies be used to develop a vision statement?

  18. Student Activity • POEM Working Group Vision Statement • Emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters. • Discuss: • Does the vision address all CEM phases? • Is the vision at least theoretically achievable? • Does the vision articulate value-added to the community? • How would you revise the vision?

  19. Student Activity • Do the following vision and mission statements work support each other? • Vision Statement • The vision of the XXXX Communications Department is to be the international model recognized for leadership, professionalism and innovation in 911 public safety communications.

  20. Student Activity • Mission Statement • We, the members of the XXXXX Communications Department are committed to excellence in public safety, providing the linkage between the residents and visitors of XXXXX ‘s diverse city and its emergency services resources. We take pride in dedicating ourselves to professionalism and public service.

  21. Student Activity • Vision • The FIRESCOPE Vision is to lead in the development and enhancement of Fire Service partnerships in California and nationwide by promoting the use of common all risk management systems for planned and unplanned events through the innovative use of technology.

  22. Student Activity • Mission Statement • The Mission of FIRESCOPE is to (1) provide professional recommendations and technical assistance to the Director of OES (Office of Emergency Services) and the OES Fire and Rescue Branch … • And (2) maintain a system known as the FIRESCOPE "Decision Process”…

  23. Student Activity • Discuss: • Given that emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters, what elements might be included in a mission statement for the emergency management profession?

  24. Student Activity • POEM Working Group Mission Statement • Emergency management protects communities by coordinating and integrating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters

  25. Student Activity • Discuss: • Does this mission support the vision developed by the POEM working group? • How would you modify this mission to support a local emergency management program or an emergency management agency?

  26. Conclusion • Emergency management is a discrete function; it is not defined by operational tasks but by its managerial functions. • To be successful, emergency managers must understand and use basic management tools such as vision and mission statements to foster relationships and coordinate the activities of stakeholders.

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