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PE : Swimming and outside team sports.

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PE : Swimming and outside team sports.

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  1. LITERACY: Using the delightful illustrations & books of Michael Foreman, the children will have many opportunities to practise simple, compound & complex sentences with powerful verbs. They will then create their own stories. Non fiction work includes instructions and information texts that will touch on the topic work covered. Letters will be in the form of Christmas communications with our twinned school, in Gambia. We will write expressive poetry about WW1 and perform writing for the Harvest festival. We will develop our debating skills when discussing important school issues. Our History topic this term is Stone Age to Iron Age. We will discover how archeologists and historians know about this time in history, from artifacts and scientific techniques. We shall delve into the life that people led and the difficult challenges that they faced. The children will enrich this subject with fictional stories based at the time and examining the art of this fascinating period. Year 3 ICT: there will be a concentration on e-safety and using the internet responsibly, for research. We will look at networks, graphics and typing skills, all using iPads and laptops. SEAL: New beginnings and making friends. We shall look at celebrating our individuality as well as investigating what makes a great team. PE: Swimming and outside team sports. Music: Understanding and appreciating the intentions and emotions of the composer and music. Different genres and history. SCIENCE: In combination with our topic, we shall be looking at the development of animals and humans and their needs and physicality. We will also be looking at Geology, with volcanos and earthquakes. French: We will begin with conversational work and games covering age, colours, time, greetings and family. Numeracy: Counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number facts (involving money addition and subtraction problems and continuing to learn the times tables), data handling, measuring time and distance and sorting and identifying 2D and 3D shapes. Your child will have an individual target to aim for. Please help your child at home to reach this target and practise their x tables. ART: We shall be looking at drawing and painting techniques, including mixing and blending colours and applying them in different ways. We shall examine pre-historic art and investigate its meaning and methods and we shall create our own Stone-age cave painting. RE: How people talk and think about God, both as individuals and as communities, comparing Christianity other faiths.

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