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PSB Start-up 2014. K. Hanke for the PSB OP and Supervisor Team. MSWG 15/08/2014. KH. Key Dates. b eam to PS. e nd LS1. b eam to PSB. 13 May start cco 23 May DSO test 2 June beam injected 19 June first beam to PS 24 July first beam to ISOLDE. TODAY. b eam to ISOLDE. MSWG 15/08/2014.
PSB Start-up 2014 K. Hanke for the PSB OP and Supervisor Team MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Key Dates beam to PS end LS1 beam to PSB • 13 May start cco • 23 May DSO test • 2 June beam injected • 19 June first beam to PS • 24 July first beam to ISOLDE TODAY beam to ISOLDE MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Some Words on the Cold Check-out • with the end of the hw test period, the shutdown is over and there is no more access to the machine, except for emergency interventions; all maintenance work is supposed to be completed • point (1) was not respected by all equipment groups • the septum leak intervention “leaked” slightly into the cco period (but this is of course excused) • delayed items comprised: dump ventilation and cabling for dump ventilation; cabling for beam stoppers • otherwise the cco went reasonably well, and the allocated time was sufficient MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Start-up • beam permit signed Friday 30 May (after sorting out some fencing issues at the surface • Monday 2 June first beam injected into the BI line around lunch time • first beam (4E10) injected in R3, lost after 5 ms • afternoon small intensity accelerated in all 4 rings • Tuesday-Wednesday optimising injection, debugging instrumentation, RF setting up Monday Tuesday MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Beam Instrumentation Issues • no injection BPM acquisition available • no extraction BPM acquisition available; steering with screens • SEM grids vertical plane not working • some issues with applications • BLMs: many not working (still ongoing) • etcetc • long list of BI issues being worked on during the first weeks of operation MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Beam Instrumentation Issues injection trajectories ejection trajectories MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Other Problems • FGC3s had many issues • ISOLDE line bending magnets pulsing at wrong values, in particular BTY.BVT301 which switches between the two targets (only BIC prevented…) • access system: many issues concerning all machines, patrols lost, etc. • beam stoppers: cabling was not ready, which led to beam being dumped on the beam stoppers (not authorized) • cotton in the cooling circuits of the magnets, led to overheating of two magnets and tripped the MPS • short circuit on BT.BHZ10, longer intervention • BTY line quadrupole and steerers with inverted polarity • wrong alignment of the injection pick-ups • in particular for the safety relevant systems (e.g. ISOLDE bendings, beam stopper) the check out needs to be more rigorous, maybe signature? MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
Start-up Summary • first beam in the machine rapidly • controls reasonably OK, issues attacked as they arose; the CO dry runs and good preparation paid off • new LL RF successfully commissioned, RF specialists were working round the clock and did a great job • many, many issues, in particular related to BI • first beams prepared: ISOLDE; then a h1 for PS setting up followed by EAST, TOF, AD • today: we are at ~2600E10 for ISOLDE (nominal >3000); we have not yet SFTPRO, nor the LHC-type beams • 2 ½ months after first beam, we are still not at nominal performance • this gives us a first idea of what we have to expect after LS2 MSWG 15/08/2014 KH
2012 PSB Start-up K.Hanke for the PSB OP & SV team
2014 PSB Start-up http://www.darbaroud.com/en/