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信息重组. 中英文在句法结构 , 表达习惯等方面存在着很大的差异 . 因此要不得不注意摆脱原文的短语 , 子句甚至是句子在文中出现的顺序的束缚 , 大胆地进行信息重组 . 重组指句法层面 , 当然包括增减 , 拆句. We arrived in New York last night from Los angeles via Chicago by greyhound bus. 1 ). 2 ). 3 ). 4 ). 5 ).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 信息重组 中英文在句法结构,表达习惯等方面存在着很大的差异.因此要不得不注意摆脱原文的短语,子句甚至是句子在文中出现的顺序的束缚,大胆地进行信息重组. 重组指句法层面, 当然包括增减, 拆句..

  2. We arrived in New York last night from Los angeles via Chicago by greyhound bus. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 我们5)乘灰狗大巴3)从落杉机出发,4)途径芝加哥, 2)于昨晚1)到达纽约。 注:汉语中时间顺序十分重要。 中国进入了百年来发展最快最好 的时期 China enters a historical period with the fastest and healthiest development in this century. 注:抓句子的主干。

  3. 他不干,我干。 If he won’t make it, I will. Although he won’t make it, I will. Even if he won’t make it, I will. 注:增加表示逻辑关系的词,如:如果,假如,虽然….

  4. 1.我们非常荣幸和高兴地邀请国务院总理温家宝同中外记者见面 . 2.他们通过各种渠道向我提出许多问题、意见和建议,使我非常感动。 It is our great pleasure and honor to have Premier Wen Jiabao here with us to meet with Chinese and overseas media and to take up your questions I was given a lot of questions, ideas and suggestions through various ways, which moved me greatly.

  5. 3.去年这个时候,非典疫情的肆虐让人们忧心忡忡. 4.一个民族在灾难中失去的必将在民族的进步中获得补偿。 We worried about the spreading of SARS epidemic this time last year. what a nation lost to disasters will be compensated for in its progress

  6. 温家宝回答中外记者提问

  7. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越 • 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 The strong pass is a wall of iron, with firm strides we are crossing its summit . My journey is long and no ending, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.

  8. Good Afternoon! Ladies and Gentleman. It is our great pleasure and honor to have Premier Wen Jiabao here with us to meet with Chinese and overseas media and to take up your questions. To insure that more journalists have the opportunity to ask their questions. Please only ask one question. Now I would like to invite Premier Wen to make a few remarks.

  9. Good Afternoon! Ladies and Gentleman. It’s a great pleasure to see you again. First of all, I would like to extend my deep thanks to our people for their tremendous interest in the NPC and CPPCC sessions and in the work report on the government that I delivered myself. And they are also showing a lot of attention and interest in this press conference itself. They have been putting to me a lot of questions, ideas and suggestions through various channels which moved me greatly.

  10. So here I would like also to express my thanks to international friends who are showing interest and support to the development of China. Not long ago, I received a letter from more than 30 middle school students from a place called Topeka in Kansas the United States. In the letter, they asked about 54 questions which touched upon the various aspects of China’s political system, economic development, and various cultural and social characteristics. They also asked about my personal lives and hobbies. What food do I like? Do I practice GongFu? What size of shoes do I wear? That shows that these people are turning their eyes to China.

  11. So here I think I would like to select a couple of questions to address here as a token of my respect. A friend asked me to describe the work of the government for this year and in the future through prosodic lines. So here I would like to give two quotations of poems written by two great men. The first quotation is from Chairman Mao. He wrote in a poem : “The strong pass is a wall of iron, with firm strides we are crossing its summit.” And the other is from the ancient poet Qu Yuan: “My journey is long and no ending, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.” Thank you!

  12. I’m with CCTV. It was roughly about this time last year that the raging of SARS epidemic had many people seriously worried. The pressure you felt then as the new premier of China was probably unimaginably intense to the people in street. I remembered you often said what a nation lost to disasters will be compensated for in its progress. So my question is how would comment on the year that has just passed? You also remarked that a nation’s cohesion formed in the course of disastrous experiences will undoubtedly boost the unity and progress of that nation. Then, what do you see are the most outstanding problems we will face in China’s development this year? And what do you anticipate are the most difficult issues? Thank you!

  13. Last year, indeed, has been most extraordinary for China. Under the leadership of the CPC central committee and with concerted effort of the entire Chinese population. We won the important victory against the SARS and also scored obvious achievement in our economic and social development. These achievements have not come by easily. However, they are only a reflection of the past. So, here I want to add that a wise nation is the nation who is good at learning especially learning from problems and difficulties. So, what is important is not those achievements themselves, but rather the experiences, lessens, and inspirations we gained from these achievements.

  14. In terms of the work of the government for this year, we must have a sober mind. In security, we should never forget about the dangers. And in time of peace, we should always be alert to the potentials for chaos. That is, we should always keep high alert and on guard against potential risks and problems. And clearly understand the various difficulties and problems and may crop up in our way ahead. So the most important aspect of our work is to maintain stable and relatively fast economic growth. The most difficult issues we have to grape with related to agriculture, the rural area, and farmers. What I am most concerned about are those matters and issues that bear on the vital interest of our people, And our most fundamental responds to these problems is through reform, innovation, and forging ahead despite difficulties. So we have the confidence, the means, and we have the optimism that we will surely stand all new tests and never fail the expectation of the Chinese people.

  15. 您上一次访问美国期间,布什总统明确表示海峡两岸任何一方都不应该采取单边的行动,改变台海的现状,他也明确表示反对台湾将于下个星期举行的所谓“公投”,这个政策跟美国政府以往的政策稍有不同,您到底做了什么,让美国改变这样的政策?您拿什么“吓唬”了美国呢?为什么您认为美国方面或者是其他的外国在台湾问题上明确阐述立场对中国来说是重要的?是不是您认为,他们明确阐明了立场就会影响台湾将于下个星期举行的选举和公投的结果呢?

  16. The Taiwan question is a question left over from the civil war in China. It is an internal affair of China’s. And it will be eventually resolved by Chinese people ourselves.

  17. There is but one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan are parts of China. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of China allow no division. China’s sovereignty over Taiwan has been explicitly recognized in the Cairo Declaration and the Pros tan proclamation and it’s principle universally recognized by the international community. However, some people in the Taiwan authorities have been trying to push for a referendum aimed at Taiwan independence under the pretext of promoting democracy

  18. As a matter of fact, what they have been doing has undermined the one China principle, which is universally recognized in our world and posed a threat to the stability in the Taiwan Strait area. Under such circumstances, it is only nature that all responsible countries in the world which made clear their position on this question. Here I would like to express my appreciation of the position that President Bush openly articulated on 9th of December last year. And also I would like to express my appreciation for the solemn position expressed by various countries on this subject. I have to say that I didn’t use any kind of power or force to scare Mr. Bush in this process

  19. But I feel that such public statements about the commitment to the one China Policy by the United States and by other countries are in the interest of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. I hope that the United States and other countries will faithfully live by their commitment to one China and make due contributions for the maintenance of stability of the Taiwan Strait and peaceful unification of the Chinese motherland.

  20. I’m with Xinhua news agency. In the NPC and CPPCC sessions, some deputies and members voiced different opinions as to whether the Chinese economy is overheating. I wonder how do look at these questions? What macro-control measures will you adopt to prevent wild swings in China’s economy? I also noticed the personal interest on the questions relating to agriculture, the rural areas and farmers. And also last year you helped a particular farmer worker named Xiong Deming to get back her wage arias and this has let to a boom of getting back unpaid wages for farmer workers throughout the country.

  21. But, I have to way that many people are not as lucky as Miss Xiong Deming. Sometimes, they encounter problems and graveness that they can not resolve by themselves. Their last recourse is to petition to higher authorities or visit these authorities. I wonder how do you look at these social phenomena. Have you received any letters of petitions? And how did you handle them

  22. But, your first question is very good question. Indeed, I remarked on many occasions that at present the Chinese economy is at a critical juncture. On the one hand, last year, the economy has been growing very rapidly, with markedly better returns, and more dynamism in economic activities. But on the other hand, the deep sitted problems and imbalances in the economy, in the course of many years, have not fundamentally resolved. And new problems and imbalances keep cropping up in the process of rapid development.

  23. Such as excessive investment scale, shortages in energy transportation capacity, and important raw materials, and decrease in grain output for quite a number of years, and obvious trends of rising prices. All these problems must be addressed appropriately. And that presents a new and very big challenge and test to the government. And this test is no less severe than the SARS episode we had to deal with last year. If we exercise the right macro controls we will be able to steer the big ship of Chinese economy forward in a stable and relatively fast manner.

  24. But if we fail to manage the situation well, setbacks to the economy would be inevitable. So, therefore, we have to clearly understand the severity of these problems. At a time when market mechanisms are expanding their road in China and at a time when China is ever widely open to the outside world, macro-control is more difficult than ever. So, therefore, that requires us that we as government must exercise sound and effective macro-controls and at right times and with appropriate intensity.

  25. And we must appropriately address and to resolve outstanding problems and imbalances in our economic operation to ensure stable development of our economy. So, for second question, let me just make very brief remarks on it, the fundamental way to resolve the various problems and issues that affects the interest of our people are why in institution development, policies and laws.

  26. I’m with the Lian He Zao bao of Singapore. Recent years have witnessed the ever close relations between China and ASEON countries. And ASEON countries have started to see the benefits of the big market in China. And China might evolve into the largest economy in this century. But, under the current development model of China, China requires a lot of raw materials. So, my question is what impact will the peaceful rise of China have on the China’s relations with other countries in the region in long term prospective?

  27. 模拟表演 以2005年的温家宝记者招待会为材料, 来一次模拟表演.

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