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Hawaiian Immersion: Enhancing Visitor Experience

Dive deep into the local Hawaiian culture to create a more meaningful experience for tourists. Learn to empathize with their needs and feelings, observe their behaviors, and seek stories to enhance design solutions. Capture your insights effectively.

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Hawaiian Immersion: Enhancing Visitor Experience

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Are We Actually Doing This Week?

  2. Deepen the local Hawaiian experience for visitors.

  3. empathize: what?

  4. empathize: what? When you feel what the other person is feeling. When you can mirror their expression, their opinions, and their hopes.

  5. empathize: why?

  6. Look for needs that are meaningful to THEM, not to you.

  7. empathize:why? to discover people’s expressedand latent needs so that you can meet them through your design solutions.

  8. empathize:how? without judgment with a beginner’s eyes with curiosity optimistically respectfully

  9. empathize:how? • immerse • observe • engage

  10. immerse yourself in the situations and experiences your user has

  11. empathize:how? • immerse • observe • engage

  12. observe what your user is doing, how s/he is doing it, and what prompted the behavior

  13. empathize: how? • immerse • observe • engage

  14. what :: how :: why whatis this person (or persons) doing? Notice what is happening both with the person and the context he/she is functioning within. how are they doing it? pretend you are describing the picture to someone not looking at it. whyare they doing it this way? take a guess. start to form a story. then ask.

  15. empathize:how? seek stories talk about feelings ask “why”

  16. empathize is NOT: Thinking you are a user and can design from your experience Asking your user to design for you

  17. empathize:how? seek stories talk about feelings ask “why” capture your findings

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