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OPIC. What is OPIC?Created as an agency of the U.S. government in 1971, the mission of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (
1. Mexico - Enhanced Bridge Loan Repackage
Alexander Evans - Senior Commercial Counsel
2. OPIC What is OPIC?
Created as an agency of the U.S. government in 1971, the mission of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is to mobilize and facilitate the participation of United States private capital and skills in the economic and social development of less developed countries and areas, and countries in transition from nonmarket to market economies.
3. Form of OPIC Support OPIC accomplishes its mission through the provision of loans and guarantees and the issuance of political risk insurance for eligible transactions.
4. Eligibility At a minimum, in order to be eligible for OPIC support transactions must:
Have a commercially viable business plan and Sponsors with a successful track record;
Have sufficient U.S. nexus;
Take place in countries in which OPIC is open for support;
Involve projects that meet environmental, labor and human rights standards, as well as anti-corruption guidelines; and
Be developmental in nature and additional to the market.
5. OPIC Housing Program Four essential components of OPICs housing program:
Mortgage Finance;
Land Development and Construction;
Lease Purchase Finance;
Mortgage Securitization including Mezzanine Finance; and
Workforce housing.
6. OPIC Housing Objectives To support affordable homeownership for local families ($10,000 to $50,000)
To fill gaps in local funding sources
To partner with private companies wherever possible
To support implementation of government policies through the private sector
7. OPIC Capital Markets Program PRI inconvertibility and transferability
Financial guarantee wrap up to 75% of the total issuance
Senior/Sub structure 75%/25% - OPIC covers 100% of senior bonds, all risk guaranty
Mezzanine financing direct loan program
U.S. institutional investors must purchase at least 25% of the covered bonds
Risk share with monoline insurance company
8. OPIC Capital Market Program Criteria Shadow/provisional rating required
Pricing dependent upon OPIC value added
New originations or existing portfolios (must reinvest in new mortgages)
Local currency securities acceptable, with dollar cap on OPIC Guaranty
OPIC policy criteria may apply
9. Standard Terms Loan term
Amortization of up to 15 years, 20 years on limited basis
Amount of OPIC participation
$100k to $250 million per project
60% debt to 40% equity (mortgage programs may vary)
A spread over relevant U.S. Treasury, plus transaction fees
Limited recourse financing
Reliance on mortgage cash flows and mortgages as collateral
Repurchase or first loss provision usually required
10. Recent OPIC Guaranteed Transaction OPIC-Enhanced VFN Program: Reforma BLN-Backed I (the Issuer) issued Variable Funding Notes (VFN) backed by eligible underlying Bridge Loan Notes (BLN). Underlying BLNs are senior notes structured to BBB+/BBB global local currency ratings benefiting from subordination (via mezzanine notes and/or overcollateralization) and excess spread.
BLNs backed by Mexican land, infrastructure, and low income residential construction loans (bridge loans) as collateral
Issuer may only purchase BLNs that comply with the predefined eligibility criteria
All BLN and VFN cashflows are in Mexican Pesos
OPIC Guaranty denominated and capped in U.S. dollars
BLNs and VFNs function like revolvers. The outstanding balance of the VFNs is adjusted by draws under and prepayments of the underlying BLNs
Program Size: Maximum program size is Mexican Peso equivalent of US$330MM
Program expected to ramp up to maximum facility amount in next 18 months
11. Introduction Partial Credit Guarantee: OPIC provides a guaranty of 75% subject to US$250,000,000 cap.
Upon the occurrence of an event of default on an underlying BLN, OPICs guaranty will cover timely interest and ultimate principal under each underlying BLN.
Pass-through Interest Rate: All underlying notes are indexed to TIIE (i.e. floating rate coupon resetting monthly). Underlying BLNs interest passed through to VFN investors.
Final Maturity: VFN has six year revolving period, followed by two year amortization period.
Eight year legal final maturity.
12. Structure Chart
13. Cash Flow/Credit Support The Program issues VFNs collateralized by senior BLNs from a number of construction loan securitization facilities underwritten by Deutsche Bank
Underlying BLNs are rated BBB+/BBB and each benefit from subordination and/or overcollateralization
OPIC provides a 75% guaranty at VFN level
14. Terms and Conditions
15. Terms and Conditions (continued)
16. VFN Mechanics The diagram below assumes that there will be a total of five underlying BLNs in the Program
The diagram below provides an illustrative example of the overall utilization of the Reforma Program
The outstanding balance of the VFNs is adjusted by the (i) draws and (ii) pay downs of the underlying BLNs during each collection period
17. Transaction Overview
Commitment Termination Triggers
Collateral Requirements
Sofol/Sofom specific Eligibility Criteria
Developer specific Eligibility Criteria
Underlying Bridge Loan Notes Events of Default
Reforma-Level Events of Default
18. Conclusion OPIC-Enhanced VFN Program Benefits. The Program should be beneficial for the market for a variety of reasons:
Addresses need for affordable housing in Mexico.
Supports construction finance by small and mid-size developers and Sofoles with less access to capital on flexible terms.
Promotes adherence to international standards relating to environment, health, safety and anti-corruption.
Variable funding structure addresses a gap in the market.
Allows risk diversification within singular industry.
Allows investors with credit lines full on individual issuer names to purchase more BLNs.
Allows investors with credit lines full on Mexico to purchase more BLNs with primary exposure to OPIC (US Government entity).
Improves market liquidity.
Helps eliminate inefficiencies in the market.
Promotes local currency, Mexican BLNs.
19. Transaction Parties
20. More Information For more information, finance applications and contact information, visit our website:
To discuss your project, please contact
Alexander Evans Senior Commercial Counsel
(202) 336-8705
Debra Erb Director of Housing Programs
(202) 336-8472