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Designing A Webquest

Designing A Webquest Created by Lynne Schalman and Steve Bergen The Original Teaching Comapny Establish Technical Skills Copying and Pasting the URL into a word processor or email Copying and Pasting graphics and text Correct Saving (into webquest folder) using the Rule of 3 or 4

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Designing A Webquest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Designing A Webquest Created by Lynne Schalman and Steve Bergen The Original Teaching Comapny

  2. Establish Technical Skills • Copying and Pasting the URL into a word processor or email • Copying and Pasting graphics and text • Correct Saving (into webquest folder) using the Rule of 3 or 4 • Correct Attributions

  3. Choose a Topic • Explore other webquests • See webquest index page of Teaching Company • http://www.teachingcompany.com/Webquest2.html • Go to www.google.com or www. altavista.com • Enter a topic or keyword plus the word webquest • for example at Altavista, type "genetics" +webquest or Macbeth webquest • Go to Bernie Dodge's Suggestion list and read his Task Design Sheet

  4. Topic Considerations • Read Bernie Dodge's Taxonomy of Tasks • Consider the final project: a special hook • a mock trial • a newspaper • a Powerpoint or Hyperstudio presentation • a persuasive speech on a soapbox • a creative design or project • a town council meeting • a debate • a fictional journal • a documentary

  5. Using the Webquest Template • Bernie Dodge Original webquest page • Training Materials has webquest information and design help • Template page has a variety of formats and styles • Choose "Save this file to disk" to download • Unzip or Unstuff the files into a folder created for the webquest • Read Anatomy of Webquest Template

  6. Working with Dodge Template • Edit with Netscape Composer • Download from www.netscape.com • Frontpage or PageMill • MS Word • Do not use Clarisworks • view the edited files in Netscape Navigator (have both Navigator and Composer open in separate windows)

  7. Working with Dodge Template • first open application (Composer, etc.) • then open first file: top.htm to enter the title • then open Introduction.htm, task.htm, process.htm, etc • The file "index.htm" is the most important file in the template folder. Do not touch it. Its preset functions control the placement of all the templates and their various parts. • all files that begin with "T" are for the teacher page

  8. Graphics with Dodge Template • Remember to correctly attribute source • Save graphics in the "Images" folder within the webquest folder • Use the Save image as or Download file to disk feature when importing graphics from the web (Do not Copy Images) • Go to www.ditto.com • For copyright friendly images, go to Pics4Learning or www.3dtextmaker.com

  9. Try a different Template • Try www.kiko.com • Register and then explore the available templates • Click on webquest to view online templates • Use the wizlets menu to create interactive test questions, games and other activities

  10. Find Resources • Explore the curriculum links at Summercore • http://www.teachingcompany.com/CurrLinks.html • Differentiate between a search engine and a search directory • Explore Searchenginewatch for searching tips • Read Summercore Primer Chapter 14 • Go to a school oriented index page • Awesome library • Blue Web or Teachers First

  11. Saving Your Links • For remote access to favorites, try www.backflip.com • Save links in the file "Mylinks.htm" found in the "Myfiles" folder-open this page with composer to add entries • Drag URLs from one window onto the Mylinks page • For direct entry onto the template, use the Link feature in your software

  12. Posting • The entire folder of the webquest must be ftped to the server or posted on the intranet • the start page is index.htm or index.html

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